The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, September 21, 1886, Image 3

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    The Narrow Guage wins its suite
against the 0. R. N. Co. This will be
apt. to place the infant upon its feet
again, as the decrees carry about a
cMinnville. Or.
Sept. 21, 1886 quarter of a million of iiionej with
I Sidewalk lumber for sale at this of-
C Symons has received the sad
news of the death of his father, at Dev­
Mrs. E. X. Harding is expected onshire, England. He was buried
Sept. 1st. Mr. Symons was expect­
nine to-day.
A deejine in coffee is noted.
ing to go home in July on a visit, but.
Drner wouldn’t work
was detained on account of business.
The bee men are in session in this
An inquirer asks how it is that the
¡tv lo-dav at Grange hall.
city council can and does award im-t
| G. G. Bingham, in the city on legal portant contracts to its own members
■isiness, goes to Lafayette to-day.
without announcement to the public
I Choice un colored and English break and inviting bids? We are not sufli-i
Kst tea 50 cents a It., at the bakery.
ciently posted to answer the conun­
I Portland has a swarm of tramps drum.
from the sound. Thirty were lodged
Ice can only be had in thousand
Bi jail Sunday.
pound lots at Portland, and then at
I Those hats at half the marked 2| cents per pound, which is equival-i
■rice at Miss Russ’ millinery store are ent to total exclusion from cities such
Being off rapidly.
as this. Never mind, next winter is
I Qld school books rebound and made going to be a regular blizzard, and all
Bood as new for half the price of new who live through it can put up a sup­
Opies by J. C. Cooper
ply from natures resources which will:
I The Oregonian says the silver drain last them independent of the inanu-j
B in consequence of Chinese workers facturers another year. Portland will
Bn the NP.ll, Cascade branch.
not he able to sell any ice here in|
I Mrs. G. A. Wilcox has an elegant 1887,
Wolverines nearly took the Oregon
Begonia iu its handsomest bloom, a
Bift from Mrs. Hattie Wilcox.
exhibit ear at Jackson, Michigan. Jar
I The OPR pass immigrants at the fruit put up in salicylic acid and water
Mme rates charged by the DUR upon will not stand these journeys by rail.
The acid makes the fruit soft, and the
hpard of immigration certificate
I The Daily Kepartcr in a xuecexx. IIV constant movement of the t rain churns
Bpect io enlarge in a fete day», at the it into an indescribable mass.
*!»»»<• price. Only ten eentx a week.
green fruit sent in the car has stood
I A four horse team from Chehalem, the journey and the intense heat of
v ith eight persons, bag and baggage the east and the super-heat of a crowd­
1 ir the coast, passed through the city ed car pretty well. If a car is sent
y »sterday. driven by Mr. Brooks.
out another year some other arrange­
I \ tine, lot of moulding for pieuture ment will have to be made for the
frames at E. B. Fellows'. t all anti transportation and exhibit of fruit.
«Ample the lot.
Any size pictures
It is suggested by some of the pio­
finmed to order, neat, quick and cheaj >. neer members of the old Union library
I The attendance at the public of this city todonate the books of that
■L tools yesterday was quite large for institution to the proposed library of
th ■ opening day. Success will be as- the McMinnville public schools. As
¿ped with full co-operation on t he Prof. Price is making an effort to se­
pkrt of the parents.
cure a much needed library for the
■<irouse., deer, and other game seems public schools, an I has just received
Ul he abundant in this bailiwick, if are several volumes of the finest books fbr
to |udge from report« of hunters; but such purposes, it occurs to us that the
K do not see any of it in the markets, suggestion is a good one. It would be
nlither for love nor money.
necessary for the old association to
I Three prizes are to be shot for at get together and take action upon the
C »Hard’s gallery. One is a handsome
subject, and these columns are open
W nchester t itle, 2d a box of cigars ; 3d •
Ito propositions on the subject.
•J silver dollar. Call ami take a shot.
A Salem hotel is thus “noticed” in
Mt. Collard will give you all purlieu-
lai <
the Astorian tournament notes: “Oh,
that hotel! Everthing cold but the
water; everthing sour except the vin­
egar. And the beds!” ‘’Albany wa*
not represented at the tournament,
though Albany firemen told the editor
of the. Astorian while on a visit iu that
city, that had the tournament been at
Astoria they would gladly have come."
We are sorry that our sister city of
Salem does not enjoy a better reputa­
tion abroad, especially with the cotom
porary press of the state ; but it was '
ever thus—at least for about eight
years past.
The (JPR will place tickets on sale
Sept 30, at Portland to Council bluffs,
Omaha, Kansas city, and Topeka and
return at $05 first class. Chicago and
return, $81.50, and correspondingly
low rates to all other points. Tickets
good to return at any time within
ninety days. These tickets will bis
first-class and entitle the holder to
ride in Pullman cars upon payment
of price of berth, which is $14 for a
double berth to Omaha, Kansas city.
Council bluffs, and $17 to Chicago.
Third St., Oppomie
— Where yon will—
Furnishing Goods of »11 kind, aud above
all THE LOWEST PRICKS. Also agent«
for the
Brownsville Woolen Hill,
Carrying a full line of all good« made by
these celebrated mills.