The Daily Reporter. IRELAND A CO PUBLISHERS. «ubo rlption Hale*. By Carrier per week.......................... K) oenta Payable on Satarday.) Single Copy ..................... ......... 2 “ By Vail <0oeuts per Month (In Advance.« Kat«» lor Advertiaimg Will lx made satisfactory to all applicants. McMinnville, Or. Sept. 14, 1886 xJf.fLA f'OZA’ The new «tore opened here by Soperj |^ook Bros, is doing a “tip top” business. We wish them that success which their enterprise merits. R. Lam.«on Jr., of Portland, is visit­ ing relatives in this vicinity. A birthday party was given at the residence of L. Drown on Monday night All report a first-class time. Quite a ’number of our citizens vis­ ited the countv fair and report favora­ bly. John Lercher has been quite ill for several days with cholera morbus. I am requested to state for the bene­ fit of all concerned that the hog law is enforced in this preoinct up to the letter. If you don’t believe it ask Y um Y um . U pO 0 I hlS Picture The day of despising small things is forever past in Oregon The price o ’ FRONT VIEW the daily Reporter is two cents. In order to “make change” our Master Leonard will soon be supplied w ith the bronze coins. The aocretarv of the treasury has at length come to the EDUCATIONAL conclusion to facilitate the circulation " Knowledge is a bright and powerful light, of minor coins. Nickels and bronzes always shining for throe who desire it." are intrinsically, perhaps, worth no To the patrons of the MoMinuville publio more in prop >rtion than the Bland school: The above school will open Monday, dollar Still they are of the utmost Sept. 20th. Being desirous that the advantage in retail sales, and for the want of them some portions of the coming school year shall be a success­ country have suffered. They are real­ ful one, we beg of you, your support ly clamoring for cents and half dimes, and hearty co-operation. Shall it be but were recently informed that if they a success? How to make it so : BACK VIEW. 1st. See that your children attend wanted those coins from the mint After whioh call al A. J. Appereou’e sad there were plenty of them, yet they regularly and from the beginning. Re­ take a look at the goods - would have to pay the cost of trans­ membering that one day missed is two Onjar’x Double Seated Drawers and Gbeet- Shleld Undershirt. portation tn the places where they days lost. 2d. Supply them with the necessary By the Way, were to be used. The government, in an economical point of view, could not books or tools with which to work. Do you realize the astonishingly low prvoas at 3d. In case anything goes wrong, go undertake to pay express charges. The acting secretary of the treasury immediatly to the teacher, and to none Men g Suita from H6.00 up, and Boys’ Baize department has now tn ken a new view other. from *3.50 up. NO SHODDY. of his duties in thia particular, ant 4th. See that the children présenta determines to send out the coins neat and clean appearance at school ; wherever they are needed. On this thereby cultivating habits which are —OF— coast, where the humble cent has long necessary attainments for ladies and been despised, this boon may yet be gentlemen. discovered to la> a real blessing A 5th. Visit the school, showing by Just Received at your presence, to teacher and pupil, community which compels itself to C. |>ay ten cents for an article of mer­ that you have an interest in their wel­ chandise not worth more than one fare. cent may Isiast that it dot's not care Last, but hv no means least, we wish for trifles. Its extravagance is found­ to mention the most demoralizing fea­ ed upon ignorance of the old principle, ture. with which we have to contend, lake care of the pence and the that of tardiness We would ask that Brownsville Woolen Mills Agency, pounds will take care of themselves.” you give this your special attention, McMinnville, Orsgun J t and we will, as is required by CORRESPONDENCE aw, require written excuses from par­ ST. (1UR!J> 1 HOTEL, ---------------- WILLAMINA cuts, for absence or tardiness of ai)}' r MCLTJiBR, Prop., Thermometer 95 degrees in the »upil. Your humble servant, Corner Third and B streets, shade Saturday. ttlMMVII.I.K . . OKECiON .1. A. P rice , Principal. New house! New furniture! Unsurpassed The roads are full of people, APPERSON’S. NEW STOCK CLOTHING BISHOP & KAY, Tks Leaders is Ming. G. R. Higgins, Portrait Artist in ('rayon and Paatellc. North Yamhill, Oregon. Priced ren-onable. "» 6 à à J o « 9 <5 «° £ S K ¿a - M a - « 1« t c ? e - « w - □ * S a = ® » M — in the country Rate«—$ 1 to (2 per day ao- cording to_ room. Single meals 25 cents Lodging, 25 to 50 cents acoording to room Board and Lodging, $1 to $5, per week. 1'w l ine Sample Rooms for commercial tuaa Give me a call and see for yourself. £ ? - Ü q * y «> E fl X _a O a £ SÎiîü-, S