The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, September 21, 1886, Image 4

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    Th« republicans of Washington ter­
First National Bank
ritory have an easy walk over this fall.
The democrats persist in making their MoM INN VILLE, ... -
canvass in opposition to the stand
acob W ortman .
......... Fri’i
McMinnville, Or
Sept. 21, 1886 ' taken by Gov. Squire and upheld by J
D. P. T hompson .
' law-abiding people during the Tacoma J ohn W ortman
.......... C<
and Seattle riots. There is a lawful
Transact« a General Banking biimuera
remedy for the evils.
Interest allowed on time deposits.
l>egal advertising at thia office coats The queen of Spain is likely to die Collections made on favorable terms.
Che litigant no more than the same
Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Tra
•pace costa the business man
Fifty betöre long of the pulmonary disease on New York, San Francisco and Portland.
cent» per inch (solid minion type) per that caused the death of her husband, Office hours—from 9 a. in. to 4 p. m.
month There is an average of one King Alphonso last fall. The poor lit­
hundred words to the inch Count it tle prince born in the interim has little FI RE INSÜ RANCE
up for yourselves, and send your or­
chance to live to reign over his people,
ders to this office
following sterling oom
since his birth right to physical ten: London the
A Liverpool A Globe, N
strength was bartered in excesses British A Mercantile. Commercial th
Fire Association, German American, I
which drove his father untimely to man
’s Fund, Hartford, Commercial. A:
A guest at the White mountains the shades, and by reflex undermined Nevada, State Investment.
wondering why An interesting little the health of his mother. • He is said Wheat insurance a specialty.
girl who had just arrived seemed so to be a sturdy nurseling thus far, how­
unimpressed by the scenery, discover­ ever, aud sleeps and eats and screams Yamhill County Ban
ed that she came from Oregou and his time away like any other child, in M c M innville - -
O regon .
did not understand that those hills blissful ignorance of the menace of
J. C* H ralt ........................... Preside
were to look .it
the crown and disease that are his in­ W.D. M c D onald , J k ............. Secret«
C lark B raly .......................... C’asl
Dennis C Wilcox lost heavily in heritance.
Wall street, and though suicide would
The United States consulat the city Transmits a general Banking Buameee
lections made on favorable terms
leave his wife in abject poverty he of Mexico, who unhesitatingly tele­ Exchange
on Ladd & Tilton, Portland,
Interest allowed on time deposits.
nevertheless killed himself Twenty- graphed over his own signature that
four hours after his death a boom special envoy Sedgwick was a disgrace
in the stock market set in, and since to his country, and that he should be ST CHARLES HOTE
T. MVLTWEH. Prop..
then his widow has netted $.500,000 recalled immediately, is an individual
Corner Third and B streets,
from his accounts This ought to be named Porch, who hails from Missouri. Vt< Y1INN VI1.I.*, . . OHF«J
a warning to bankrupts
At first it was supposed by many that New house! New furniture! Unsnrpai.
in the country Rates—11 to $2 per day
At hat an idmiruble thing it woulld the consul who thus freely committed cording
to room. Single meals 25 cen
be if every municipality kept in the himself was one of the numerous re­ Lodging. 25 to 50 oents according to too
Board and Lodging. $4 to $6, per week. T
bank a thousand dollars or two, raised publican officials who have been spar­ Fine Sample Rooms for commercial nn
by subscription, ready to be sent to ed by a merciful democratic adminis­ Give me a cal! and see for yourself.
any community made to suffer by tration. but it turns out that such is W. J. GARRISON'.
some great public calamity' Thepeo- not the case.
Porch is a demo­
---- AT THE- —
pleol Hartf rUi had such a fund of $1,- crat. and he lives, when at home, in a
4(X>. which w : m the surplus of their state where it has never been suspect­
generosity to the western flood suffer­ ed that a reasonable amount of convi­
ers. and $1.000 of it was immediately viality is a serious offence.
Where the best of meats can always be fun
and at the most reasonable' prices, whi
s« nt i«> Charleston A fund of that
the loin of beef is divided with our ousto
era. Meats done up in the latest styi
sort in a dozen cities would l»e a kind
and good weights given. Give us a call
of [lermanent ineurance against act-!
Yours truly,
ual distress from calamities all over,
W. J. Carrison & '
the country
l«ondon newspapers are disposed to
growl at the lord mayor’s appeal mi
behalf <>f the homeless people of earth-
quakt 'haken Charleston This spirit
Direct from New York.
is narrow and mean Charleston can C. D. JOHNS«»
8. C. FOBi'E
live without English aid. but a contri­
bution irom England would be in the JOHNSON & FORCE.
line of , enienting the friendly bonds
MANvrACTxmna or
between the two great English speak­
szsj Z s : aeeu 3 es .
ing couulriee, and a proclamation that wàqons ,
one touch of nature makes the whole
world kin
When famine visits Ire­
B Street, between Third and Fourth,
land and calamity conies to England l^t arriage Painting and Repairing a
Specialty. I erfect satisfaction guaranteed
the American puree is always open
Th* PtHy Reporter.
6 t rd;
a l o st
by th e
Buy Fashionable Goods From
Head-quarters of Fashion.
- £ 2 k a* S -
3 - ►
u -
î — « tr -
. 34.2 =¿»1=2.*