The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, September 23, 1886, Image 2

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The Daily
rtir ry a right
MM run lie »h
h '/ v ;
» «or
aj jwi.ic. yei «: w»- w.-il ;.»
rnMXix>ualy with >ur fri-nd- in
•rid we are com ¡«el led <c»a.«.-n-
ime <n the carcaa- of that ani-i
I b I A V< F!>
of Blaine’s recent oratorical efforts
says that John Sherman is the ableai
• tatei-inan among the republicans oi
the -e.nate a d tbat Kt-•!. >f Maine,
occupies a corre«
: ling ¡»>«ition in
’ afa and
('ol. M 'lri-ui are the • a ling demo­
crats in th»- house, but that with a
little no re exj»e.- n< • Breck midge,
»to the
-i man on the floor; barring a|-|
way« the
P esidt nt
< •■•-:J . -
- lltiousl
and gi■•«.
has mad»- bhr ■!• - >ut would be re-l
nominat' d if *li»-
nv- inion was t<J
be held now.
Tix- ¿egudaxure which meets in Jan-
ary w '
&>ked to make another
appr ¡»nation in aid of the state fair.
The Oreg nian does not wish to com­
mit tself against this proposition,
but before an appropriation i- made
there shoold t«e -ome assurance that
citiaer- ji the «tale can visit the fair :t being charged two or three
— : ■ ■ :.> " . n::.-:.: at >«'em
There > no rea- n or justice in doub-
>. and .arriage rate.« during
fair week The price of accommoda-
•.. - i.ghl to be n ■ greater during
the fair than at other time.«. It is a
e- d exV'.’ti ri ahnaatamounting
:< i -i. .'.»«tv t- take advantage of
the puolc necessity as is done com­ of improving t ie •---kly Kej*-rter fulld
monly at Salem ou every public occa- half. Make a note of this.
?. a
A genera! law regulating the
chirtp- d
te «. et . requiring that Look Upon This Picture
rat« - at .til be uniform. would
• er tne ca—
but a- that :« a piece
■: : - • .-- •-kt - .it ■:.» very much d:«-
taik: :;.ey nr.ght-imply add a
> :«•
:he |.> nr v;ng the fair
- ■■ ’
x her- ’ . .->p
s’’-• trait« .-f the Salem ¡«ph have
ex:-t. n. -. McMinnville for in­
Mr <*apen the weather arid Volcanic
»•apert <»f the National Republican
«cl ER il < < SSPH r<‘1 .' EA • 'T>.
again announce« and defines the next
earthquak»- period, affirming it to l-e
Governor Foraker. if Ohio, don’t
more «ever»* than that just pawed, stand around and veli for scissor« to
ami. inde-d the :n<»«t intense and con­ cut red tape when people d Charles­
centrated that be has ever computed. ton are suffering for shelter. The
H»- earnestly maintain« that no step Washington administration acted like
m a tua' -• -building -iioijld i- taker, gr< at boobies. The idea that the I'nited
m • "harlr-t.>n till /!<• :?»• -.•-xt ¡»-r- States government could furnish but
iod further than to Construct, as ex- seventy-five «belter tent.« is ridiculous.
j—,iit!.ni»’.\ »« }»•»—ble. *'.rmig-framed <n v. Foraker «ent eight hundred by
g« :<•
express and .f be were to meet with
«torni« ami old
W:ggi affirm« a trouble and have to pay for the tents
change in tlm center of gravity and he has shipped, the people of the whole
pihae of the earth, anti MctJee ha* al­ country' would make up the amount
ready convinced the world that a l»elt in nick - subscriptions, They like
of the Atlantic coa«t ha« actually «lid «neh pluck and decision.
«eaward, one of which theories must
Dwight Hackett, editor of the Napa
hate inevitably changed the longitud­ Reporter. is a dem-xrrat ami his father
inal relation- to the pole star of every i- the republican nominee for sheriff.
place on the globe the other that of Arter ; • republican convention that
every place on th»- slide . could be set­
: .» • i Ha k»tt >• and made a
tled in t»»-nty-foiir h»»un»lx»;hof which ticket < »»mpoeed largì • I N..; ■ awn, After which call at A. J. Apperaon’» •>
take a look at the goods
by a few i«tmiionucal obeenations, Hackett Jr wrote a report of their
either by our • ffici«-nt c<»a«t or ge--logi­ doings an-4, headed -it. ‘Napa hog« it Scajeri Double Seabed Drawers aad
Shield Dnderthirt.
cal survey In «uch a cri»e« rvcrv ali
Ther. he took a nap until his
thoughtful man forms hi« theory, and paper had gone t« press, and when
Bt • the W:iv.
• 7
it is right and commendable to do the edition had been printed he woke Doyon realize the astonishingly low price»
so. But why 1« n<>t the government up very thoroughly, for the headline
prepare»! to furnish «oni» data that rea»! ‘papa hvg« it all.”
would I m - appreciated?
Suits from f . •■ up, and Bovs’ Sa
k : ♦■?:>’! think much Men a from
$3 '• • up. N<) SHODDY.
5 i 1 FÉ I
£ 3