The Daily Reporter. e. ¡KH..IVI» a CO. JTF.J.TSHKKS. sub», riplinn Knt«*«. ting, pen-work, painting, etc., down to relics and miscellaneous articles were carefully noted, and suitably awarded Look upon This Preti« prices. It is to hoped that all who at­ !<> o-uta tended are sali.-ited, and that the next county' fair - a ill produce a larger crop By Csm»’per week .. . ,1'iyxble on Saturday.> - > 7 Hr M* » tO «-:.ts per Month In Advance.* of exhibitors and fewer croaker.- The authorized premium list, as it W ill tw itim J h - SG morrow, in full ItMte* lor Advertising (’apt. J. T. Apperaon is having a pamphlet printed containing the pedi­ O i m»-»-ting of th»-executive board gree- of hi- beni of thirty-five Jersey-. of th.- Y imitili inty fair a-s-xmation The-» cattle are ill in the American tiler.- «»o • m st'i-ndan»-'- Dr. Gal­ herd book, and there is no doubt of breath. pn-.-iding officer: A Tal­ the royal biuene-s of their blood. It mage -•»•nt uy ; I-, E l.SS — i Wright, Wm. is not probable that there is another < "ampLeil. E W lì» dmond. Gri.-sen, Jersev herd »qua! to this in Oregon. I>r. • ¡»»U. her. \ ■I \pp rs».n and Hon Tie-bti.- a.i >f printing mid engrav­ J. < *. itraly. ing iias begun to pr» pare the [dates The-* report of ti •• committee, .-h>>w * ing receipt* ami »ii-l»ursenutpts. pre­ miiim.s otb si, etc., was r»-.-< iVe.i, and nai revenue stamps. They are to be allei «tu J- »doliied a- a whole. Th» in form and design like th»' tobacco stampa, The stud- is to i>e put up in report shows * 1 ,o7t; 9 IK> pound*. ami I »¡lie. liix-eipt - Entree E» •-.« 277 GO in winter in barrels of 3(K> hundred Fools 3G 70 [allinda It is under consideration License- 1" 00 whether it tn be pul up in stone jars. •»nbsi ript: »n- 512 oo H 1 7’7 FRONT VIEW Then Upon This; ■ ? Î BACK VIEW. There are fifteen men in Portland ' It', er which rail at A. J. Ap;»ar*>a'« Total 11.943 20 take a look at the go »its who vent tlmre without a dollar, who! Hill.- I’-iyable $5 00 are n» w worth a million or more each. I Shieli Underskirt. Th» National Republican at Wash-1 Premium* 195 00 By the Way Postage tnd Station it \ I 85 ingn-. published a senatorial edition ‘ .. A ■ realize the xstoui.shingly low mi recently co.i ainir.g on the first page a! Total - - - $1,146 25 p 'U.ur th. 1 nited State- senators] This .. >ul«1 1 no .1 |»,|.i • »■ of *4!**> m 5 standing on the capitol atepa. with the . Men a Suits fr.rni *»:,».> up, and Boys’ >n hat«.! t»> return pro rat i to xiih-cnb- from $3.5<> up. NO SHODDY pages lined in front The likenesses »•rs. .s -'d jerh.ips a ft w dollars nv *r. as of Senators M-tchell and Dolph are the return* were not o-i' rt- abov the »vgrsge Elsewhere in the >-d last evening. —»)F— same p<«p> those g-- ltlenicn have sin­ The mamigera have had a very un­ gle !ik» ne--»s of them-elves accom­ even p if! tn this matter, and wer< de panied by brief -ketches ot their live- -etvmg >f <> Lc(t»-r b nig iron» all soil!» • > th.ii. tI h / v I i «ic rv n :i.'.I It is Spouter, the rising elocutionist, was imp »—iblt* to rti.iH?.' th? ditfwulti»-- in telling the other day about the little the way of pleasing everybody; but esthetic reception- that Mr- Marlbor­ (hey bail» tb»i »n»n-*'i -* »*-- <»f } axing ough t'r.pxus gave last wintt r and pro- tried to do so, und in our e-timatiou jMMies to repeat the coming season.. han- aucceede»! ill pleasing all who ** You know.” he said. *^she invites ij .< >uhl ♦•I »T be pl ea.M’d Sp»-» ia! cr«‘di<| lot of people »ho do things, and even 1 Browasvill« Wxlsa Mills A.;rx7 i- du<» i i Dr®, (i »ucher ind (’albr ath.j fellow is expected to do his part to! amuse the company No pay, you McMinnville, .... (M E U Iteilmond and Hon Wm GEio- know, everybody is expected to do it | way. for the advertisement. And that's all j *T. CHIRLES HOI The premiums awarded are for m ir- very well. but. bah! you have to l:-t»n r MOXTltfER, Prop , ly every article placed on exhibition, to the others!” (’■oruer Third and R streets, . . ok ami will lx* paid in cash The cattle,» :-------- j st an a vii.i.F •n (KKII D. New hou-e! New furniture! L'nsi the horses; the roadsters ; the racers,' ‘, in th® oountry i: Rates— fl to per utek- mil niuh- -h• ?