The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, September 13, 1886, Image 2

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I product of 1886, and there would! UookUpon
still be a deficiency in available ex-|
ports^for 1886 from the Pacific North­
west aggregating40,000 tons. H e arc
subscription U ric .
forced to admit the fact; but this val­
By Carrier per week ............................. 10 oenta
1 Payable on Saturday.)
le)- is not responsible for it.
The Daily Reporter.
This Pktapo
By Mail 40 oenta per Mouth (In Advance.)
Iowa eggs are coining into market
early this fall at Portland.
The familiar sound of theschopl bell
McMinnville, Or.
Sept. 13, 1886 will be heard again in this city next
Monday morning.
Returns from the Vermont elections
An enquirer asks what states hold assure the return of George F. Ed­
elections thia month? None Ver­ munds to the United States senate by
Then Upon This;
mont held her state election on the the state legislature, which meets the
7th Alabama held her state election 6th of October at Burlington.
on the 2d of last month. Rhode Is­ Prince Alexander is in a terrible men­
land April 7th. and Oregon in June. tal state, not having been able to sleep
There will l>e few state elections until for fifteen days. If reports be true he
November 2d this year, Georgia elects had better hie himself to England, and
state officers October 6th . Maine to­ try to gel a little sleep.
A bvcycle brass band has been form­
day elects governor, legislators and
at 8t. Johns, Michigan, consisting
congressmen. On the 2d of November
Rhode Island will hold another elec­ of thirteen members, all experienced
tion for congressmen; October 6th bicyclists and able to play their instru­
Georgia will also vote for congressmen. ments when mounted. They appear
Tennessee elected judges of the su­ I at 3t. laiuis on the 1st of October.
preme court August 5th. Thirty-one
The Portland daily Telegram of the
'tales will hold elections November id. 9th sizes it up about as it is in this :
After whioh call at A. J. Apperwvn’« aaf
Including California and Novada
“ The energetic people of Yamhill take a look at the goods-
county aided by the beautiful Septem­ Conger'« Double Seated Drawers aal
Shleld Undershirt.
ber weather, have the fair at McMinn­
Yaquina bay shipped 4,784 tons of ville this week to be a gratifying suc­
By the Way,
w heat to 8an Francisco last year. Ten cess. Yamhill county is likely to com- Do you realize the astonishingly low pnoee a*
thousand tone went east by rail, 22,- pete with Marion at an early day for
480 tons went north including Taco­ the honor of holding the Atate fair in
ma’s shipments by sea (7,679 ton«;, and its limits. At least the energetic citi­ Mena Suits from f r>.<yi up. and Boys’ Holts
from *8 50 up. NO SHODDY.
Portland and Astoria shipped the bal­ zens of McMinnville are looking with
ance via San Francisco or direct. The knowing glances in that direction, and
entire output last year amounted to it is not improbable that they will
370,271 tons, wheat and flour, the lat­ succeed.*’
iere reduced to wheat for the purposes
John A. Beck of Portland, just home
of calculation. The valley crop for
Just Received at
from an eastern trip, corroborates the
1885 is given at 99,389 tons ; or 17,000
reports of the overflowing well at Belle
tons less than 1884, and the present
Plains, Iowa He says rejvorts have
harvest year is estimated at the same
not l>een exaggerated, but rather the"
figures. Some say lesa, we say ten
facts are worse than reported. He did
|>er cent. more. The product of wheat
not visit in person the acene of the
for three seasons past are given below,
water burst, but talked with several en­
and the surplus estimated at the close
gineers who had l>een employed to
of each year
Brownsville Woolen Mills Agency.
the fearful outflow. They told
mrupLUN rows.
15,000 him nothing could be donu to prevent
the water from rushing forth, as it ST. CHARLES HOTEL
came with too great force and in vast
F. MULTNER, Prop.,
The last figures are based u|»on the quantities. The phenomenon caused
Corner Third and B streets.
decreased production east of the moun­ great excitement in that whole county, JaeiaiNNVILI,IC
New house! New furniture! Vnsurpaaeed
According to these figure*, as human life and property was threat­ in the oountry. Kate«—f 1 to $2 per aayao
which are the moat reliable that we ened. The outflow started on the oording to room. Single meals 25 oenta
Lodging. 25 to 50 cents according to room
have been able to secure, add the esti­ night of the earthquake, and is attribu­ Board and Lodging, $4 to $»>. per week. Two
Fine Sample Rooms for commercial men
mated 10.000 tons surplus to the total table to the shock.
Give rue a call and see for yourself.
Hntrs for Advertising
WiU be made satisfactory to all applicants.
Th; Leaders is CloUiag.