[The Oaîîy Reporter. c. IRELAND A CO. PUBLISHERS. Minnville. Or Sept. 23, 1886 ■}ide walk lumber for sale at this of- )PR trains now run to the bridge josite Albany. J ■ H. (look is expected here from Ci li ornia soon. ■ Newberg fair begins this a. in. Lasts til) Saturday p. m. flihe attendance at the bee-keepers fleeting was small. ■ Fresh fish at the Eurisko market fliesdays and Thursdays. ■ (’hoice uncolored and English break­ flit tea 50 cents a tl>. at the bakery. I Those hats at half the marked ■ice at Miss Russ’ millinery store are fling oH’ rapidly. I Farmers who were so fortunate as to ■ive their summer fallow seeded re- Ibiced to see the big rain drops fall. I Shad from the Columbia, which leighed over live and a half pounds Ruh, were received in Portland this ■eek. I The boys in Yamhill county have Ipples this fall to throw at. the birds, ■lock is altogether too large for the Remand. I J. H. Lambert, one of the leading fruit growers of Oregon, is in the city, On a visit to his daughter Mrs. E. L. E. White. I Sunday evening service al St. James Church will be omitted on Sunday next as Mr. Fair has an afternoon appoint- Bient in the country. I The funeral of Mr. Pettigrew was largely attended yesterday. The cere- hiony was conducted under the au- jpices of the Masonic fraternity of ■hich he has long been an active member. I Hon. Andy Shuck has been expelled pom the committee in daily attend­ ance upon the building of Cook’s Intel. He has been tardy on several h-caaions, and yesterday allowed a lit- Je rain to keep him away until after­ loon. Portland complains that the wool of muthern Oregon, and likewise most t>f the trade of that region goes to Cali­ fornia. Southern Oregon complains that no eTort is made by Portland hither to buy her wool or to gain her trade. Judge Deadv has ordered that thirty Old school books rebound and made good as new for half the price of new grand jurymen be summoned for the United States district court to appear ones bv J. C. Cooper. The McMinnville Public schools October 19th. are now well organized and work The mayor of Charleston is appro earnestly begun. The teachers are hensive of much sickness for want of Prof. J. A. Price, Mrs. Mathews, Miss shelter for the houseless people there. Mary E. Martin and Miss Carrie Mark. They had another shake up Wednes­ Parents are especially invited to at­ day morning. tend and encourage the school. In Berlin 150,000 people live on We very much dislike to spoil a charity. Divorces are equal to fifteen good item, but that statement that per cent, of the marriages. Yet Rus­ $7,500 had been subscribed to purchase sia Inis as paternal a government as the fair grounds and leave us $2,500 Henry George could make if he had working capital, is the product of some the mud. fertile and imaginative brain other If this paper suits you for a hit a than this office posesses. It. did not week we shall appreciate the favor of start here. your subscription ; we have no money “What the farmers want," is the ti­ to lose in the venture; if it pays its tle of an article in a leading New York way another column will be added, paper, and it is made to embrace eve­ and another; if not perhaps not. The rything from a steam pump in the quality is surely as fair as the rate. kitchen to an elevated railroad in the The news that a levanting clerk has back yard. This is perhaps an eas­ been sentenced at Hamilton, Ontario, tern demand. What Pacific coast farmers want is $1 a bushel for wheat for bringing stolen money into Can­ and sixty cents for oats, (live these ada, seems to rob that country of its and they will wait for pumps and rail­ attractions for fugacious financiers. If this sort of thing is kept up there will roads. be no refuge for the defaulting gentry At the convention of bee-keepers in this city there was not a large at­ short of the north Pole. Jamaica was almost wholly destroy­ tendance. There is not the attention ed by a hurricane August 16th. In given to this rural industry that should be. The session yesterday afternoon Kingston the sea rose to an unusual was pleasant and not altogether with­ bight about the Victoria market, the out profit. The new officers are C. E. spray dashing over Rodney’s statue. Hoskins, president, Newgerg ; D.Kaufl- Several lives were lost and a number man, vice president, Needy ; Mrs, M. of coasting vessels wrecked At St. C. S. Young, secretary, McMinnville; Andrew the hurricane was felt with S- F. Harding, treasurer. more severity than at Kingston, and Portland Telegram : About dusk the destruction of property greater at last evening a well-known young man Constant spring. about town was waking down First MherlH’’» Tax Notice. street when he encountered a Yamhill county couple meandering in the op­ Notice is hereby given that the de­ linquent taxes for the years 1883-84 posite direction. The woman luul and 85, must lie paid within the next evidently never carried a parasol be­ 15 days, or property will be levied up­ fore and she gracefully stuck one of on for the payment of said judgment the wholebone or steel prongs into tax, by virtue of a warrant issued out the loop of the young man’s eye of the county court. T. J. H arris . glasses, pulling them from his nose Sheriff of Yamhill Co. and dropping them to the sidewalk. Mile of Pmonal Property. Just as the young man was in the act of picking them up, the woman’s es­ There will auction sale of all the cort’s No. 20 foot stepped upon the personal property of the late J. I>. Fen­ glasses, almost smashing them to ton, at the farm two and one half miles atoms. “By gosh, et’s too bad!” north west of Lafayette,next Saturday. ejaculated the yahoo, and pushed on Horses, cattle, sheep, hogs, farm ma­ with his girl looking for a place where chinery and many other things will be ice cream could be had for 5 cents a sold. Remember the date, Saturday. plate. The sufferer felt much consol­ Sept. 25th next. Terms of sale, twelve ed by the Yambiller’s expression of months credit upon all sums above ten sympathy. dollars. l J,