The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, September 17, 1886, Image 2

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Km«-« tar Advertising
Wil! be nude utiafaotory to all applicanti«.
McMinnville. • )r.
M7Z /. ! VA77 Ö
Sept. 17. 1SS6
ApprupiM to the construction of so
many bridges aero." the Willamette
this year is the .somewhat jx 1-111 of the
• bard ” Stephen Mayl»ell.
We give
it below in full. It wa* written about
the year INTO
: *->
• At -J
> w ' -
Behind ttie puit4 bad sunk the snti.
And darknew« hung o’er Oregon,
When ou the banks o’ Willamette
A youth was seen to set and set
Aud set and Slug unto the moon,
A wild, yet sweet pathetic tu..e
“ llisy're going to build. 1 feel it yet,
A bridge aerusa the Willamette.’’
'the flat boat drifted slowly o’er
And reaoned at last the other shore:
The captain, brave, oourageou« soul!
Fished h-r to land with tithing pole
W hen hark' from o’er the a «v«««a strain
That youth. that voio>. that wild refraiu.
‘' they're going to build. I feel it yet.
A bridge aerom the Willamette.”
Park grew ths night, the south wmds blew,
huwi came the 1 Irwgonian de»
Down naoanten aides the torrent» p-. ur'd.
The atri-eiulris rose, the rivers r >ar'd
Mill suug It <t ■ uth will, webbed t.ww.
Sea th umber ell, in rttblmr 0 lot he«
“ they’re going to build. I feel it yet.
A bridge aero«« the Willamette."
A Mode chief in pure « biuouk.
• Tied. "Klahowyah, tinitnm, tnamook:
Hiyu lye« »>ih tnnokatiiuck.
Sowitka i.tka tik < cuintut:
All the «cu<* white tuan. nika klouas.
Gum «nek mnutook.akiMikum hyns;“
Kut silent grew hi« savage tougue.
F..r higli above Li« war whoop* rung —
'Ihey're going to build I feel it yet.
A bridge aero«« th« Willamette."
A aitixeu from Yarniany
Wh<> h-*vid him frotu the brewery.
Sang mt. Young fellow «th »p dot »houet'
Dot pridge, you be*, whs pout blared ouet;
Some diugs I know I tole yon «•«11«
Dem land agent« was J —- schniart ooona;
IKK eve van in ruv prids»». von bet"
IX»t pudge tortMadot WilUmsttor*
So winter rs.u- and summer flower«
Faw«e<i »u wi'h sad aud pie« Sant hour«:
Yet still «at on the rivet bank,
A tuna. L«a1d-hea..<d. lean .nJ lank.
Grovu old «
■> aging it> «■- me tune
"Tia noraiug, ooming. coining soon'
rbey’rv going to build. I feel it yet,
bridge across the Willamette.**
• •
Years pa «id—there came a trav’ler roan
year. The Boston Transcript «ays of
the Cottage Hearth : “ Setting aside
its literary contents which are of a
high order of merit, the collation of
receipts for the kitchen and for the
sick room, it* practical suggestions
and advice for the tailing ami care of
plants ami flower«, instructions for :
beautifying home- by simple nwans,
and other practical fcatur •«, make it
Some of our readers want two papers
invaluable to «-very household.
for the price of one. Last year a great
many patrons of this paper were
Some of them growl in the city coun­
given choice of a select list from cil at Portland hrcmtec time is con­
the east at the rate of $2.50 j»er vear. sumed in reading th«* minutes. Some­
We will renew the offer for a brief per­ day they may learn that it is the saf­
il*! this year By paying up and get­ est and best way t<> comiic ity affairs
ting this favor, readers of the Reporter and keep posted. Not to read the min­
will obtain double the amount of mat­ utes is a great deal Eke Gerdes em­
ter they can secure in any other way. ploying Sweeney because he is the
For instance
Send to the Cottage cheapest man.
Hearth Co., Boston, Mass., for a free
'ample copy of thei* beautiful illus­
Look Upon This Picture
trated magazine and -o realize what
an extraordinary offer we are making
when we. offer to send both papers
for a full year for $2.50. when the price
of the Cottage Hearth alone is $1.50 u
To visit our East Portland town:
As on the river bank he stood,
He saw a sight that frvze his blood:
Kight there beneath the glowing sun
There sat a ghostly skeleton.
su bwcriptiwn Kalr«.
By Carrier per week............................. IC» Cents Which turned its hideous, fleshless head,
And grinned most horribly, and said:
■ Fayable on Saturday. »
“They’re going to baild, I feel it yet,
Y............................................ - ”
o-nb per Alouth I11 Advance.»
A bridge across the Willamette.”
The Daily Reporter.
----- (o)
------- OF
Then Upon This;
Third St.. < »ppoaiie
_________________________ I
Dox r F orget the P i ace , j
— Where you will—
1» THt*
After which call at A. J. Appersou’s •nd <
take a look at the goods
Scher’s Doable Seated Drawers and Sbeel-
Shield Dnderihirt.
By the Way.
Furnishing Goods of all kind, and above
all THE U)WES1 PRICES. Also agent*
Do you realize the a«toni«hingly low price* »•
for the
Brown«>illr W oolen Hill.
< Arrymg a full line of all good« ruade by Men a Suite from $€<.00 up. end Boys'
these ce ebrated mills.
from $3 50 up. NO SHODDY