The Daily Reporter. 2 5 7« ìt « t IREI.AND a «O. PUBLISHERS McMinnville. Or Sept. 16. 1886 U«l of Premium« Awarded at the third annual fair o; the Yamhill county Agricultural so­ ciety, Sept 6th 7th, Nth. 1886 DIVISION A. CAITL1—CLAAe 1 — THOROUGHBRED DUBHAM. 1.1 R Derby, potatoes. 2d IR 8'-ook. befit seed corn, 1st IJ W Rogers best Oregon sweet pota­ toes. 1st . IJ T Funk, best squashes. 1st B F bparks 2d best squashes J S Hibbs, best green Oom. 1st •• best pie plant. 1st ... J A ludu, befit cheat hay and seed, 1st J T Jolly, best oats. 1st •• best wheat. 2d ....... A K Olds, best wheat, 1st............ C B Wiley, best encumber, 1st ' B Graves, best watermelon, 1st Mre Annie He peaches. 1st Lige Fox. peaches. 2d Mrs C A \\ bartlet pears. M re \nnie Henderson, bartlet pears.2d Mrs Wm Galloway, beet quinces. 1st J W Roger-, best prunes. 1st Jos Watt, best bull, 1 years old. 1st 12 50 •> » DIVISION F—CANNED FRUIT AND JELLY. Ijidd A Reed, best cow. 1st Ï beet cow , 2d Mrs Geo Patty, best jelly. 1st. best 1 year old heifer. 1st •j Mrs B F Fuller. 2d jelly. 50 Mrs Emma Star, beet fruit in jare. 1st best 1 ve&r old heifer. 2d best cal,. 1st 1 50 Mrs Annie Henderson, beet peaches in jars. IM THOROUGHBRED HOLSTEIN. Mrs Mary High, best cherries. 1st C A WalbiOe. liest 4 vear old bull. 1st Miss 1 Fellows, beet jelly—child—1st *• beet 2 ’ “ cow. 1st Mrs J > Hibbs, best butter. 1st best 1 “ beifar. 1st .» Mrs GM Allen, butter. 2d o best 6 mo.old bull calf.1st Sirs. D \ Wallace, best bread. 1st I. K Wallace, beat 1 year old bull. 1st 2 Mrs B F Sparks, best cookies. 1st 2 best 3 yr old oow. 1st Î beat 1 " heifej. '2d DIVISION O—FLORAL DEPARTMENT. iLvsa 3- jerseys . Mrs Redmond, best eiephant ears, 1st s .v> Mrs ' has Palmer, best tree osalis, 1st Springer Bros best 2 yr old bull, 1st •> a beet dean thus. 1st best 4 yr old cow. 1st > Mrs Galloway, beet geranium. 1st beat 1 yr old heifer, 1st best pure white fusia. 1st best 6 mo.old bull calf, 1st 1 50 best 9pecwcra. 1st CLASS 4—GRADES. best rose geranium. 1st •> H < Jones, best \ Durham bull. 1st best rose button. 1st i L H Morgan, best X " -M Mias FE R ubs , best white heliotrope, 1st D A Wallace, best graded Holstinecalf 1 beet bouquet. 1st L H Morgan, best yoke cattle, 1st 1 DIVISION H —NEEDLE WORK—CLASS 15. DIVISION CI ASS B. HORSES and MULES- '•—CLY DBS—DBA IT. 1 Juki A Reed, best stallion 7 yr old, 1st 3 beet mare 4 yr old. 1st 3 beet mare 3 yr old. 1st 3 — HOUSES OF ALL WORK. J Fletotow. best 4 year old stallion. 1st *2 W B < arev, mare. 1st " best mare, 2<1 best 1 oolt. 1st.. G Springer, best 3 mare, 1st best I mare. 1st J 8 Hibbs, best suckling oolt, 2d W esley Jones, best farm team. 1st H M Me1 by. best filly, 1 yr old. 1st H F Kaufman, best 1 yr old filly. 2d CLASS 7—ROADSTERS. 1 G Stevenson, best 3 yr old stallion 1st.... Geo Bryan, best 2 yr old stallion H R Littlefield, besi 2 yr old fillv. 1st best 1 yr old filly. 1st .1 F ' albreath. best 1 yr old filly. 2d K Gunning, beet 4 year old and over, mare. 1st . L H Jon*«, liest 4 yr old mare. 21 C A \\ allaoe. best 3 yr old ge'ding. K W Philips, beet 3 yr old fillv, 2d. W A Frakes, best mare and oolt. 1st CLASS 8—THOROUGHBRED. w J Garrison, best turf stallion. 3 vr old. let ClAHS 3 JACKS AND MULES. Wm Galloway, best jack. 1st J Millard. btst mule colt. Isi N K Sitton, best mule colt. 2d. DIVISION I -SHEEP AND SWINE. ' K Harbaugh, beet SharpehireJ .wn bock and ewe, 1st " 1 Hembree, best Southdown ewe and lamb, 1st A < Davis, t>est fuvltbt class 11. K " Phillipa. beat whits crested po'ish pivwion ■— fabm products — clam 12 U H Neal, oeet potatoes. lit VI Maggie Triplet—child's dept'nt—best pieced quilt. 1st. Rizzie Davis—child—best pieced quilt machine work. 1st .............. . Mrs A C Davis, best pieced quilt, 2d 'lrs Dr acker, best pieced quilt. 