m " “ A’ "2 y1 V, -««Mbs* ■ a i • w ■» —» T ekwUáe V First National Sank, There is not the remotest chance that the movement for the relief of —OF- Charleston will be >v< . done Even M c M innville . O í : i GON i i masiiMi.s, 1 , Ipenny < rable terme. the litigant no more than the same |ofthe wo dors ■ f the world is the fact Bight Exchange and Tek-graphic Transfer» apace costs the business man. Fifty I thi. man lias made hinu-clf so popular un New York, San Frrificisco and Portland. cents per inch (solid minion type) p> . No living play- [Wi.ii .il, !i.-.. people Office hours—freni !• a. ni. to 1 p. in. month There is an average of <.i • Iwri'i ’ ht h ' more to make the hundred words to the inch Cimn! : . 11 »...p, < I»•> r ■ •r ridiculous and con- up for yourselves, and send you1 di i s ti. this • flier Repre n lowing sterling compan- i ics: London Ä L:vwrp <»1 : Glebe Vorth ■ays after llritisi A: ’(»rei• i'e. "itnorciàl Union CORRESPONDENCE. ; ■ ■_ ,n A r>'.< i i • m, Fire- Hamilton due'. In ! . . ... ............ 1. J ligio NEWBERG. d. j . : i. . ii Some new buildings, and new of paints ipplicd to some of the i, ones add much to the cast of (he town. reti. \V r ni.numi ila . Carpenters ,uf busily engag I at work >n tin !• >.irding hall, which, whin Ilgio-philosophii -tildi'“! ,J. C. B ra la .................... ..........President complet ■oz< a e • not expci t< I i ■ ■ le deposita W. .1 Jom and Martha Heater I been very ill, but we rejoice to ST. dii I I j > a 1*0 a J'ji they .!■ mproving. r. MtfWÄK«. Prop.. Corm ■' ...... - cess of tin school is assured Students from Tualatin, eastern Oregon, Port­ C. D. JOHNSON. h . c. roues. land, Unity, \\ dlamina and Amity are in attendance On account of the school beginning a little early, quite MlNVFACTl Ill.US OF a number were not ready to enter the First-Class first day but intend coming soon. We WAGONS, HACKS. HUGGIES. CABBIAGES, • Etc. Etc. extend a hearty welcome to all new students, and shall do all in our power B Street, between Third mid Fourth. to assure their enjoyment while here. (-t*“Carriage Painting and Repairing a Specialty. Perfect mtisfaotion guaranteed. N ewbekg . GIVE US A CALL. 1 NEW STOCK CLOTHING >«’. | JOHNSON & FORCE. S I 3 . ». t s £ £ T — — ‘ji ’, EURIS KO 1 MARKET, fi >und a tl-” r pric .. where t iie loin of beef is divided with our custom-