■i H » • ufe.«:' ” -k y * Th© Daily Reporter. D. C. McMinnville, Or The people in Cookville have be­ his record as senator shows him to be pious it will take two churches a firm friend and able advocate of the to hold them The Methodists are rights of the people.” When war breaks in the old world building a church within a stones throw of the Baptists. All we lack look out for great naval engagements now of having a young tow n in Cook­ off the coast of the Pacific northwest. Russia will send her fleet here to wipe ville i> a barber and a pcddlar. school district has commenced school. Victoria from the face of the earth, Miss Clara Skinner is teacher Miss and our grain fleet will need extra in­ Skinner is a good teacher and all the! surance. The best point from which pupils should attend If the directors to take observations will be cape Han­ can t disagree to agree, they had bet­ cock Front seats reserved for ladies ter play poker with the funds and the How about a little protection for our winner donate it to some orphan asyl­ own coast Mr. Secretary Whitney. S poopkndyke um 1 come so CORRESPONDENCE. LAFAYETTE A lawn party was held Tuesday evening at the Court house park. Re­ freshments were served to all who wished. The proceeds are to be used for repairing the parsonage Mrs. M F. Cooke started on an eas­ tern trip the first of the week. Her sister. Mrs. C. A. Coburn of Portland, POOLING WHEAT accompanies her. They will visit rela­ At a meeting of the Pomona Grange < iKhGON tives in Illinois, and will be absent six held at Sheridan. Ogn., Sept 11th McMINNMLLE, or seven weeks. They anticipate great 188t>, among others the following pro­ J acob W ortman .................... President pleasure in visiting the home of their ceedings were had, viz. that the execu­ D. P. T hompson ,...........Vice-preaident childhood and early girlhood The tive committee of each subordinate J ohn W ortman ....................... Cashier best wishes of hosts of friends attend grange in Yamhill county, be request­ Tr»r..-i/i.« k General Backing ti»a, Inter»« allowed on time depcs>u. them ed to ascertain the amount of wheat ColJecUGLj made on Uvoreble terms. Prof Carl Young is moving into can be produced in a single lot for Sight .Exchange and Telecraphi« Transfers town preparatory to begining his du­ sale in their respective districts and on New York, San Francisco axd Portiar.d. ties as principal of the school. The report to the county purchasing agent Office toure—trom $ a. m. to 4 p, U.. schoolhouse and grounds have under­ (Bro. Joseph Watt) with orders to can­ gone a thorough repairing and clean­ vass the market and sell as per order­ JOHV tVWRTWAV ing the last few weeks. The new win­ ed. and the secretary be requested to Represents the following ¿ternnf c* topes dow shades add greatly to the appear­ notify the committees of the various ies: London A Liverpool A Gkit North Entiat A Merear tile, CoiEHiereia) V tuom ance of the building. Mias Maggie granges of the passage of this order : Fire Association. German Aroerieftt. Fire­ Boone, teacher elect of the primary That said agent be requested to visit man's Fond. Hartford. Commercial. Anglo State Investment. department, arrived frsm the east or corresjs>nd with the various rail Nevada. Wheat insurance a specialty about ten days since. S kljna . road and warehouse men along the lines of transportation in the direction BELLEVUE. of Portland and Yaquina bay. and M c M innville - - okegon . Frank Wright has lost a valuable urge the immediate erection of eleva­ J. C. B raly ............................ PrewdeDt horse. tors sufficient for the trade on those W.D. Me D onald . J r ............. Secretary Milt Davis has moved to the Saw lines. That granges of other counties C lark B raly ............................ Cashier yer farm ls> requested to co-operate with us in Transacts a general Banking Bcsmere Col­ Dudley Sailing, living east <»( Balls- the enterprise. That a copy of the* lection* made on favorable tern.» Exchange on Lsdd A Tilton. Portland. Or. ton. is ,»ot expected to live. Interest allowed on time deports. resolutions be furnihed the Reporter. Filmore Delaahmutt has moved to Farmer, Dairyman, Grange Advocate, W. J. OABUieoM. A. H. 6»WT. Walling's farm, near Amity. ----- A T THE----- and Disseminator for publication H ilburt'.Hik and Dusky Wilson and Attest T E. F ristoe , Sec. family have gone to the coast. G. S tringer . Master. Andrew Sawyer ha« moved to Mc-j Minnvilk* to send his children to Ben Perley Poore, speaking of Mr. Where the Le-i of treats car alwfay« be found and at the most reasonable prieeeu where •chool. Mitchel’ in the National Republican the loin of beef is divided without coelom John Townsend s grain on his farm says "He is one of the most pains­ ere. Meats done up in the latent styles, in Gopher valley averagud 35 bushel« taking and laborious workers in com­ an • e «xi weights given. Give ne a cell. Yoere truly. per acre mittee. Inside* being an able debater. W. J. Garrison & Co. Our jovial Tom Cone is going to These qualities, more thau all other, a. c. rears California. I wish him good luck shape and control legislation. As a C, r. MNDUOR. wherever h« may cast his lot. lawyer none rank higher in legal JOHNSON & FORCE j» Once more our neglected Mason ability, and the best evidence of this is j MOV FICTTUM O’ Father Houck has just returned the great trusts that have been placed I First-Class from th« sea side . he stopped in Dallas in his keeping by the most prominent WA3CW. HACES. BHGOIES. C a HHI a C-K Ete Et«. over night. He says some son of a and wealthy corporations in the land. gun got away with part of his fish; Although as a lawyer in the practice B Street, between Third and Fvarth. »hat's a fish story; I know who ho of his profession, his legal services MT’ 'amase Painting and Repairing a Specialty Perfect satisfaction gnerexteed gave it to. I’ve lived there. I »ere sought by powerful corporations. GIVE rs A CALL. First National Bank. FIRE INSURANCE Yamhill County Bank. EURISKO MARKET. « s * w oat 11J a ¿ o r» c ® « gl “ r. •* 5 t • 8 £ * £ «• "c i i. *• A = = o’" « a r o . a 4. -j t U o *