1st. Mrs A J Whitmore, best crazy silk quilt. 1st. Mrs Addie Harrison, crazv silk quilt 2d Mrs J J Sax. best sofa cushion. 1st Mrs A D Howard, silk sofa cushion, 1st Mrs Ida worsted rug.1st Mrs Ella Detmenng, best rag rug, 1st Mrs oulter. best goat skin rug. 1st Mrs R Gonning. worsted work picture. 1« M’s E B Fellows, outlined stitch pil­ low «hams. 1st Miss 'tarr. outline stitch pillow shams, 2d Miss Sn««te Braly. log cabin quilt. 1st Mrs D A Wallace. best canvas toilet set 1st “ best fancy watch pocket. 1st Mrs Mary Gilkey, best baby blanket embroidered. 1st Mi«- Belle Johnson, best tinsel embroid­ ery. 1st and 2d Miss Eva Cook, best card board work.1st best reamo cover. 1st Mrs Dr lucker. best embroidered babv shirt. 1st Mrs L E Nelson. best zephvr tidy. 1st Frank Wisecarver, best zeuhvr wreath. 1st DIVISION I, PEN WORK DIVISION J, PAINTING ENITTTNO—CLASS 17. Mrs Musgrove, best ootton tidy. 1st LB Nelson, best worsted tidy, 1st Miss Belle Johnson, best fancy over­ shoes. 1st................ Mrs Graham, best fancy bedspread. 1st " W H Young, fancy bedspread. 2d CLASS 13. Myrtle Appereon. kensington picture frame. 1st .... .... Eva Cook, satin painting, 1st.... May Alexander, satin painting, 2d Miss Rosie Hembree, best oil landscape painting. 1st .... best crayon landscape, 1st G R Higgins, crayon portrait, 1st •• pastelie landscape. 1st Miss E Palmer, fruit piece, 1st John Watt, ox head in oil, 1st Miss Ora Warren, elk head in crayon,1st division k — class 20. Appereon, Indian relics, 1st re E J Snelling, “ 2d iuvsion l — class 20. — Terry, hand made tools, 1st Johnson A Force, boggy, 1st ... hack. 1st family carriage, 1st S A Manning A Co, best display of stoves, 1st ............ EB Fellows, best display of furnitnre.lst B F Fuller, clothes rack. 16t oamp chest. 1st . division m — cl ass 21. Mrs Jacob Wortman, best rag carpet, 1st “ O P < ache, rag carpet. 2d DIVISION N—CLASS 22. Helen Calbreath. Angora cats in oage.lst First National Bank, M c M innville . OREGON J acob W ortman ...................... President D. P. T hompson ,........... Vice-president J ohn W ortman ......................... Cashier Transacts a General Banking business Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections made on favorable term». Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers oc New York. San Francisco and Portland. Office hours—from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. FIRE INSURANCE .IOIIA Represent* ihe following sterling compan tes: London A Liverpool A Globe. Vorth British A Mercantile. Commercial Union ' Fire.Association. German American. Fire man’s Fund. Hartford. Commercial, \ngb Nevada. State Investment. Wheat insurance a specialty. Yamhill County Bank. M c M innville - - O regon . J-U. B kai . i .............................. 1‘resident VS .D. M c D onald . J r .............. SecretanS C lark B raly .............................. Cashier® Transacts a general Banking Business <1olj| lections made on favorable terms Exchange on Ladd A Tilton. Portland. O l I Interest allowed on time deposits. CROCHET WORK, CLASS 16. Mrs D A Walla©?, lambrequin. 1st Annie Hmdereon. besr shawl, 1st “ E J Robinson, best cape. 2d Miss Katie Barnum, best tidy, 1st Mrs 8 A Manuing. best ootton lace, 1st best silk laoe. 1st . CLASS 18. C F Houghton, beat pen drawing, 1st Mattie Martin, * . jd W. J. GARBISON. a . H. GAUWT. ---- AT THE----- EÜRISKO MARKET Where the best of meats can always be foe* and at the most reasonable prices. wb«r the loin of beef is divided with our c ere. Meats done up in the latest and good weights given. Give us a Yours truly, * . “ ». 5 « “ o S *-• * » 3 ■ 3 s s s W. J. Garrison & Co J Si« lyn out •lig Tin dea BPi