The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, September 16, 1886, Image 3

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    Mrs. J. Harv. Henderson is reported
(fuite ill with typhoid fever.
Some improvement was noted in
Mr. Pettigrew’s case yesterday.
eAlinnville, Or.
Sept. 16, 1886
St. Paul reveled in an ice palace
last winter, but now her supply of ice
is exhausted and she sutlers a tempera
I Rain would now be thrice welcomed.
ture of 105.
I Sickness in the city seems to be in­
The war cloud is giowing blacker in
the east. From present indications
| Mrs. E. F. Mattheu is visiting in
the great powers of Europe are likely
to become involved in a bloody contest
■ The last of the watermelons, and
over a very small matter.
fine ones, were at the grange store.
There seems to be nothing more cer­
■ The walls of Cook’s hotel have pas-
than that Oregon is to get her full
e«d up and beyond the ground story.
share of railway connection to the
■ Mr. and Mrs. Am. Shadden go to
states, and that with as little
Spend a week in the mountains, to-day.
intervening time as possible.
■ The OPR is now completed to the
I. S. Perry’s artesian well at his mill
bridge across the Wallamett at Albany.
at North Yamhill, is so strongly im­
■ Dr L. H. Whitehouse, of Spokane
pregnated with mineral that he can
falls, made this city a brief call yester­
not use it in* his boilers. Some think
he has a mineral well equal to Wil­
>yCofiec is advancing in eastern mar­
hoit springs.
kets. The Rio crop is 150,000 bags
The output of $18,000,000 in silver
Subscribe for the Reporter, and pay
in Montana this year is regarded by the
. P. F. Browne is fitting up another
for it when you subscribe, ami we will St. Paul Globe as an excellent provis­
«»{•client store room on B street, just
pledge ourselves to give you more
ion for making a senatorial election in­
south of fourth.
news, for less money, than any other
teresting, and that paper thinks the
'.E. X Harding, of Portland, is in
paper in the Willamette valley. The territory should have a state govern­
the city. He is looking for Mrs. H. to
Daily will help the weekly 100 per
■reach here soon from the Atlantic side.
ment without delay.
cent. S*e f it don't.
’(The car bumpers were bursted,draw­
Wm. Geldards little daughter l<la,
beads mashed and pulltimbers broken,
aged about 12 years, awoke her parents
■on twp freight cars at the depot here week we shall appreciate the favor of Saturday night between 10 and II
on Tuesday. The ears are here yet for your subscription ; we have no money o’clock, complaining that she could
to lose in the venture ; if it pays its not sleep; and died before morning
Services at M. E church next Sun­ way another column will be added, Ida has been an invalid for some years.
day as usual at 11 a. in. and 7 :30 p. in. and another ; if not perImps not. The They live beyond Carlton on the North
Subject of evening discourse, “ Sui- quality is surely as fair as the rate. Yamhill road.
<s much space in these columns as
cid<•< ; cause and cure.” All are in­
It is ail nonsense to talk about car­
can be given consistently to such spec­ ryingnorthern state« bv southern votes
vite’I. H. P. Satehwell, Pastor.
Senator Mitchell is in New York, but ial purpose, will, in future, be devoted imported by colony process. It would
will soon leave for his home in Oregon. to the interests of religious and secu­ give rise to as much trouble here ax
Senator Dolph, who has spent the sum­ lar societies and associations, accord­ there. Education is the one thing
mer with his family in Vineyard Ha­ ing as they in substantial ways recip­ needful to a republican form of gov­
ven will return to X'ew York on Sat­ rocate the interest taken in them by ernment. Lazy, ignorant, mercenary
the Reporter.
whites never ought to be allowed the
JI on. .1.1. Henderson lias been called
The Astoria boys were received with right of an elective franchise, and suf­
to the city to attend to business in honors at home on their victorious re­ frage was carried too far when it was
consequence of the sickness of Wm. turn from Salem. When the hose cart extended to the freedmen.
. -t- ami the wife.). Harvey Henderson,
came ashore twenty-four handsome
The patent outside sheets miscalled
which takes both of them away from young ladies fairly captured the victo­ newspapers have a column or two of
the stables.
rious, blushing ‘ Rescue” boys, and what is called “state news,” “coast
The local fair to begin at Newberg gave each a lieautiful bouquet, after news," etc., and a good deal of it is
oft the 23d is free for all. For several which, at the word of eomhiaml from “news” indeed. All of them are just
years the people in that part of that the fair captors, the boys formed be­ announcing, for example, that Hank
county have made a neighborhood ex­ hind the hose cart, and the girls man­ Vaughn was shot and cannot recover,
hibit- Chat has been a great credit as ned the ropes and proceeded through and this after he has recovered. The
eU as a means progress. If such fairs the city to Liberty hail, where was patent outside is in every case an im­
ouId be meld in all parts of Oregon spread a magnificent banquet, and position on the public that deserves
hey would do much to create honra where overylaxly had 8 genera) good no patronage. Pendleton East Ore­
le enterprise ami emulation and add time.
The Daily Reporter.
no little to the social advantages of
our state.
Subscribe for the Daily Reporter.
Only ten cents per week.
Choice uncolored and English break­
fast tea 50 cents a tt>. at the bakery.
H. II. Winslow has been attracted
to Oregon by Mr. Sommerville ; but he
located in Marion county.
The daily Reporter will be the means
of improving the weekly Reporter fully
half. Make a note of this.
Advertisers can take their choice,
either daily or weekly, at the same old
rate. No advance in the price. We've
come to stay, if you say so.
Miss F. A. Dorsey and A. V. R. Dor­
sey have been granted scholarships in
the State university from this county.
St. .hunes church, Rev. John C. Fair,
rector. Services 11 a. in. and 7:30 p.
in. Sunday school 9: 30 a. in. Friday
evening service at 7: 30 o’clock. Seats
free. All are cordially invited.