j The Da tty Reporter. , , , • J • - . -UA- ‘ . ‘ » A *i ■***•«-- - ■ I I • First National Bank, —• I). C. IRRLAND A CO. PUBLISHERS, McMinnville, Or. - Sept. 25, 1886 NOTICE TO LITIGANTS Legal advertising at this office costs the litigant no more than the same space costs the business man. Fifty cents per inch (solid minion type) per month. There is an average of one hundred words to the inch. Count it up for yourselves, and send your or­ ders to this office. . v /: hs and notes . Commissioner Sparks on a case ap­ pealed from Dakota. He rules that a —OF— crop is not necessary. M c MINNVI g LE, - - . . OREGQg The president and his wife reached J acob W ortman .............. Presia»., Washington on the 22d. The outing l ?' P' T hompson , .......... Vice-pre«^ has given Grover a sort of Raphael J ohn W ortman ...................... Cashier tint while Mrs. Cleveland looks fresh Transacts a General Banking business and happy. The president’s gun, Interest allowed on time deposits. when he fired at a buck, served him a, Collections made on favorable terms. Exchange and Telegraphic Transfer good deal like some of his votes did ;] od Sight New York, San Francisco and Portland I knocked him end over end by its kick. I office hours—from 9 a. m. to 4 p. rn. I Plans and specifications have been ; sent to Elijah Smith, for completion! of the gap in the railroad line between J JOIIX WOKTNAA Blue Mountain and Centerville, and' Represents the following sterling eompat also between Riparia and Colfax, with jes; s:^ London* Liverpool . ___ , ., Norti w A Globe, bridge* across Snake river, ft is nowi^fhjsh A MercaiUile. Commercial l’a( FIRE INSURANCE hi» riin-’ ---------- X Oregon Short line frame trains will will be run- J Nevada, State investment, Scientists are not needed in Charles­ ning through Walla. Walla. Wheat insurance a specialty. | ton just now as much as money and food. Mrs. H. P. Stuart, The drift of things in Europe seems FASHIONABLE —OF— U> be in the direction of sneezing on the part of all the powers, because the Wiilrnery, Dressmakmg, czar takes snuff'. FANCY GOODS. TRITIVI INGS, NO­ TIONS, ETC. The public printer Benedict is a rat. Just Received at I Hair Weaving and Stamping Printers will know what this means, Done to Order. and will not thank the administration