i. 4 First National Bank. In the vilLge of Meyrin. Switzer­ land - n'.t disused well« have been —Ok— hern.et - y sealed to serve as barom­ JdcMINNVIuLE. ORE eter« An ri6c«= about an inch in di- J acob W ortman ........................ Preside uneter - made in the cover of the D. P. T hompson ............... Vice-preside w. ■? * rich the internal air is put J ohn W ortman ............................ Cashi no mmur. at:<»n with the external. Transacts a General Banking bu»«i»»a W- <-r the a.* preoaure outeide dimin- Intereat allowed on time deposhe. Collect one made on favorable terrna or. the approach of a storm, the e ght Lx< natge ate Telegraphic Iran air in the escape* and blows a oe New Yore. San Francisco tnd RirCand. "ff.ee hour»—from 9 a. m. tod p. m. wT -tie :r. connection with the orifice, and in - n"tice of a storm’s ap- p* o h - . ven to the inhabitants. Ill JOHN VVOKTUAV .••• re r.irary. ti epro—ure increaees Repraaeats the f allowing tzti-iug een. a d *ferext - tnd is produced by the- it* Londo A Liverpool A Globe No entry f the air into the well, and the Bntisn A Men»: tile. Commereal V Fire Aeaoetactor., German Ai&enean. P rz- ty •: * n^ v- /. ther :• thereby miE'f Fond. Hartford. Cemaaereal. A Nevada. State Investinent. announced. Wheat insurance a specialty. The Daily Reporter. D :tia>P4 F '. F O. TV BUSH KBS A’A jr '.VE.' Recent.? d «th tbe advent ,-r rhe •wrtBg .' 1«»7 W- r u : »rtlaad. ex route •• North YamLtiL Hon W J. Me n: * .-a-• ar ’**r»>r.*r e; »tier ax: .• tteaa We qwote • - W ard»« . ■-■ «-c.-ag x»d I just want vw no iter a c«. tamp than Ward- be.* M • . *id that the C-eur d'Alene » ab< w jj better than the mine* CoEri-xk did a: the •*:.» •*agv of de- veJojp. The re are at rw ard acre* of ad ver be art c g ore. and I don't be- beve -.Lx; the capitalist* of Por-'and Lave ;i_t fun tot dew of the :iehoe«K else they would have made JL’r-t Beata long before this uate.** FIRE INSl RANCE CITY STABLES Yamhill County Ban M c M innville - - orlgoni J. C. B ralt ....................... Prefitta W.D. Mi D onald . J r ............... Eecrettil C lark B p . alt ............................. .Caehid TransoCte & general RankingH uslucm Cel n-.<> B fax taMs *■>■■■ I Exchange on Ladd A Tilton, Portland. tr- a: « reaso r able ratee as any where n ~ «tab e Third St McMinn ville 13th with fair attendance. Wr have not found any of these bad children we i. ï>. II oh ard. ▼!, I>. heard«: p«>« they hav< tv*, started yet- Well we hope they are i »«» t here FH>:- T N KV; OPTICIAN to find. Ali ¿efe«« th«- eye- ____ ______ of ___ Mr. Peterson. nefat nirueiv.Pre«byopi’., a Myopia H rruet ropi a. < Rroadm« iSpl pt*;*bon glasses are dent. required to correct the de- eye I me prepared to meet. I test the j set: and fit tn- pn >per lens to spei taeiee and i -ye - -— G v- :ne - call and satisfy y our-' »Aves. OAce Third Street McMinnville, Osgoa NEW STOCK ’a« ¡ .’x«.:r<'i arte: T B Hewtamos tike e—fttl qathing it »«*«: of the L h L»» inrry arocisd. It i a> we BMuIe numy K ot-s. aad then ■ the din the only "^y to real » how g: • wow!d be to « ■ gaud ■ btvode« row .cay tell Bro. Ban? that we hear any on« «ay augur ag r< —OF— CLOTHING HO r MÜLTNEH. Frwp.. «.orner TEird *nd B street«. *1 <. «inwiLt» - - or New house New furniturel Vr-eurpa» in thè country Rate«—$ tc per davi o rdir.p t< rootn. Single meai« rén Lodging 2St? • aects accordi p :<• rooi Board and Lodging |4to t per week. Ti Fine Sainp.e Rot-ms for eommereia! nu Give me a «di and «ee for vourself. A. H. l i’T w. J. GUM*?«. ---- AT THE----- EURISKO MARKE’ U here the be«t of meats can always be fot and at the most reasonable pi ’* ■- - wi the loin of beef is divided with ottr __ cusí ers. Mt it.« d> ne up in the late-n styj an2 good weights given. Give us ; call Your« truly. ; M ILLINEH Direct from Neu a. - - LL ■k ■» York. Buy Fashionable Goods From Head-quarters of Fashion. » • A daily pap,r has loan Wo wanted ut that thriving vtilage. We wish ; - * " '-a- • J *< ; — ’ll'* F. E. RI ss. ’’I c ’t i n n V i 11 e. *.«=îlPêz s c 3 Su Z 2E-O ô = -5 5 sc * tr; ? - >1“, . FASHIONABLE JOHNSON A. FORCE ' —i >T. CHIRLE* Fi ■