The Oatly Reporter, Talking with Mr. Skiff, of Syracuse, our contemporary, just look at the fun New York, about a personal friend Germany is having with Austria and there, we were impressed with the Bulgaria. O. <•. IRELAND A CO. PUBLISHERS. changes wrought since we last saw the The friends oi the Rev. Sam Jones McMinnville, Or. - Sept. 20, 1886 town. Then it was a village much af­ are said to be industriously circulat­ ter the style of our city ; now it has ing the following : “ A young man School began this a. in. 86.(XX) population, and its citizens are who had traveled with a show six years Sidewalk lumber for sale at this of­ strangers to each other in the general and played a calliope was reclaimed at sense that they are strangers instead one of the Rev. Sam Jones’ revival fice. Fresh salmon at Bangasser’s to-day. of neighbors, in most large communi­ meetings during last month.’ This is Choice. ties. Mr. Skiff lives on his farm just a quite sufficient attestation of the Rev. Mrs. Goulet found her plaque by ad­ adjoining the limits of the city. Sain’s evangelizing capacity. If he vertising it. An unsophisticated paper in the in­ can reclaim a man who has played on Beautiful gloves for ladies, only 50 terior of the state of Michigan says it that infernal instrument of torture for cents a ¡»air at Redmond’s. is not easy to understand what a pro­ six years he may hopefully tackle any Choice uncolored and English break hibition candidate can do in its legis­ other sinner with, perhaps the single fast tea 50 cents a tl>. at the bakery. lative district beyond helping the exception of the accordion player. Mrs. Redmond returned from Salem democrats to elect their man. The Among the great enterprises of this sick. Frank is hardly himself, from Detroit Tribune mildly remarks to the progressive age we note t he latent push malaria. paper quoted that it has apparent^ by a Brooklyn magazine. It is trying Old school books rebound and made overlooked the fact that “helping the to test public opinion on the question good as new for half the price of new democrats” is exactly what the third of the ablest American newspaper by ones by .1. C. Cooper. a grand poll of everybody who will party scheme is organized for. Jno. la'ckieand .Mr. Boll, of Toronto, Four children, the oldest seven years take the trouble to vote. At last ac­ spent Sunday in this county, visiting and the youngest seveft weeks, were counts the St. Louis Republican had at Mr. Bell’s in Happy valley. taken to the orphanage at Salem last received 4,481, one roll of 1,833 names Miles Hendricks leaves for Spokane week from Eugene city, the mother of being sent in. Next on list came the to-day. A thousand best wishes at­ the forlorn little hand having died New York Tribune, with 276 votes. In tend him from friends in this city. shortly after the birth of the youngest. such a test, as this tin1 Skowhegan People wish and wish that Mr. Sax A charity that provides for the help­ Chestnut or the Haubsta’dt Howler would again start his sprinkling wagon less waifs of humanity thus early cast has just as good a chance of success in this city. Rain is devoutly ¡»rayed upon the shoals of life is one of the as the great dailies of New York or for. noblest that blesses th»' world, and Chicago. If you want a first class article of should of all others be the recipient of Through many weary years the furniture made, Mr. Clark will produce the thank offerings of parents who are search for the wonderous Gunsight it for you at E. B. Fellows’ cabinet spared to care for their own. mine, that was reported to have been discovered near the Nevada line about shop. Win. K. Vanderbilt is growing en Wheatland raises good broom corn. thusiastie over his new steam yacht, twenty-five years ago, has been con­ Leslie Laughlin showed us a fine sam­ and is reported to have removed the tinued, anil many bleaching human ple from the fields of James T. Isam, $500,000 limit which he oi iginally iixed skulls lie on the burning desert, the Saturday. for cost. The builders now' have carte only evidence of the adventurers who The Corvallis Gazette remarks that blanche to make the finest boat they went out to find the golden treasure. if the news) ajiersof Oregon would tell can. Of course, Mr Vanderbilt’s yacht Many times it has been reported found, the truth about the fair there would be will surpass the gorgeous sea-palaces but on careful observation it has been a reform in its affairs. of Gould ami Bennett, and will be the discovered that, the real mine was not Mr. Goodrich is putting up a resi­ most magnificent thing afloat, until the lost ami fabulous Gunsight, but dence in John's addition. Mr. Saw­ some other millionaire turns in and yet the spirit of adventure lived and yer is also building a residence for builds a liner one. After all, the dis­ thrived, and persons who had seen himself on B Street, near First. consolate Graham said, when theunan the specimens of gold from the opu­ Mias Cyntitha Fellows of this city went through the rapids in a cork lent region believed with a firm faith that they could find the long lost re­ secured premiums in Salem upon a jacket, “fame ain’t nothing.” {•ail of pillow sham of her own work, gion of richness, and they were re­ In speaking of a recent social gath­ and jellies put up by her own hand. warded a month since. The find­ ering of blind people in the east, a A fine lot of moulding for pici’ture ers are Judson, Spring and Carter, of contemporary from that section re­ frames at E. B. Fellows’. '' =nd Los Angeles. The gold is coarse amt marks: “There is a general impres­ sample the lot. Any s pictures coined out in chunks worth from one sion, which is very wrong, that those framed to order, neat, quick and cheap. to five dollars each, ft is the richest who are deprived of sight are the most mine of modern days. Three prizes are to be shot for at wretched among mortals. On the con­ Collard's gallery. One is a handsome trary, they have many sources of en­ Advertisers can take their choice, Winchester rifle, 2d a box of cigars ; 3d joyment, ” etc. We are not aware that either daily or weekly, at the same old a silver dollar. Call and take a shot. Mr. Collard will give you all particu­ the blind are shut off from amuse­ rate. No advance in the price. We’ve lars. ments. “ On the contrary,” to quote come to stay, if you say so.