First National Bank, Jerry sighs, “ Summer vacations, rambles and flirtations are over. Oys­ —OF ters are good, and the serious business MoM INN VILLE. OREGO D. C. IRELAND 4 CO. PUBLISHERS, of the fall and winter has begun.” J acor W ortman . ................................ Ere «dea McMinnville. Or Sept 18, 1886 Bismarck is quoted as saying, 11 I D. P. T hompson , .............. Vice-presiden believe in peace.” This is a misunder­ J ohn W ortman ............. ...c Not even the earthquake shocks, standing He believes in pieces. Ask Transacts a General Banking biitune.s« -X Interest allowed on time déposas. the Texas tidal wave, the Bulgarian France V< revolutions, the Maine campaign, James, son of Secretary Wanning is Collections made on favorablo terms. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic TranntMMK cholera in Europe, the president shoot­ credited with making the statement on New York, San Francisco ami Portland, ing a big antlered buck, the escape of that he doesn’t think that his father Office hours—from » a. in. to 4 p. ». Victoria Schilling or the bursting of will return to the treasury department. the Iowa artesian well, is anything to We think he will, at least until after JOH.V WORTHAV compare to the “ joy” of Frank Pixley the next election. A Represents the following sterling compst of the Argonaut, who is in eustacy ies: London & Liverpool & Globe. Norti As much space in these columns as British A Mercantile. Commercial UnioT^ over the California republican state can be given consistently to such spec­ Fire Association, German American, Piny» ticket, because there is not a man on man’s Fund, Hartford, Commercial. Ang|. *' State Investment. it who was not born on American ial purpose, will, in future, be devoted Nevada, to the interests of religious and secu­ Wheat insurance a specialty icL r soil, with one exception, Win. H. II. lar societies and associations, accord ­ Hart, and he was born in England of 1’1 protestant parents, and came to this ing as they in substantial ways recip­ rocal«* the interest taken in them by OREGON. r ? j M c M innville country when an infant. Even he would not have been nominated but the Reporter. J. C. B ralt ..................................... RremdeLM Hon. O, N. Denny has his hands full W.D. M c D onald , J r ..................Secret«111 rf for the Bohemian silver tongued orator, Col Tom Fitch, who made a very as vice president to the king of Corea. C lark B raly ............................................. Cashi 'p| a general Banking Business, flowery speech placing him in nom­ As director of foreign affairs he has tw o Transacts lections made on favorable terms inspectors and a secretary and keeps ination as a candidate for attorney Exchange on Ladd & Tilton. Portland. (llE. Interest allowed on time deposits, them all busy. Corea is rich in agri ­ general. The name was raised on a sil­ very crest of eloquence, dwelling upon cultural resources as well as mineral the fact that he was a brave and loyal wealth, but is poverty stricken through ST. CHARLES ■OTn T. MULTNEH, Prop.. soldier, and took up arms and fought an utter lack of industry among the Corner Third and B streets, * JL and bled far his country in the hour of people. If the farmer can be turned MCMINN VILLE - - OHFl.n her darkest peril. There was no is­ to account it may, and doubtless will, New house! New furniture! Unsnrpa» in the country. Rates—$1 to $2 per dayi sue of race prejudce in this conven­ induce a certain degree of thriftiness cording to room. Single meals 25 cen- Lodging, 25 to 50 cents according to root tion, and Pixley claims that the re­ and enterprise among the people. Board and Lodging. $4 to $6, per week. T| sult is merely the outgrowth of a Fine Sample Rooms for commercial Give me a call and see for vonrself. healthy public sentiment, which he claims the honor of helping to create. W. J. GABUISON. A. H. GA Th* D»Uy R*port*r. FIRE INSURANCE Yamhill County Bank NEW STOCK CLOTHING EURISKO ----- AT THE----- The more one reads the less he knows about the Bulgarian dispute, Just Received at and so we have about decided to let » ------ .---- - - MARKE Where the best of meats can always be f. cery, I'nited States Circuit court for the district <>f Oregon, was in the-city PHYSICIAN AND OPTICIAN. last evening. He paid a cull this morn­ All defects of the eye­ sight. namely.Pre tbyopia, ing to the family of Hon. D. 0. Dur­ *Mvopia, Hyperraetcopia, ham. near this city, the first in fifteen I h plop,a ¡when glasses are required to correct the de­ years, ami proceeded to Lafayette to fective eye I sin p epared to meet. I test the sell the Myers farm, upon suit of the siRdt and tit the proper lens to spectaclen and Dundee mortgage and trust invest­ eye-Rlafwee Give me a call and satisfy your- selves. Offioe Third Street. McMinnville. ment company. Oregon Buy Fashionable Goods From Head-quarters of Fashion. XII NS F. E. RÏ 8S. McMinnrille. '