The Daily Reporter. editorial Look Upon This Pict# NOTES. Oil is ■» slippery article to corner, bat the speculators manage to do it. The Galatea has not the point« of Hale«. ?*» '«rrwprt meet ••oer.» the flowers that bloom in the spring, Vveatc«" ja Saturday. tra la.’’ rt-ieJa <\.r»i . • By Vs-_ -Jweu prr Moutt In Kdv»noe. It seems strange that fall bonnets Run tar <4»erti*ifig should continue to grow higher and * he .-..»ór «atasfantary t.< sii ippaasr.ts. higher M.M m <»r It begins to look as if Coachman S< hilling were M ro-inned against • ri A AND FL<»Tt than sinning Or aker- in every department of : vs.- * ''.lid d<. well to take seats away hack behind the audience. They are t.> t wanted this year. Nt a. Ikjw will have to set as many different day.« for ‘ smashing the re- ,.r party’ the Millerites have for the final “smashing of ;'t*MB • - i P^ONT VIEW ttiif s III v . . r.r; New York city, almost directly under ih.««e that he occupied flour. and a .- rushing the construction q’Uintity At NIR Mr Villard will not hri v iljr on prie reach the city until the middle of ».C> 1.» * * • s.x s * >' S far as known, his hu-i- >».<*» . K. »òrcigii flour, sn ................. aa the representative < H « >r*l Ihr • \ en t*v of London, Be:'.n . at k and a.- >f <»»> a After which can ■- K. J. A take a look a: the e The deficit in ThinS Strt*e: McMwnüe »re^un. the ■•tbrr pen will snake the total Sgeli Trie.-shir.. dimn« y 1 tMM’.ieetcrs B\ the Wav, r/iA .4 77 Do yoo realise the a< >4 7Æ FURNITURE HOUSE the aS*“ a ■ «. x ed) a ch.-stnut it «ays The fair is n.-r, and the In Yamhill County. •ecu j»a! . •: to ro «nai kicker .s g «ne Tf»« big sqiias th, Ir.ige tum.-j». and the entry juilt have ail! fiorai ret rei fr «m Susine«, th, su, ter | cn>; as bei han sted. the tin boms hair ur r.f ,*ward>. as»4 Male* as her - " • . »wall I have U» find with the fair I> lie • or 1-. ng .in • nes- and lack Burial Robe* and *hroud« rsviy ► is nothing ne« under < onMaiitlv on Hand i-b, su a; the »aale fair There Hear*e Fiirniahrd. o a fU,.: •>. «aio»-ne«s atw*ai it The «ame wfl tr.»cws a> dug up and F&Sor and Chamber Suite wxaùe io fie w-rvice io«- afte- kinfiy*: devio-« «nd Muaaraara« TC» ORDER at price, wticb defy all Munpetitton. the s*nv evrrrth -■ g I ’• «1st. Make a paraha«* until you pnoe my «took. .-s a chefs net Undertakers Goods 0*» P F ■ • J • The Largest H. FFI.I.OM M. shingly low pncJ APPERSONS. 1 Men s Suits from ? • ip. and Boys’ si from -V' up. NO SHODDY. I K HCBufl JAS m ’ caix . McCain &. Hurley, 4TTORNE1 *. IT-L iW 4>D WOT IRll * Pl BI Lafayette. Omcon. Especial attent-oa paid to t bst rwets of 1 and aettierre: t of esaatea ru probate (.Vffice Jail baijnnu. up stairs : • ■J C. H. FLEMING. Proprietor S"ree«* .• to A. C Wyndham ladies and chi’.dret’s wart a specialty I strìe of Hair Curale de«rod.witk Hair dyeing x t.i r .-naa^B Fancy ha.r dress_x- * sjenalty. BsH col«', hath« always ready. at.'y 15 m. street bciweec C and D XeJRtztv. e. O’M