box into which everything should fall. Tk© Oatfy Reporter, <■ iaKi. am > a co. 1'i ni.isnEKs. *1 -r—On— : . *(■« t»«cri|»tion Hier«. I By ('¡urta® per »wk.. ...................... lo (tenta uFiunibls on Saturday.) ’-OPT or a ------- 3 " I,II) cents per Month (In Advance.) Ual rv lor Advertising Will t«« mol« satinfactiiry to all applicants. ~xrr.i~r McMinnville, Or. Sept. 21, 1886 HEIIOMJII) Look Upon Thia Prctwr© I prefer galvanized iron to wood, as it cannot become saturated with the foul liquids aud is easier cleansed. The back or aide of the building should be so constructed that this box could be easily removed am! nmptied and an­ other pul in its place. When the box is put in position, the bottom of it should be covered with dry eaith or ashes to the depth of four inches. When this simple and inexpensive arrangement is made, it only requires a little dry earth or ashes sprinkled Some criticism is passed in army circles upon the report tlmt Geronimo FRONT VIEW did not surrender to Gi n. Miles uncon­ daily over the contents of the box, but it would be still better to throw a little ditionally , ami then' ia danger that he Then Upon This In order to do can not be punished in a manner on whenever used that Would insure him liiajust deserts. this there should be a box of dry earth Il is' Argubd that Gen. (’rook conk or ashes in one corner of the privy, have done as much in capturing the with a small shovel with which to chief, bad Im been w illing to make cer­ throw it in.” --------------w**--------- tain guarantees of safe keeping and VEH’S AM> yoTKS. exemption from punishment, but he Smith A (’lark’s sash, blind and strove to take the murderci wherever Im Alight be /mind, and refused to eli­ door factory was destroyed by fire at te: into any negotiation whatever .is Victoria Saturday. A young Vermont fisherman hav­ to the disposition that might be made ing married a freckled faced girl, oi uUe om « i '..< If thyre is any difficulty in the way qf meting out his just des­ wrote to an old chum that he had just erts to him, it |M-rhaps arises from the landed a speckled beauty. HACK VIEW. Etta (». Tliwaites has commenced sulairdinate in the office of the secre­ After which call at A. I. Apperaou'» tary of war. The peculiar relations an action for divorce from her artist take a look at the goods between the Indians ami the I’nited husband in Multnomah county. Airs. Conger's Double Seated Drawers and Chest- States makes (lie position of Geronimo Keys wiil perhaps follow suit Shield Undershirt. Cattle an quarentined at Chicago somewhat peculiar. Il he Acre a By tlir Way, white man he could Is tried and hung against pleuro-pneunmnia. The dis­ Doyon realize the astonishingly low price* al in the ordinary way But being an ease has been lingering about there Indian, there will no doubt be a great since last fall, in a herd of milk cows. Boston now Boasts the champion Meu s Suits from up, and Bova’ Sait* deal nt sentimental gush wastf America. Culture counts. r t i sb: />b- rrt-HiHi). Portland has raised $• MX),(MM) for the rhe typhoid outbreak in Synu use, < ’harleston sufferers so far: but the New Yore, in 1879. wan caused by the 'elegr:im is reliably uifornie 1 that a overflow <>! a privy vault jsilluting the certain wealthy ri -id. nt has promised watci People living in the same |0.50 block and under similar conditions, I’rinc« Alexander, of Bulgaria, w hen except as to (he water they drank. es- In- paints up his old coat of arms CH|M-. Ilo»«;ird. il. D. Die following naa ¡pt how to build a cisco made assignment on Saturday plivy vault ami how to keep it in con­ It was a surpr -e. as they were con- PHYSICIAN AND < >P Tiri AN. sidered one amongst the soundest. AH defects of the ef dition is taken from John T Met on sight,namely, PresbyopU H Outside speculation’caused the failure nell’s letter in the Sanitary Plumber ¡►Myopia. HyjicriuetropitB Diplopia ¡when glasses atM In small towns and countrv places ’1 ii< Kit n req ni red to oorrect the de deH required then' .should 1* no mu h thing under fective eye I am prewired to meet. I testtblH U the residence of C. p. Howe, in this seat a- a privy vault. There should city, Mis- Martha Howe to Mr. D. .A.Snv- sight andfitethe proper lens to spectacles a» der of Davton It. v n i ¡eye-glasses Give mo a call and satisfy year • n. Kev. G. J. Burohett, officwt- seWes. Office Third Street. MoMiunviW be a strongly galvanized iron J*” A PP ER SON’S. CITY I STABLES 4 1 Oregon