The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, September 18, 1886, Image 3

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The D aflíy Reporter
The finest sweet potatoes I ever saw
Kemcmber the Bee-keepers meet
ing convenes on Tuesday next.
at Baxter A Martin's to-day.
It is about time for the hi-ennial
H. L. Pittocks son Robert died in
hue and cry about school books.
Cannonsburg. Pa., on the 16th.
Sept. 18, 188«
McMinnville, Or
Curt von Otterstet of the Portland When somebody wants a change he
sets up a howl about the school book
German Free Press is in the city.
I Sidewalk lumber for sale at this of­
A fraud.
The existing evil can lie
Wanted at this office to-day.
man to carry the Daily Reporter and remedied without creating a monopoly
Subscribe for the Daily Reporter, attend th? press.
for the benefit of any publishing house.
The Daily Reporter is a success. He
nly ten cents per week.
In 1884 a bowling alley was shipped
expect to enlarge in a few days, at the to this place for the Grand Army boys
Hon. J. H. Mitchell is expected at
to amuse themselves with at the re­
same price. Only ten cents a week.
■nine in Portland within a week.
F. D. Jordan, a teacher from Massa union at the fair grounds. It is still
well S Choice uncolored and English break­
chusetts, is in the city. He has been at the freight depot, charges and in­
Ion* fast tea 50 cents a H>. at the bakery
granted a certificate and will take the terest collectable.
It didn't pan out a
wen- jW. H. Bingham sent out another
Moores valley school next week.
paying venture. Who will call and
. If wagon load of household goods into
There is going to be a war between claim the goods?
t>e country yesterday.
n at
the NP and 0RNCÓ., at no distant
We were pleased yesterday to re­
Will Ixnighary is giving good satis- day ; and the low rates the country
el tie
ceive a call from Mr. King, of the firm
iction, OCR
wr are
to learn, as as- will then get will make it chuckle
ppiy rotant
at Corvallis.
of Olds A King, leading Portland
' If you want a first class article of with satisfaction
merchairts. Mr, King was up on a
Ladd A Reed took premiums at the visit to his daughter, Mrs J, T. Jolly,
i furniture made, Mr. Clark will produce
irt ît- for you at E R. Fellows’ cabinet slate fair upon every animal exhibited and returned to Portland this a. m.
from Broadmeads farm. Uncle Jim He is well posted in Yamhill county,
& shop.
Bro. Struhble passed down the road Fletcher took first premium on his and their house enjoys a gond trade
from this locality.
He says the Chronicle stallion Young Cleveland.
Three prizes are to be shot lor at
will appvjir .it CorvjHw sure nn or
Messrs. Lotan and Ferguson re­
Collard's gallery. One is a handsome turned from a tour of inspection at
Jffiout the 1st.
'Hank Vaughn’s a.tsailan«. was taken Winchester rifle. 2d a box of cigars ; 3d Yaquina yesterday, They inspected
U> the pen last week for four year* By a silver dollar. Call and take a shot. the Yaquina, Favorite and Mischief.
th< linn- his term is served the patent Mr. Collard will give yon all particu­ Tin- latter is ('apt. Winant’s nobby
insides will find it out.
little auxilary schooner, built at Park­
Lot Livermore aH {»ostihaster of Pen­ ers mill last summer. She was to have
>,&*. fine lot of moulding for picuture
dleton has been a faithful and efficient left Newport for Portland yesterday.
frames at K. B. Fellows'. ''all and
public officer for thirteen and a half
Father White left the city a few day«
sample the lot.
Any size pictures
years. Hr was appointed in 1873 by
framed to order, neat, quick and cheap
ago for a little needed rest, expecting
John A. Cresswell, then postmaster­
to return next week. Yesterday his
■’Pi »f. A. L. Francis, one of the best, general.
rooms were invaded bv half a dozen
most successful piano and organ tun­
Renewals should begin to come in
t ers, is in the city, headquarters .it the
ladies, and they proceeded to measure
from this time on, and we hope those
Centrai. He expects to remain until of our readers whom we waited upon the floors for new carpets, anil enter
upon a regular house cleaning Two
this p. m.
will make an effort to send in renew­
t.l ic rooms will be carpeted with new
Di Lougluiry and Judge Lmighary als and al the same time semi in a few
rag carpets, mad« expressly for the
wen called home to the bedside of , new named.
under the management ol
Mrs. J. Harvey Henderson yesterday.
The rapid ticket-seller has located
We are pained to say (hat Mrs. H :s at the OCR office at Portland, so the Mrs. Jacob Worntan, one of which
deservedly took first prize at th«* late
lying very near to death’s door.
Statesman says. He“figgcrs" a twen­
county fair The reception room floor
St. James church. Rev. John (’. Fair, ty on three faresat two-and lutlf before
will be covered by a new caqHit fur­
rector. Services 11 a. in. and 7: 30 p handing back the $12.50, no matter
nished by the gentlemen from E. B.
m. Sunday school 9: 30 a. m. Friday how many passengers there an- to go.
Fellows' stock and Mr. F. has Volun­
«veiling service at 7: 30 o’clock. Seats I Born, in this city, to the wife of
James Heath. Sept. 17, 1886, a «laugh- teered to frame an excellent picture of
\11 are cordially invited.
Mother and child are doing well, i
Gr°88 an<1 add * bn,ckot or tw"
Uncle John Ba^er did buy Nash j ter.
in the room. Thia
u ville, it seems, when he was over to . Mr. Heath is down with typhoid fever,
by the ladies
Yaquina, ami expected to put up w and in his case for a certainty, we sin
■ of St. James Abler society, organized
" big hotel and go into business over ccrely hope for hi« recovery.
The west aide road is beginning to one year since. The ladies have plac­
thaïe, but his partner went back on it.
pick up its ears a little. Gastón is ed a beautiful chancel lamp in the
Services at M. E. church next Sun-
electrified by the news that after so church, paid the altar expenses, and
• day as usual at 11 a. in. and 7 :30 p. m.
long a time it is to have a station have *31 in the treasury. The officer*
Subject of evening discourse, “ 8ui house and agent. A. L. McLeod, of are, Mrs. Bergevin president. Miss S.
cides ; cause and 'cure." All are in- Dilley, ia to nuume the responsibility Mark vice preaident, Miss Carrie Murk­
* vited
H P Hatchwell, Pastor.
of running the office.
secretary and Father White treasurer.