¿-s « - •* . -w,..- "^ey..-~w wt -Trz.tw a'viniM; L-*. ■ T*e Da *y Reporter a pein under i jfcMINNVItXE. ;• e:ar* ei . . ■; 4*b Fw*r . Jf— OK» ned." which recit-| , ~ J acob W ortman . • - • ■ • Presidd x : ar. - ik . Lar- jj p T hompson , • ice -presid J s poem was 1- J”Hx W ortmax .............. Caghi F ■ . - ’ --ph •: Austria. a Generai ¿¿&’ --tment. Wheat insurance a specialty. I County Bank STABLES, Yamhill M c M innville - - okegon . S TÀ 1 'I’-shleel J. C. B raly ....................... W.D.M<-Dox alii . J r ................ Secretar) C lark B raly .....................................Caahit I y Transacts a general Banking Business. Co lections made on favorable terms Exchange on Le.dd A Tilton. Portland. 0 Interest allowed on time deposits. A- I Hi \ III RMH > c a ■» X. Ik KKOx. * T. < HA RLE* HOTEL r MULTNER. Prep.. Corner Third and B streets. Anyaa rxwck u c^r* f.-r horses. Livery - - ohegm I I à ie-.E l : - kbb retee -.« an. where in nt HINN VII.I.F Newhouse! New furniture’ Unsurpasnel x x- a : f i : rt -- iieMinnvilh m the country Rates—$ to $2 per datai cording to room. Single meals 25 centi % I». flow a rd. >1, I). Lodging. 25 to 50 cents aceordii.g to rwA Board and Lodging. $4 to . per week. Til Fine Sample Rooms for commercial mol . X AXD OPTICIAN Give me a call and «r-e for yourself. W. a . h . gaott . GlKKIbON. ----- AT THE------ EURISKO MARKET »"•<* . CLOTHING- X. *». V M< »> < V ---------------------------------- ---- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mi nert the best of meats can -¿way« befoul and at the most reasonable prices. wheB the loin of beef is divided with our custodi ere. Meats dene up in the latest stykB anr good weights given. Give us a call.M Youre truly. w. J. Carrison A Cc * FASHIONABLE M illiner ^ Direct from Ne» York. HIT a vj *. B».«r FORCE. Biv Fashionable Goods From ìli Head-ouarrers of Fashion. lib F. E. MY ML McViaawill», •»■