Th© Oarty Reporter. I D. C. IRELAND A CO. PC RUSH EKS. McMinnville, Or. - Sept. 24, 1886 I The daily Reporter will be the means of improving the weekly Reporter fully ■alf Make a note of this. I C. W. Talmage has fixed his office ■p in nobby style.. I H. Sawyer, of Palouse, is in jne city, visiting relatives. I The rain is welcome, but it will in­ terfere with the fair at. Newberg we fear. B Remember the sale of T. W. Board- Bian opposite the post office in this Bity to-day. I S. A. Manning A Co. sold two of jjjheir largest and best stoves to Dayton Beop'le yesterday. I Why not organize a rod and gun Blub in this city. We have some ex- Bert marksmen here. I City Marshal Kauffman fs getting Beady to let the corporation light shine for all belated citizens. I M rs. Madden was in the city yester­ day with Mrs. Casey. She will return Bo Portland to-morrow. I Coffee in Frisco to-day is from a Bent to a cent and a half in advance ¿over prices of ten days ago. B The shooting match at Collard’s is lively. Some of the best shots in Ore­ gon have entered for the prizes. I Al Hussey has returned from his trip the mountains minus elk,bear,deer, but of grouse bountifully supplied. I Part of the Salem'postoffice has been Bioved over to McMinnville. The The next thing to come will be the State fair. i0 McMinnville hasn’t any population Recording to Polk's Annual, but she Bas some of the meanest sidewalks in Oregon. I Hodsons are so busy al home that Abey cannot find time to go into neigh- iibring cities and towns for jobs of work at present. ■ Chas. Grissen and family have been apff'ering the torments of miserable tplds for nearly two weeks, but are now recovering. ■ S. A. Manning A Co. have men at Work upon buildings in Monmouth «nd McCoy. McMinnville ¡swell rep- Bsented in adjoining towns. I A city carp pond has been dug at the intersection of Third and B streets Fresh fish at the Eurisko market all planked and fine ; but the water in Tuesdays and Thursdays. is so bad the fish can't live there. Choice uneolored and English break­ Henry Carlin has been quite sick for some time past, having passed fast tea 50 cents a it», at the bakery. Those hats at half the marked through the mumps and a touch of fever but is now improving somewhat. price at Miss Russ' millinery store are Gov. Moody has designated 0. C. going off’ rapidly. Old school books rebound and made Beekman, of Jacksonville, a regent of the state University, to fill a vacancy good as new for half the price of new caused by the death of Rev. E. B. ones by J. C. Cooper. Rioting continues in Belfast. Caus­ Geary. ed bv the arrest of two drunken men Horatio Cooke, one of the pioneers in the Oregon state militia, is being at first who undertook to take the city, court martialed in Portland for con­ the riots have culminated in a regu­ duct unbecoming an officer and a gen­ lar and purely religious tight. Three prizes are to be shot for at tleman. The coming state fair will probably Collard’s gallery. One is a handsome be held either at McMinnville or near Winchester rille, 2d a box of cigars ; 3d Portland. The ball is rolling; and a silver dollar. Call and take a shot. the wheels have been ordered for the Mr. Collard will give you all particu­ lars. carriage. Subscribe for the Roporter, and pay John Berry returned from an eight for it when you subscribe, and we will days trip to big Nestucca yesterday. He brought fifty-seven large salmon pledge ourselves to give you more home with him. They went oil’ like news, for less money, than any other paper in the Willamette valley. The hot cakes at the bakery. Mrs. Bushnell expects to return to Daily will help the weekly 1(M) per her eastern home next week. Leav­ cent. See if it don’t. ing this city on Monday accompanied The origin of chestnuts as a term by Miss Belle Johnson, she will visit applied to jokes is uncertain, but. th® in Portland a few days, then start over word nutmeg.likely to become popular, land. originated recently in newspaper row, A great deal of complaint comes to Washington. It arose in this manner. us, say.-, the Welcome, of crooked A correspondent for one of the Balti­ work and jockeying at the Salem fair. more morning papers wrote a para­ Some of the eases rend like barefaced graph, in which it was related that an robberies if affidavits cod’d be obtain old lady friend called upon Senator ed to support the statement. Gorham when suffering from an at­ The most remarkable phase v .” the tack of acute neuralgia, to which th® recent earthquake is the exposun. of senator was frequently subjected. the utter ignorance of the scientists as Upon learning this the old lady regards the cause of such phenomena; recommended him to get an ordinary When it comes to the scratch, the as­ nutmeg, drill a hole through, and at­ tute savant does’nt know much more tach it to his neck with a string, and about things than the rest of us. wear it continually. The senator had When the fool killer shall have no faith in the cure, but having prom­ brought the work of his office up to ised the old lady to give her simple date and hung up his reeking snicker­ remedy a trial, procured a nutmeg, snee, there will be no republicans sup­ hung it about his neck next to the porting democrats for congress because skin, and has worn it ever since. This they voted against the Morrison tariff occurred years ago,andjthe senator has hill. not been troubled with neuralgia sine® (1. P. Church. Services al II a. m. he adopted this aromatic amulet, .ft and 7 :30 p. m. Subject for forenoon was a dull night on the row when discourse: “Some lessons from the this nutmeg story was sent off’ It has recent earthquake disaster at Charles­ gone the rounds of the leading news­ ton, S. C.” Subject for evening dis­ papers and is still traveling in the course : “The saving power of knowl­ provinces. The boys of the row are edge." Sunday school 9 :30 a. m. All pleased with the great success of the are cordially invited and made wel­ nutmeg story, and now when they de­ come to these services. T H. Hen­ sire to characterize any apocryphal derson, Pastor. statement they say, “this is a nutmeg.”