The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, September 13, 1886, Image 3

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    H. Baily of Willamina is up in the
Big bend country prepared for exten­
sive mining operations. Ho has built
a current water wheel of immense pro­
—--- >—
McMinnville, Or. -
Sept. 13, 1886
portions, arranged between two long
boats, to operate a pump to raise vol­
umes of water to flumes to mine gold
on certain bars on the Columbia river,
Read Mrs. Goulets new ad
in Lincoln county, known to contain
The choral union is a fixed fact.
large quantities of metal Mr. Bailey
('all for Unity Tea, at AppersoiiB.
is wealthy and backed by ample capi­
Lewis <& Dryden’s last Novel has a
tal. and if his venture proves success
yaller Lack to it.
ful, will have his machinery cast in the
S. A. Clarke is to deliver an oration
and employ hundreds of men next
at the Newberg fair.
Edwin Russ has raised $45 cash for
From present indications the nar-
the college apparatus fund.
raw guage will be taking passengers
Mr. Fellows trimmed a coffin yes­
The attendance at St. .lames (Epis­
and freight from this valley to Port­
terday for a Dayton child.
copal) Sunday school on its opening
land by the middle of October, and
L. Shobe loaves to-day for Buller,
day was good. D. C. Narver was chos­
the neatly ten year old dreams of the
Mo. His family are now there.
en superintendent ; Miss Anna Turn­
The managers of the fair have de­ ersecretary; Mrs. A. L. Talmage treas­ farming people be realized in a com­
peting" railway line to the metropolis.
cided trpon the award of premiums.
urer; Miss Belle Johnson organist.
Whether the advantages out-lined in
Miss Katy Casey takes her old school
Attendance thirty.
these dreams will be fully realized or
again this week up in Muddy precinct.
Wm. Galloway' claims, and very not, one thing is certain ; passenger
Mrs. W. D Wright was out for the
lirst time in weeks, a brief spell on Sat­ justly too, that breeders of mules have rate« will be lowered and time srved’?
the right of government protection Get your hacks ready for cornocting"'
Carl Weber’s family have returned against the breeders of horRes, when a at McMinnVille junction. We haven’t
to San Francisco. He expects to leave county association cannot give but $2 got a word of sympathy for the old
for the best thoroughbred jack in the company which permits its magnifi­
tiere soon.
whole valley..
cent franchise in this city to become
If the fool-killer had been in this
It never rains but it pours in Ore­ a menace to the people and a public
town Sunday night he could have ’'got
gon. After thirty years of talk it is a Nuisance—with a capital N. Look ’
this man.”
A. J. Megler, of the Occidental hotel, rush now between Albany, Salem arid at H street from First to Fifth ; look
Astoria, last week left for his annual Portland as to which bridge shall be at Second street from G to J. 'Rah
first completed across the Wallamet. for the Narrow Gauge. People will
’visit to Foley springs.
Will Henderson was added to the The OPR backs Albany, the people no longer be compelled to stand in
with such negligence.
sick list last Thursday, but was im­ Salem, and a corporation Portland.
proving at last accounts.
The honey crop is so short this year
i Hon. Wm. Galloway has sold part on the 23d is free for all. For several that Mr. Fuson* inform® us that he and
of his farm (100 acres) to Mr. Chapin, years the people in that part of that other large producers are compelled ’
at $40 per acre, and rented the bal­ county have made a neighborhood ex­ to buy honey or sugar to carry th®
hibit that has liecn a great credit as bees over winter. It seems singular
ance to him for five years.
as a means progress. If such fairs that this is so, but so it is, notwithstand­
I Advertisers can take their choice,
either daily or weekly, Rt the same old could be held in ail parts of Oregon ing the early reports of bees gathering
rate. No advance in the price We’ve they would do much to create honra considerable honey last spring. Cali
ble enterprise and emulation and add fornia is as short as Oregon. The
come to stay, if you say so.
I Miss Ruas wishes us to sav that the no little to the social advantages of flowers this season have been as dry
Stock of hats she is selling off are sold our state.
as straw. The Future editor predicts
at just half the price marked upon
"Say, Matilda, have you tasted the a severe winter, and if bees’ work is an
them. ('all and see for yourselves, la- new tea that A. J. Apperson has just indication it must be bo , as they are
got into his store?” ‘No. Is it good?” laying up a large stock of pollen of all
I The Flesherton, Ontario, Advance, “Good! Well, I should just say so. I varieties. Whatever the winter or
of the 2d notes the safe arrival there Bhall never buy anything else, and 1 spring may be, we had better do all
Of Mrs. C. Symons of this city, after only wonder I did not know it before. we can to make our pets comfortable.
an absence of nine years. She was Why, its flavor is delicious, and a cup All manipulating should be done this
joyfully welcomed.
of it does me more good when I am month, and do no more to disturb
I The finder of a boy’s open-faced tired out than any tea I ever tasted.” them until spring. The Bee-keepers
nickel watch, with Holl’s guarantee in " I must get some of it.”’ “ Do, and convention will be held at McMinn
■he back, lost on the fairgrounds, will mind you can only get it at Apper- ville the 21st and 22d, and all bee­
Be suitably rewarded on leaving the son’s, it was imported direct to this keepers in the state should make an
Same at thia office.
effort to attend.
town by himself.”
The Daily Reporter,
Astoria is particularly sour toward
Wm. Martin of this city. He was the
representative of Salem at the tourna­
ment, and out-generaled them in a
bit of fleet jockeying.
Tin vessels rust and are often worth­
less in a few weeks, because, after
washing, they arc not set on the stove
for a moment, or in the sun, to dry
thoroughly before they are put away.
Miss Russ took premiums in the
floral division on her while heliotrope.
She did not enter her millinery display
for premiums. Several purchased
plants from her choice stock on exhi­