DAILY REPORTER. VOL. I. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1886. NO. 17. The Daily Reporter. PRICE TWO (’ENT'S. I BUSS LOGAN. BILL LOGAN. WAIT HENDERSON. LOGAN GROS. & HENDERSON,1 Iitered in the Postoffice at McMinnville for Proprietors of the old established and well Transmission Through the Mails as Sec­ known ond Class Matter. McMinnville LIVERY, FEED AND SALE E. .1. MARTIS. W. T. BAXTER. New Finn, New Goods, New Prices At the New Store of Basler 8; Marlin stable. We are prepared at all Advertisers can take their choice, hours to furnish tine Carriages, ther daily or weekly, at the same old | Hacks and Saddle Horses, and everything i kte. No advance in the price. We've in the Livery hire, in good shape at reason- Sncoessors to Al. HUSSEY, . able rates. In addition to first class outfits in I bme to stay, if you sav so. Third street. McMinnville. Oregon. i.ivim. nctiKiM. a rEt’iiM;,! A boat propelled by electricity cros- We keep a wagon specially adapted to the td the British channel from Dover to delivery of parcels. trunks satchels, etc., for the accomodation of the public. Orders left alais Sept. 13th. The trip was a suc- at the stable will be promptly attended to at' rates. TRANSIEN T STOCK left Bss and the new motor scores another j reasonable with us will receive the best of care and at-1 A new. neat and clean stock. Every article ictory for lightning. tention. Logar. Bros. & Henderson. A No. 1. Fruitjars, Butter Crocks. Colored Glassware, Cutlery, Cased Goods, To­ Three prizes are to be shot for at bacco, Pipes and Cigars. M c M innville killard’s gallery. One is a handsome r inehester rifle, 2d a box of cigars ; 3d Freeh Fruit and Vegetables in Season I silver dollar. Call and take a shot. Give me a cal). Inspect niv stock, and I Ir. Collard will give you all partieu- will guarantee prices to suit you. Cor. ad and C Streets. Li’S. Business College, ISHOP & KAY. OVER YAMHILL COUNTY BANK. Will open October 18, 1>W6. Attention is respectfully invited to this BUSINESS SCHOOL. THE CLOTHIERS OF Y AM HI ELCO., Third St., Opposite YAMHILL CO. D on ’ t F orget the BANK. P lace , — Where you will— Mrs. G. II. Goulet, Third street, opposite the Marble works. - - Oregon. Its facilities for thorough practical instruc­ McMinnville, tion: actual business department a specialty Will sell present stock below cost, to make room for fall where currency, bank check, drafts, etc., are used. Class, or private instruction day or evening. College Journal sent free on ap h n i ; ooik , plication. C. F. H oughton , Prill. 1*. O. Box 101. C. J. P ayne . Sec. To which she invites the ladies inspection. What goods I have I represent as they are, nnd ’he goods will speak for themselves Miss K. T hoknt ' in M us. A. M c D onald . i i.i.i 1:1c i Fashionable Family Grocery Store. Dressmaking. In Mrs. H. I’. Stuart’s Millinery Store, OPPOSITE GRANGE HALL. I AV AYS FIND M M c innville < »HEGON. Third Street, McMinnville. Oregon. L. ROOT, Proprietor, Dealer in CITY MARKET, All Fresh Goods, Groceries. Flour, Bacon, and Glasswaro and Crockery. J ♦’“Goods delivered to purchasers'in the city W. F. BAN CASSER, Propr. — ÏN THE - ATE ST STYLES Successor to Bangasser A Son. Binngasser’s building Cor. B and Third streets. —■o— Here is where you can get your money'b worth in MBN. M. HHADOEN. Beef. Pork, Mutten, Sausage. Tripe Fas h jouable 1) ressmakein B Furnishing Goods of all kind, and above al) THE LOWEST PRICES. Also agents and everything .n the line of meats, ot tin best quality the country affords. Also the for the Brownsville Woolen Hill, ymg a full line of all goods made by ) celebrated mills. Best of Bolognas. Give me a call and be satisfied. W. F. BANGAflSER. MÌKH MAY VKMMFY. Shadden & Vessey, j4fÿ*The Taylor System of Cutting and Fit­ ting employed. Third street, Next to Bishop A Kay’s «toi«, McMinnville, (>r.