AILY REPORTER > SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1886. Tran Hand. he Daily Reporter. ROSS LOGAN. BILL LOOAN. WATT HENDERSON. LOGAN BROS. & HENDERSON, I in the PostofHce at McMinnville for Proprietors of the old established and well «mission Through the Mails as Sec- known I Class Matter. >1 <• >1 inn v il 1 furnish tine Carriages, Hacks and Saddle Horses, and everything in the Livery hire, in good shape at reason­ able fates. In addition to first class outfits in LIVERY, TIIVCKINC) A rEAlHIN«, PRICE TWO CENTS. W. T. BAXTER. F. J. MARTIN. New Firm, New Goods, New Prices At the New Store of Successors to Al. HUSSEY, Third street, McMinnville. Oregon. We keep a wagon specially adapted to the delivery of parcels, trunks satchels, etc., for the accomodation of the public. Orders left at the stable will be promptly attended to at reasonable rates. TRANSIENT STOCK left with ns will receive the best of care and at­ A new. neat and clean stock. Everv article Logan Bros. & Henderson. A No. 1. Fruit Jars. Butter Crocks, (Vdored ¿Services at the M. E. church to- tention. Glassware, Cutlery, Cased Goods, To­ morning and evening,as usual. bacco, Pipes and Cigars. M c M innville Dr. Harrington, P. E., of Portland dis­ trict will preach in the evening. Sub­ ject of morning discourse, “ A wise choice.” Everybody kindly invited. H. PiSatchwell, pastor. Fra F iw E uk Business College, Freeh Trutt and Vegetables in Beason. Give me a call. Inspect inv stock, and 1 will guarantee prices to suit you.' Cor. 3d and C Streets, OVER YAMHILL COUNTY BANK. Will open October lit, IXSfi. Attention is respectfully invited to this Third street, opposite the Marble works. BUSINESS SCHOOL. Mrs. G. II. (ionlet, .(O)-------- HE CLOTHIERS OF ■AM ¡I ILL CO Third St.. Opposite YAMHILL CO. BANK. D on ’ t F orget the P lace , —Where you will— WAYS FIND Its facilities for thorough practical instrno­ MoMinnville. - - Oregon. tion: aotnal business department a specialty Will sell present «took below cost, to where currency, bank check, drafts, etc., are make room for fall used. Class, or private instruction day or evening. College Journal sent free on ap TtlLLIVEKV plication. . C. F. H oughton . Prin. P. O. Box 101. C. J. P aine , Sec. To which she invites the ladies inspection. What goodB I have I represent as they are. and the goods will speak for themselves M uh . A. M c D onald . M inh K. T hornton Fashionable Dressmaking. In Mrs. H. P. Stuart’s Millinery Store, OPPOSITE GRANGE HALL. M c M innville O regon . CITY MARKET, Family Grocery Store r Third Street, McMinnville. Oregon. L. ROOT, Proprietor, Dealer in All Fresh Goods, Groceries. Flour, Eicon, and Glassware and Crockery. t-S?“ Goods delivered to purchasers,*in the city W. F. BANCA88ER, Propr. TEST STYLES ■ Successor to Bangasaer A Son. Baugasser’s building Cor. B and Third streets. Here is where you can get your money*» worth in lshiug Goods of all kind, and above Beef, Pork, Mutton, Sausage. Tripe E LOWEST PRICES. Also agents and everything >n the line of meats, of the beet quality the country affords. Alto the n«ville Woolen Will, Best of Bolognas. a fall line of all goods made by ebrated mills. Give ma a <*11 and be satisfied. •I .st W. F. BANGAMIR. MlhR MAY VMHHRY. Shadden & Vessey, Fashionable Dressmakers j^TThe Taylor System of Cotti ng and Flt- ting employed. Third street, Next to Bishop A Kay’s store, MeMlnavillo. Or. I