a h - -» V ” s« t ; The Daily Reporter. ' D. C. IRELAND <* CO. PUBLISHERS, McMinnville, Or. - Sept. 17, 188C SEVERAL ('ONSP/Cl’ors facts . 11,'1 Oliver Wendell Holmes once said that only gents wear pants, while gen­ tlemen weur pantaloons. But what are we to think of Judge Strahan whose trousers pocket* were rilled. H there is no sea serjient, there ELLA WHEELER. really ought to be one Poor human Recently Ella Wheeler Wilcox cal­ nature will never be satisfied until the led upon Mary Maples Dodge, editor peregrinating circus contains a speci­ of St.Nicholas. She was not “ recogniz­ men of this long imagined monster. ed” according to the code of society, That Boston coppersmith who re­ as Mrs. Dodge “had never heard of her cently fell from the steeple of a Hav­ before.” The next day however, she erhill church, and got up alive, has did a thing which may not have been more to boast of than the New York in the best taste, but which certainly brnigt jumpers. But no dime muse­ was due to herself and the preserva­ um will hire him. tion of her dignity. She sent copies of The English press is not complimen­ the accounts of various receptions at tary to Bismark for his action in the which noted people had read selections Bulgarian affair Fortunately for him from her poems and of her last two pub­ liowever, the prince is old and tough lished books, to the office of St. Nich­ euough to stand a good deal of criti­ olas, on receipt of which Mrs. Dodge cism without breaking down. Hainliu, the man who married ('apt. sent a graceful little note of apology, saying that her life was such a seclud­ Hallen s daughter at Ritzville, after swindling everybody, deserted his ed one and so tilled with the round of bride, has Ireen arrested at Lacrosse. editorial duties that she found herself Il ha» been discovered that he has a ever and anon dropping behind the wife and four children in Indiana He rest of the world. Had Mrs. Dodge will be brought back for trial on the realized the true facts of the case she would have comprehended how severe­ charge of bigamy. Pref. Proctor says that earthquakes ly this ridiculous interview of the pre­ show our globe simply tube full of vious day told against her. Asa writer life and elements of activity, and that of purely sentimental verse, few women its decay from old age and the winter have surpassed Mrs. Wilcox. It would of death are millions of years away. be safe to say that there is not a town A man might say as much in favor of in the United States, however remote, a kicking horse, but that wouldn’t that has not been made acquainted make a person feel any easier near its with some of her 3,000 poems copied into the poets' corner of the local pa­ heel*. per, while in many of these places the Pittsburg lawyers are worrying them­ name of Mary Maples Dodge would be selves about the legality of an affida­ an empty, meaningless sound. vit taken by telephone. Such deposit may be all right if the deponent is hon­ Jay Gould’s son, and Blane’s son, married very recently, attract al­ est and continue to acknowledge his each most as much notice from press re­ responsibility for it ; but it might not porters as does Victoria Schilling. be entiieiy safe tv take the affidavit of the average machine politician on the A. I). Howard, U, I>. telephone plan. PHYSICIAN AND OPTICIAN. Some months ago a surgeon of All defect« of the eye- sight^iamelv.Preabyop'ia, Olympia set the broken leg of a colt. Myopia. Hypermetropia, Recently the animal died of some dis­ Diplopia ¡when glasses are required to oorrect the de­ ease and the doctor removed the frac­ fective eve I am prepared to meet. I teet the tured bene and found that the fracture sight and nt the proper lens to spectacles and Give me a call and satisfy your- had well knit and that the bone was eelvea. Office Third Street. McMinnville, •uund This disproves the theory that Oregon ' I NEW STOCK the fractured bone of a horse can­ not be made well again. —OF— Republicans were grandly victorious in Maine. The prohibition vote did not interfere with the resultas serious­ Just Received at ly as was expected. Augusta, the W.D.M c D onald , J r ............ Secretarj C lark B raly ............................Cashiei Transacts a general Banking Business. Col lections made on favorable terms Exohange on Ladd