The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, September 22, 1886, Image 3

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cMinnville, Or
Sept. 22, 1886
Side walklumber for sale at this of­
Choice uncolored and English break­
fast tea 50 cents a tt>. at the bakery.
Those hats at half the marked
price at Miss Russ* millinery store are
going off rapidly.
Old school books rebound and made
good as new for half the price of new
ones by J. C. Cooper.
The daily Reporter will be the means
of improving the weekly Reporter fully
half. Make a note of this.
Advertisers can take their choice,
either daily or weekly, at the same old
rate. No advance in the price. We’ve
come to stay, if you say so.
Band of Hope meet at 2 p. in. Satur-
Circuit court meets on the 27th at
The bee-keepers meeting will be
imtinued to-day.
Isaac Lynch has moved into his new
ouse at Wheatland.
Miss Belle Cooper has returned to
er home in Wheatland.
Teacher’s examination at Lafayette
aturday. So says Bro. Freund.
Mrs. Dr. Barclay, of Oregon oity, is
A fine lot of moulding for picuture
he guest of Mrs. G. E. Detmering.
frames at E. B. Fellows'. Call and
Jno. Campbell near Wheatland had
the lot. Any size pictures
tine grey mare stolen last Thursday.
Wm. Cooper, of Wheatland, has framed to order, neat, quick and cheap.
Three prizes are to be shot for at
one to San Francisco via Yaquina
or his health.
Collard’s gallery. One is a handsome
J. A Peckham writes to say that he Winchester rifle, 2d a box of cigars ; 3d
j keeping a hotel, and not a gin mill, a silver dollar. Call and take a shot.
t Waldo. He sets a good table, has
Mr. Collard will give you all particu­
ood beds, and a large barn and corral
rith the best of water.
There are thirty-seven male resi­
.James Peery, of Scio, brother of Mrs.
l . R. Logan of this city, is visiting dents of this city over sixty years of
hem. Also .John Powell, of Prine- age. Two of these are great grand
ille, formerly of Scio, whom they fathers; Uncle Thomas Shadden and
ave not seen for nineteen years.
Squire Harding.
The pioneer artist of Oregon, Jos.
Hon. W. J. McConnell, of Moscow,
luchtel, has resumed business at east Idaho, yesterday arrived at North
’ortland. He has friends all over the Yamhill. A bout ten days ago he was
tate who will gladly welcome hirn thrown from a horse, was cut badly
ack to business with substantial favor. about the head, and then tlie horse
A young and responsible farmer fell upon him, bruising him severely
Iving near here says that he “can buy across the small of the back. He has
farm on time at $40 per acre and pay probably received no permanent in­
i>r it in raising wheat at the present jury. but it will be weeks before he is
lice, if not he will make any one a at himself. Mr. McConnell will stay
resent of the wheat.” And still the at North Yamhill till he gets strong
apers complain at the farmer about again.
lie “diversity" business.
A piece of fir wood brought to Dr.
MlierHTS Tax Aiotice.
'uckers by R. G. Smith, upon being
Notice is hereby given that the de­
lit up into stove lengths revealed a i
linquent taxes for the years 1883-84
eposit of three bullets, in good state
and 85, must be paid within the next
f preservation. The growth of timber
15 days, or property will la levied up­
n the stick renders it certain that fully
on for the payment of said judgment
ixteen years have passed since the
tax, by virtue of a warrant issued out
nirksman placed them there; and he
of the county court.
T. J. H arris .
Hist have been a good shot, as two of
Sheriff of Yamhill Co.
lie bullets were lodged one upon the
tlier through the same spot.
Sale of Personal Property.
Mr. T. Pettigrew died yesterday at
There will an auction sale of all the
lie residence of C. I). .Johnson, and
property of the late J. D. Fen­
is funeral will be attended to-day.
farm two and one half miles
I«' was one of the pioneers of this
Lafayette,next Saturday.
ity. Years ago was engaged in mer-
liandising here, and was an active Horses, cattle, sheep, hogs, farm ma­
itizen. His health has been feeble for chinery and many other things will be
lany years past. He ¡eaves no rela­ sold. Remember the date, Saturday,
ves here, but many kind friends who Sept. 25th next. Terms of sale, twelve
ave known him for years will regret months credit upon all sums above ten
is demise.
Subscribe for the Reporter. and pay
for it when you subscribe, and we will
pledge ourselves to give you more
news, for less money, than any other
paper in the Willamette valley. The
Daily will help the weekly 100 per
cent. See if it don’t.
If this paper suits you for a bit a
week we shall appreciate the favor of
your subscription ; wo have no money
to lose in the venture; if it pays its
way another column will be added,
and another ; if not perhaps not. The
quality is surely as fair as the rate.
As much space in these columns as
can be given consistently to such spec­
ial purpose, will, in future, be devoted
to the interests of religious and secu­
lar societies and associations, accord­
ing as they in substantial ways recip­
rocate the interest taken in them by
the Reporter.
Look Upon This Prctwr«
Then Upon This*
After which call at A. J. Apjierson’s and
take a look at the goods
Conger's Double Seated Drawers and Cheat
Shield Undershirt.
By I lie Way,
Do you realize the astonishingly low prices at
Suits from ifti.oo up, „nd Boys’ Suita
from $3.50 up. NO SHODDY.