DAILY REPORTER. VOL. 1 NO 15 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21. 1886. Th© O»Hy fà©p©rt©r. RUSH LOGAN. HILL LOGAN. WATT H1NDUHON. I LOGAN BROS.’ & HENDERSON. Aatered in the Postoffioe nt MoMinnvillefor Proprietors of the old established and well TranatBiMñon Throuch th* Mails an Sec- known o»d Claw Matter. >1 <» >1 i n it v i 11 o NEPAKATIOft Won Id you know me if yon met me In the paths we used to trend? Would know me, darling, darling, While you deem me with the dead? Would my face bring back the memont* Of the past long buried low? Would you stoop and kiss me then, dear. As yon did dnoe, long ago? Would your heart in sorrow soften If yon knew how keen the pain? How I’ve suffered, darling, darling, Clasp me to your heart again. How through months of pain and anguish True my heart has been to you: Would yon love me? oh. my darling. Would yon love if you knew? —Telegram. "I have examined the eream of tartar used by the Royal Baking Powder Company in the manufacture of their baking powder, and find it to be per­ fectly pure, and free from lime in any form. The chemical tests to which 1 have submitted the Royal Baking Powder ^>rove it perfectly healthful, md free from every deleterious sub­ lance.” Anarchist* at (’leveland. Ohio, who tore gathered in public meeting re- eiitly. vociferously applauded this entitnent by one of the speakers: “If he seven convicted anarchists in Chi- lago are hanged, seven hundred thou- and .avengers will arise from their llood It is tine that such talk is ule and absurd spoken in the hearing K • of sensible men ; hut it is also true ■iat all men AM not sensible And orderly cities, especially such as have lad any taste of anarchism, are unable b understand why such public and incendiary utterances in Cleveland or Alsewhere are not summarily suppress- The liberty of speech tn men like i»e personal liberty of men logically Jases where the rights of other men Jgin. PRICE TWO CENTS W. T. BAXTER. F. J MARTIN New Firm, New Goods, New Pnces At the New Store of Basier S Mariis LIVERY, FEED AND SALE stable. W® are prepared at all bon re to furnish one Carriages, Hacks and Saddle Horses, and everything in the Livery hire, in good shape at reason- SucoeseorB to Al. HUSSEY, able rates. In addition to first class outfits in Third street, McMinnville, Oregon LIVERY, TKkWKIIW A FEAMING, Wc keep a wagon specially adapted to the ta ta ta delivery of paroels, trunks satchels, etc., for the accomodation of the public. Orders left at the stable will be promptly attended to at reasonable rates. TRANSIENT STOCK left with us will receive the best of care and at­ A new, neat and clean stock. Every Article tention. Logan Bros. A Henderson. A No. 1. Fruit Jars, Butter Crocks, Colored Glassware, Cutlery, Cased Goode, To­ bacco, Pipes and Cigars. M c M innville ml Business College, Cor. 3d and C Streets, OVER YAMHILL COUNTY Will open October 18, 1886. respeotfnlly invited to this BUSINESS Freeh Fruit and Vegetable« in Bea«— Give me a call. Inspect in y stock, and 1 will guarantee prices to suit you. BANK, Attention is i Mrs. G. H. Goulet, Thirij street, opposite the Marble works. SCHOOL. - - Oregon. Its facilities for thorough practical instruc­ McMinnville, tion; actual business department a specialty Will sell present stock below cost, to make room for fall where currency, bank chook, drafts, etc., are used. Class, or private instruction day or IIILLIYIIRY GOODS, evening. College Journal sent free on ap plication. C. F. H ovghton , Prin. P. O. Box 101 0. J. P axnk , Sec. To which she invites th® ladies inspection. What goods I have I represent as they are, and the goods will speak for themselves Miss K. T hornton Mus. A. M c D onald . Family Grocery Store». Fashionable Dressmaking'. In Mrs. H. I’. Stuart’s Millinery Store, OPPOSITE GRANGE HALL, ( ) rkgon . M c M innvillk CITY MARKET, 1 Third Street, McMinnville. Oregon. L. ROOT, Proprietor, Dealer iu All Fresh Goods, Groceries. Flour, Bacon, and Glasswaro and Crockery. (^'"Gooda delivered to pnrchascrs'in the city w F. BANCASSE R, Propr Huccessor to Bangasser A Son. MRR. M. KHADI’KN. M1KH MAY VMWVY Baogaseer’r building Cor. B and Th ini street*». Here is where you ean worth in get your money’? Beef, Pork, Mutton, Sausage, Tripe and everything .n the line of moat,, of the bwt quality the country affords. Also the Best of Bolognas. Give me a call and be satisfied. W. F. BANQA88ER. Shadden & Vessey, I UX AO \ Fashionable Dressmaker* fyf The Taylor System of Cutting and Fit ting employed. Third street, Next to Bishop A Kay’s atoee, McMinnville, Or. - Bilik f McMi y > ■ r? 37* x '.