Hon. Reid r came up last eyen- The cholera is gaining ground in ' * z Wm. » . „..:2 II is the worst at Lie, a vil- ing and left the 1 -train i ~ - 4 ’ - l - •- i n at St Jo? for a Austri*. J if A X p»g -L. f .~^Z The people visit to Lafayette, Intending to läge of 900 near Agram. distrust'the doctors and conceal the (over the line of the naWor gange d sick a.- long an possible. The doctors day, to Portland. An 'engine from The OaHy Reporter .K«” Al C ■*"«< IRK!.AMU i CO. Aw »pun «t/ «5 Pl RUSH KUS. *•' »wbavriptian Kate». ■ J*' By Itamar per week .. ................... IO canta are frequently stoned in the streets. Elk rock will meet him at Bridgeport, »Paysble « mi Saturday.) Si; g le « opy ............. 9 The By Mail »0 oer.u per Month (In Advance. • In one house a mother and daughter .crossing the Tualatin > to-day. were found __________ half naked on a bare floor ___ bridges ............... are now Hate« far <4»ertiain* all completed and Will be made ■MU.-factory to Ml applicante. writhing in th«' agony of death, and track laying will l»e carried on at the McMiun ville. Or Sept 18. 1SS6 in another room lay the body of the rate of a mile j»er day to the finish. father upon which had been thrown Nearly 5,0i)0 feet nF track was laid the corpse of the son. The villagers yesterday. vorz< x to 1ATh; a . vts are too mucii frighten.-d to help one Legal advertising at this office coats another The Belli1 Plaine, lu'.^.i. artesian well w the litigaut no more than the -ame still produces it.- five million gallon» •pane coat- the business man. Fifty NEW TODAY. of water daily. The pro.-surc is twen­ cents per inch (solid minion tyjie) per ty-five jKiunds to the square inch. If month There is an average of one hundred word- to the inch. Count it Mr. l^add could strike such a vein at up for youiselves, and send your or­ his East Portland well it would settle ders to this office. all controversy as to the future supply for Portland CITY STABLES THK IW.41. 8.4/T. - Tlir usual bait for the interior press to puff the Portland fair into notoriety com« - this year from a printers fur­ nishing house. With exchange such aa (hat for »«-nice- performed, now HLNDEKsO IIKOri. main printers can pay «• git.mate de Iz»ery maud- -ipm them? W>- believe in an Ampie room Io eat*« for hor-a*. team? at n* rvaso: able ratea a tny «he!» in hone-t dollar for honest labor. The Orwgnu. Se» *t»b:e Tbini S'.. McMinnville. complimentary ticket received at thia office »-- promptly returned We may l«c » crank, in the estimation of n *««ine. but w« should l»e glad to -re the managers of the interior pre-s a-sert a little more iiidc}«»ndenc*' in such mat­ ter»« as th:-. or Look Upon This Pretori In answer to the .-all of the Prohi- tor an <»pi i ■¡on •>• .1 trvaelnTy, T. T (leer, of Marion county, writes an open letter which puts the interrogator m * very un­ pleasant dilemma, stripping him of hi» sophism tv hi* infinite disgust, and the merriment of the latter as it ap­ pear« in the Statesman T TH» «¡AN Pi A< »:, db / — " L. rr ▼ 1 wer« We » lying st reci«»i rn. .- •even free •y -• - tn< vili« Yaipi Double Sexted Drxwen xtd Ciw big I k Shield Daiershirt then-, After which cali at A. J. Appe * whi take a look B' the goods LATEST STYLES. Scader t • Ì the Way. r'brsîsLiBg ( kxm M 4 Ui kiwd »nd above all THB LOWKST PkICftA Ah-, I Da r >« rvaiire the astoaiahuigly tow j»rw«» for the Brownsville Woolen WHIr APPERSON’S. CarTyuw « fall ho« of all gcod. m».'•> cp. and Bova tbesr «• ebrated rai! ta. 's> w "I ,X I W W * r V • _ _ w •ri* 7 it f Mn : from i fà< «fri I I fur 'Pl mo- era. Cent this Then Upon Th«; « mp«-ue I» <\F<> wn th. ■ ,.V. fra; sain frai< YAMHILL CO YAMHILI. < «». fa­ •F to t th< ine h FRONT VIEW Tb -d ?-t h.. I ¿Abo THE CLOTHIERS K Sau Fran« -c<> wheat buyer in I Portland -tales th.it th«- growers are very stitr ♦•«■.ms«- the hop grower ..- - »: tf the pn-fucer of wheat. It i-expected that w hen thecrop i* pr-k«>d and baled there will l«e a «'onsidcrable drop in the quotation- is mast producer- will I»«« in ne**d of ca-h al>out tliat time. b, s : h L_ fri 50 ap. N Bubjei cMt- Ì vitel