i J ■ *?r' « rM. ink, residen reBideni CaahiM DAILY MON i Trani tlarul. in. Daily Reporter, CE N oompai ». N il in, I. . Ï, . L. . Au.¡ ¡Í 20, ' n . m . PK ICE TWO CENTS. * . F. .1. M Alii IN. ¡LOGAN 3R0S. & HENDERSON,- kl in the i’ ;■ lice.it dcMiui., ille : I i Umis.;on T rough the Maile hr Sec- IClass M rt< - I - I . io n es ,i'>] ’ <■ ¡mJ v 11 known » New Firm, New Goods, New Prices At the New Stori- of ^To^I innville LIVERY, FEED AN D 8 A LE ; Basta S Martin Btnblo. We are prepared it >il and Airs Skill, of Syracuse, New hours to furnish line • ’arriages, ■ __ .■ f Di and Mrs ( Hacks and Snddk Hor.ua, and overytbng i» depart fur Imide to-morrow in the J ¡very hi’. . in jood shape at reason- ■ able rates. In addition Irai class qut ¡it- in ; . coi X| it X' Successors to Al. HUSSEY, Third stri >t. McMinnville, Oregon ank i i * iti in <4,1 4-1 v JLÄC V, . ’ . We keep a wagon special! y adapted to the ; delivery of parcel-. trunk, i satchels, etc., for it ( aohiq'i,, Cor. '■ HE CLOTHIERS OF UIIIILLCO., OVER YAMHILL COUNTY L.NK, Will open O-.tAJ . ’ ' -, ii I respectfully invited to this Give me a call, will guarantee prie Mrs. G. II. Go ulet, the P.O. Box 101. ( ÌàiMt-ÌÌW J. P avnf . St?. ìli.-pt CtloH. - .r, boy are. w and '• li\.XK arnily Croc. I - i. — Where you will works. Oregon. Its facilities for thorough practical instine lion ; actual business depa-Im nt a 6p< ■ ini! wl -rr irre; .ty. I ' r’ ’ 'r-'fts, etc. -i uc;d. Class, or priv.jt? inst n.-lien davo evening. College .fourn d ’- mt irto on up jefot / , wb ; sty Frosh F ’nit .tut Ve.re ibi, , n Season. SCHOOL. BUSINESS ’filli a St., • -pp-i-uo YAMHILL CO. < j h . • ' >: -‘. li Every article 1. ,;'ru,t Ji , Butter Crorks, Colored .-.ire, Ci ¡cry. >-d G< - .1 To MeMINNX ILL Business College, TO-DAY. NEW A Logan Bros. & Henderson. ■ means tention. .veokly lb porti'r fullv 88 ini i na , of llii- und, (tlfk Make a : è 1'lSl 11< 1 ÄtL i In Mrs. H. P. Stuir OPPOSITE LI , M c M innville Store» - '.iillinery C'-n -, J N J O kf . gon ville, Oregon. L. ROOT, Proprietor, Dealer in CITY MAKKET, 1 All Fresh Gcois, Groceilos. Flour, Lacon, and Glasswaro and Crockery. ¡-»/“Goods delivered to pun :... a-; sin the city W. F. BANC AUSFR, Propr. N „LATEST STYLES __________ Successor to Bau;a-ser A Son. iiNVillr Woolen Hill, MISS MAY VEH9NY. Biwigasser’s building 1 '-r. B and Third streets. Here is where you can get your money’s- worth in Furnishing Goods of nil kind, and above Beef, Pork, Mutton, Sansage. Tripe 1TH1 LOWEST PRICES. AI ro agents and everything n the line of meats, of the best quality the country affords. Also the g arryiiht a fall line of all gooda mado by fies» Oe ebrated milis. MHS. M. HHADOFN. Best of Bolognas, Give me a cal) and be satisfied. W. F. BANGASSER. Shadden & Vessey. Fashionable Dressmakers I i?*The Taylor System of Cuttine and Fit ting employed. Third street, Next to Bishop