? .1 Í Q twenty years ago that Las never been Look Upon This Picture surj ¿.ss-ed for fleetness of motion ; but she was no: suitable for a cruiser be­ FLbHEV D. C, I1XUÏD 4 cause her coal, boilers and engines X ftfcZU were about her load, leaving small facilities for guns and little room for the ;rew. It is not a light task to de- s;gn a steam vessel that will be very rapid and yet have room for officers, <>* MM:. p: 27 lS«ò ¿rew. and stores when her machinery, cand battery are in position. The <.v jjtt rr.t.vr mittee de- gners of the Mayflower and Gala­ a:.»irr : ■; - regarding tea might fail entirely in an attempt wheat ia the Pacific northwest 1 OCff- t design a fast steam cruiser for the navy. rrapoaadeat oí the Reporter aays FRONT VIEW We met Senator J. W. Watts at I atr. wwry I at . d : give v -j m. re ex­ act data out I sha hare the field Newberg on Friday He made the : ■ • . c trip by railway and seemed to enjoy » are.* — sy-ien. ai ri» «.'■ clue O.ir ware! that part f the programme as of par­ t fa - :.»• : * - ■ ?:»:- tat- any amount importance to the people. acute :r. :- agr re ? re rea e it t be He leaned Now nght th -re .? where we want to stay and listen to the a i - - y 8 every P. >: H a Oregon to si.-, k a ;.r. A Clarke, of the Farmer, but was <. -mpelled to return to Lafayette on " you MMMt Us ■ n tf..> a- ,n very a.any -:ber matters the 3 30 train. The address was of d-ep interest and significance to the IT.!» We farmer Mr Clarke preached a prac- »•> working for the beat inters?: • of :: al -erm n t ■ the people, upon topics the country and aak your ?upp>rt -uggestive in themselve- and appro­ priate t- the times. i»a«ed up-n an ex­ pert experience and a very discreet A • -» paign c -simittee Men s Suits front . • up. and Bovs’ Sa from $3 up. NO SHODDY. • - - • .: Mr Latouretle will hare to suffer amputa- In Yamhill County. JIS. m ’ cain . tk.n of h .- nght leg He was driving Í McCain & Hurley, t, hi» w »od land Dear