The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, September 22, 1886, Image 2

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    ! with caps open, so that it tilled with tion restored confidence as to the qual­
' water which afterward evaporated by ity of the crop that year, and as a re-
the rays of sun, and as a consequence suit, while Hartman, Apperson,Fellows
discolored all wheat in this condition and their associates lost money on the
whether in Yamhill county or elsewhere transaction the producers of Yamhill
Sub«< ripti«n Kate«.
By Gaxnsr per week............................. 10 seats and made it unfit for market samples county secured a better price by from
Payable ou Satarday.)
of this discolored wheat were selected 2 to 3 cents than they would have se­
Siiigl* Copy............................................ - “
By Mail Ml oenU pet Mouth In Advance. by producers and taken to warehouse­ cured if something of this kind had not
Kate« far Advertising
men. or some one else, to ascertain been done. Admit that the benefit
Will be luada Mtufaotory to all applicant.*. what could be done with it; or what it was but 2 cents per bushel, the sur­
would bring in the markets. By them plus of the valley was 5,000,000 bush­
McM Iimville. ' >r
-sept 22 1KX6
it was sent to wheat buyers of Portland, els, hence the net gam to the producers
and in turn by them to their corres­ was $100,000; Yamhill county alone,
77/X WHF.IT MtliKF.T.
pondents in England. The answers with its 800,000 surplus reaped a ben­
Foreign quotation« of wheat to-day from one and all were to the same ef­ efit of $16,000, and McMinnville,
place Oregon at about 7s 2d i>er cental. fect : That the samples were not up to and vicinity at 200,000 bushels, was
Allowing $4.80s« the valueof sterling the usual standard average of Oregon benefited $4,000. This incident ii
pounds, tins gives ua $1.72 us the value wheat and could not be sold as such. related at this time with a view of con­
pel cental in Tinted States coin ot The natural result of this was to de­ vincing the public that the interests of
Oregon wheat in Liverpool. Freights stroy confidence and depreciate the the warehousemen, the buyer, and
to-day rate for iron fiom 37 to 4<*s per value of that entire crop until such the producer are identically the same,
long ton. 2,2Si» lb*. Allowing 3*»« as time as confidence and values could be and to establish confidence they must
the average freight and Sl.sO of Uni­ restored. Producers at that time were of necessity be mutually interested.
ted States coin to tio* sterling pound: disposed to throw the responsibility of If the producer maintains his soil and
which is the basis, as the extra I cents of this upon our wheat merchants, but keeps up production, meeting the
in made or lost in exchange; the coat of subsequent events prove how unjust others with confidence all together can
transjHHtatiun would is*«* • 12 per long was the accusation. If blame rested sustain themselves in the markets of
ton. or 4<> cents, then add ' cents to anywhere it must have been for the the world. We may say further that
covet hisurauce aud other incidental; rams; and yet, the greatest damage one thing which to-day sescures the
expense*. it will average that. I »educt; was done, inuoceutly perhaps, by the prices in McMinnville added to the fact
• this IScts. from 'he $1.72and we have individuals who. for the want of better above related, is the amount of ton­
tor to-days actual value of Oregon knowledge*, went into their own or nage in Portland liable to go on de
wheat $1.27 pel on tai five on board’ their neighbors fields and gathered up murrage early next mouth. A »ingl
«hi¡»a at Poitland. Now, .n ordei to the inferior samples and sent them to glance at the actual and existing tig
get at true .alm- of wheat in thi« city, oui grain dealers with repif l otations ures S sufficient to prove that there i
we must deduct from the Portland1 that a large proportion, if not all. was no money for the buyer in wheat a
value 1 1 cent* percental Height, which in that condition. Who should have ' 67lg cents in McMinnville, when chat
leaves us $1.16 per cental, equal to l»eeu the one to study out the propor­ tei- rate at 38s@40s, and Liverpoo
6'.»1*» cent« per bushel. I ake out ware­ tion of damages* Most certainly be can give but $1.72 per cental. It
house charges 3 cents jiei bush»!. leaves w ho knew- the kindof seed put into the always the case that tallowing harve
us 6«Uo cents clear, which ■« all the soil, and the kind of soil seeded, was there is a surplus of charters to fill ufl
muiket will stand according to definite the proper person, and not the wheat to prevent demuriage prior to about
advices, yet buyers are paying 67 ■_* i ts experts of Portland, Liverpool <>i else Octobei l "»th. Such > the ease novi
here iio^f, which ia from one to one where, who had uo knowledge what- j and while we do not generally take
and a ialf cents moiethan other point' ever of what was in the fields. How-* great deal of stock in margins, we ar
in this county receive this week; aud ever.this backset remained until Messrs.1
free to say that we believe now is th
why? rheauswei 'manifold. Giving Hartman. Apperson and Fellows, then time to »ell. We see nothing in tl
credit to whom < redit is due, Lads u- engaged m the warehouse business at
rumors ot European war to insure 1
to say
1. < hi i roilin g
! v ing n so thi' place, proposed to certain wheat
— ------ holders a firm grasp, and doubt if 7
close to the too; hi'!', •■•« l»etter merchants i
at Portland to furnish from'cents will be reached at any time ft
drainage than the low da; lands, which
Vi:i:i>ili county two
d cd tonaot the present stock in store.
gives us .« whitet. plumjH'r. more 'olidj
and desitabh gra”. tha; t>. iveragv;l I < op Of 1** I as ever floated out of the
Avtn’£ land Commissioner Stocl
2. oui produce: s, s; udy ¡ng t hi t own in -1
slagei hasrendereda decision in .
teiest.«, »ow the m*>'t desirable varieties guarantee to furnish 80.0t» bushels' case ,of *n Illd,a” claiming land
ot wheat; .». oui wurebon.'emeii. teal-1 t ■'<•*11;* ip t<* 'ample, it they would " ashingtou territory as a homesteaj
ixing what our producers have done. at|
* 1 x
< Lniii of tin- NPRCo,
gieat expense to themselves, overhaul­ in a given numl*er of days. With com which he holds that the occupation
ed and renovated th. ir warehouses. it mendable zeal this proposition was ac land by an Indian prior to the filing
order t*. put the wheat in the ch
cepted by one of the leading grain mer­ the company’s map of definite locati
aud best condition for the market. and
chants of Portland, i and probably wclaim a» excepted the tn
the exertion« of M.-rs Galloway &|
would have iwen by an*, one of the *rom
grant. The decision virtu
Cook. Redmond ai d Bamekofi, " ; ori *. • buyeis had the offer bcm made 1?‘irC>d**s * l*rge number of simili
present warehousemen have thi« r
ca.*e« in \\ aahington territory,
shown the true -pirit and etiergv '•:,r,direct to them and they had the ship whether it includes white men
v 31 Inside of ten days from the date of the!
maintaining for ptodnci
I otter the two-hundred tous was on Grays river who were ruled out
silde prices, and iu v a
board the v e.v< i aftei having been sam- ’ ncle Geo. Birchaid's day. we cam
that they feel a n. itu.i!
by nearly every dealer and pro- say.
welfare ot the prod : .
nouuced No. 1. Ar.d v iit-n the.-, mples
Noisy Billy took $22 in
i premium*
ago. when the rains of July ca
off •
portion of the cron o' l«s j ad
back that it wa« No. 1
I his transar- the presidents commission.
Tho Daily Reporter.