The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, September 11, 1886, Image 2

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The Daily Reporter
McMinnville. Or.
Sept. 11, 1886
Th»- issue of this morning ends the
first week <>f the daily Reporter, We
hall be pleaM-d if ail who take it this
i»«ik will continue with us, as the
number <>f its siipportir» is the best
lest of its ability. The carrier, Master
Leonard Ireland, will be most happy
to serve you Suhsciptions ten cents
per week, are collectable on Saturdays.
EEEX<H /'/.VA'.
feet of hose, break coupling, put on
play pipe, and throw water. Time:
Tigers, 54; Rescues, 55.1 seconds. In
the next race for hook and ladder
practice, Alerts of Salem ran against
a picked team from Astoria. This
race wa< for team- to run 600 feet
with not more than thirty men on the
ropes, anil to put up a thirtv-foot lad­
der within ten d»'grees of perpendicu­
lar in the street, ami have a man as­
cend to the t«q>. Abe Frazier climbed
the ladder for Alert-, ami Harry Hip­
pie for Astorias. The race was gained
by Alerts, as much by Frazier's excel­
lent climbing as anything else, he as­
cending the ladder with the agility and
rapidity of a jolly tar. Tim»'; Alerts,
•44|; Astorias. 49 seconds. The inter­
esting practice of the day was a hose
contest for the Bowers purse. Hose
company of twelve men to run two
hundred yards to hydrant, attach and
lay three hundred feet of hose, un­
couple and screw on nozzle. Won by
Astoria. Time: 51jJ- seconds.
Look Upon This Preture
5»- X: -
Farmers who have successfully bat­
tled with this noxious weed inform
(he Independent that one cannot grow
fall wheat and eradicate it. Fall plow­
ing and opring sowing will in time ex­
terminate it. Grain town in the spring
usually makes m good crop ; in fact, is
much more sure than that sown dur­
ing the fall. In view of these facts, it
Senator Mitchell has our renewed
»eemti to us a careful system of sum­ thanks for the senatorial edition of the
mer fallowing and spring sowing, Washington Republican, and other
should be adopted by farmers whose matters of value.
lands are running to French pink
The Boston Herald having remark­ After which call at A. J. Appcrson’s end
that Gov. Ireland, of Texas, was take a look at the goods—
it nib orrw:.
Seated Drawers aad Cheet-
anxious to be regarded as the O'Dono­ Conger's Double
Shield Undershirt.
Francisco barely escaped the van Rossa of Mexico, the Galveston
By the Way,
earthquake predicted six years ago as News says he would rather be regard­
to follow the Charlston disaster. Capt. ed as the good looking man of the Do you realize the astonishingly low prim st
Plummer, of the steamer Mary Hume, United States senate.
which arrived in port Thursday reports
Most metals and alloys shrink or Men's Suits from $6.00 up, and Boys’ Suits
that while about sixteen miles north­ contract on cooling. But alloy which
from $3.50 np. NO SHODDY
west of Point Reyes, at I :20 o’clock on will expand on cooling may be made
Wednesday afternoon, nine distinct of lead nine parts, antimony t wo parts,
■»hocks of earthquake were felt. The »ismuth one part. This alloyean be
vibrations passed from north of east to advantageously used to fill small holes
Miuth of west, and were accompanied and defects in iron castings.
by a deep rumbling sound, much like The West Shore this month is bet­
the dialmet n■.'»i ol cannon
cannon, Th® ter than ever before. A splendid en­
steamer was violently shaken and graving of Mt. Hood, printed in eight
liaise ropes and spars moved visibly. colors, is being prepared as a special
The vibrations passed to the west of supplement to the holiday number.
San Francisco, and were not felt in Every household in the Northwest
th»' city
should receive the West Shor»' regu­ I
ar lv.
Til 1»: ii Clfihisg
Astoria won the wet test, but Salem
secured the first "bind.” Vancouver
gets tin* next tournament. The first
contest won by Tiger engine company
of Salem over Rescues of Astoria, was
for a Steamer to run three hundred
feut with not to exceed forty-five men
on the rope; hose companies to run
nine hundred feet, lav one hundred
2 m x
Notice to Taxpayers of 1886.
Notice is hereby given that the board of
equalization for the oounty of Yamhill, state
of Oregon, will attend at the oourt house in
said oounty, at the office of the oounty clerk,
from Monday, the 13th, to Saturday the 18th
day of September, 1886, inclusive, to publicly
examine the assessnent roll, and oorrect all
errors in valuation, description or qualities
of lands, lota or other property, Hnd all par­
ties interested are hereby notified to appear
at the time and place above mentioned.
Assessor of Yamhill County, Or.
1 'w' • - i
2 G 5? — J®
Brownsville Woolen Mills Agency,
Corner Third and B streets,
Tieyiixix vn.i.r;
ore 4« ox
New house! New furniture! Unaur
in the country. Rates—$1 to $2 per aay
cording to room. Single meals 25 oen
I<odging, 35 to 50 oents aooording to
Board and Ixxlging, $4 to $6, per week. T
Fine Sample Rooms for oommeroial tnaa
Give me a call and see for yoarself.