Th® Daily Reporter. D. C. IRELAND A CO. PUBLISHERS, McMinnville. Or. Sept. 24, 1880 NOTICE To LITIO A NTS I/cgal advertising at this office costs the litigant no more than the same space costs the business man. Fifty eeiivs per inch (solid minion type) p i month. There is an average of on" hundred words to the inch. Count it up for yourselves, and send your or­ ders to this office. HOME NEWS AND NOTES. First National Bank, and Third streets. There need be no bull-dozing, no captiousness ; it is sim­ —OF— ply a matter of mutual interest and M c M innville , - ORD benefit alike to all concerned, includ­ J acob W ortman . ...... Presk ing the railway company ; but if the D. P. T hompson , Vice-preadeni fl ............Cashif-.J latter proposes to rear up on its dig­ J ohn W ortman nity and ask the people what they pro­ Transacts a General Banking business. pose tn do about it, then we are in Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections made on favorable terms. favor of retaliation. It is shameful Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Tranifafl the way things are allowed to exist in on New York, San Francisco and Portland. “ Office hours—from H a. iu. to 4 p. m. th>- c y, in this respect, and it is time 4^ for a change. Let us have one: Pear«*d>l.v if possible, forcibly if we JOHN UOKTDAY must. Represents ipresents the following sterling oompu ----------- ----------------- - — ’ ’■ A *- ’ ■—~—1 A ' Cl/ London Liverpool Globe. Nor1.- ( Advertisers can take their choice,, ies: v sh A ,t Mercantile r... British Mercantile. Cninmarmal Commercial Unia eit'ne: daily or weekly, at the same old Fire Association, German American, Fin a ’s Fund, Hartford, Commercial, Angk j rate. No advance in the price. We’ve man Nevada, State investment. Wheat insurance a specialty. come to stay, if von say so. OOt edg Mrs. H. P. Stuart, are FASHIONABLE I con —OF— der FIRE INSURANCE'S 1 Something betides a complimentary ticket is necessary to secure notes of the conclave at St. Louis. A peculiar oversight on the part of the conclave, was that of making no arrangement for the accommodation of the press. Millinery, Dressmaking, The newspapers can probably take FANCY GOODS, TRIMMINGS, NO. care of themselves, but the oversight TIONN, ETC. will cause somewhat of a dearth in Hair Heating and Stamping Done to Order. * items. There is a big excitement over back Opposite the Grange store, McMinn villa, Or. of Vancouver in consequence of the supposed discovery of a rich silver mine. Every man who has not steady­ work. and some who have, are en route or already there, staking out claims and guarding them with shot guns. A trail h ad-« to within six miles of the canqii No reliable reports have yet been received. Schilling. Momeini’scoachman, who in an unhappy and unguarded mo­ HEADERMIA BROM. ment, listem-d to the blandishments of Ample room to care for horses. Livery his employer's daughter and allowed teams at as reasonable rates as any where in a wanton eye and a siren tongue to Oregon. New «table Third St., McMinnville. disturb the happy course of his easy A. 1>. Howard, II. I>. life and lure him into an alliance that interfensi with the realisation of all PHYSICIAN and OPTICIAN. All defects of the eye- his proper ambitions, is to-day a street­ sight,namely,Presbyopia, car conductor, tied to a bell-punch, I CITY » while the siren has eloped with anoth­ er victim Instead of the choice din­ ners which the loving eook prepared for him, he eats a «mid and hurried lunch in the barn and washes it down with men* beer instead of champagne. A coachman should pause and re­ flect before he commits his promising life to a giddy and flirty child of wealth. STABLES Myopia, Hypermetropia, Diplopia ¡when glasses are req aired to correct the Corner Third and B streets MCMINNVILLE - - BBMlfl New house! New furniture! UnatnOMM in the country Kates—fl to $2 pet cording to room. Single meals 25 «of^fl Lodging, 25 to 50 cents according to ran -■=«=: Board and Lodging, to f 6, per week. Tt !| Fine Sample Rooms for commercial maM Give me a call and see for yourself. ^^fl A. H. GACTT Ji W. J. OABBIHON. ----- AT THE----- EURISK0 MARKEld ® I Where the best of meats can always be and at the most reasonable prices, the loin of beef is divided with our ci era. Meats done up in the latest and good weights given. Give ns a .( Yours truly,--------------------------- __ W. J. Carrison AC FASHIONABLE MxtJPl Direct from New York C. D. J0RNHON. S. C. FOBCK. JOHNSON & FORCE. Buy Fashionable Goods Fron * - manvfactukkbs or— It will soon be time for a municipal First-Class election in this city. We should like WAGONS, HACKS^BUWIES. CABBIAGES, to see a council chosen that would compel the improvement of streets, btrt>et, b«tw*«n Third und Fourth. sidewalks, and especially H street, and rn*p<_

*nting Repairing a the railroad croesings on First, 8econd bpecialty. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed. GlVg U8 a CALL. Head-quarters of Fashion j