LEGON {¿dent side nt ashier s DAILY REPORTER. VOL. 1 bli.-ÍClM .Hit. F Z J J. i wipun- North Union , Fire Anglo nk ON. ident et ary «hier Col- 1. Or. ’XT. ST. onud vhere 3tom- tylcR. all. Co. Y, JON, NO. 8. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1886 The Daily Reporter. Entered in the Postonico at MoMinnvillefor Transmission Through the Mai)«? an Sec­ ond Class Matter. 1 Xew flatly I I). C. Ireland r the Reporter, and pay fot it when y<>u subscribe, and we will Pl ig«> ourselves to give you more IUCE. news, for less naonev, than any other F •er in the Willamette valley. The Dail ly will help the weekly 100 per een t. See it it don’t. I f this paper suite you for a bit a JES, sk we shall appreciate the favor of ^_ir subscription ; we have no money to lose in the venture; if it pays its red. way another column will lie added, ■ All Freeh Gcods, Groceries. Flour, Bacon, and Glasswaro and Crockcry. Direct from New York. Buy Fashionable Goods From the Head-quarters of Fashion. tt'r’Goods delivered to purcluisers in the city MRS. M. NflAIWN. MISH MAY VKHHf V. Shadden & Vessey, Fasliiouab] e Dress makers IrFT he Tavlor Systemof Cutting nnd Fit­ ting employed. Miss Minnie Baker, MIRS F. E. HUNK, McMinnville, Or. Painting and Portraits in Oil, Water Colors. Crayon and Porcelain. 'Third street. Next to Bishop A Ray's store, McMinnville, Or.