First National Bank ship their grain to .Minneapolis and the east. While the ORNCo. will take their —OF— wheat, barley, and oats to Portland ovei their line, a distance of say 250 M c M innville . « 1REGON miles, at $6 per ton, they will charge ........ President Sept 10, 1886 ¡them if they wish to ship to Minneapo­ J acob W ortman . McMiniivilI« D. P. T hompson , Vice-president lis, via Wallula and NPR $2.40 per J ohn W ortman . ........... Cashier ton foi the thirty miles from Walla Transact.« a General Banking buaine^e Walla to Wallula, or at the rate of 734 In order that the senate may have cents per bushel, or at the rate of Bets, Interest allowed on time deposit®. Collections made on favorable terms. »omv proper conception of the enor­ per ton per mile. Can such enormous Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfer» mous fieight charges on the Columbia transportation charges or such unrea­ on New York, San Francisco end Portland. liver and on the line of the railroad Office hours—from 9 a. tn. to 4 p. m. sonable and unjust discriminations be coursing the banks of that river and op­ found to exist in any other part of the erated by the ORNCo. and the NPRf’o. United States? I imagine not. Mr. Mitchell calls attention to the rates on a few of the distance® on these lines, A Sew D h II j . Represents the following sterling compan­ and they are not very short hauls, and ies: London A Liverpool A Globe. North compare them for a moment with trans­ D. (’. Ireland A Co., of the McMinn­ British A Mercantile. Commercial Union portation charges on other lines in dif­ ville Reporter, have just commenced Fire Association, German American, Fire man’s Fund, Hartford, Commercial. Anglo ferent sectionsof the country. For in­ the publication of a daily. Volume 1, Nevada. State Investment. Wheat insurance a specialty. stance. from Wallula junction to Port­ land, 21 1 miles, a charge of $6 per ton No. 1, of the Daily Reporter, bearing for wheat is exacted. This is at the date <>f Wednesday, September 1st. rate of 1 M cents per bushel for this dis­ It is a spruce-looking twelve-column M c M innville - - O regon . tance, oi at the rate of nearly 3 cents sheet, and presents a very neat typo­ per ton per mile. Again, from Portland graphical appearance. Telegram. J. C. B raly ............................ President to Arlington, a distance of 142 miles; It is a neatly printed 12-column W.D. M c D onald , J r ............. Secretary a charge of (¡5 cents per hundred on folio, and will doubtless grow with the C lark B raly ............................ Cashier first class freight is imposed, being at Transacts a general Banking Bceinese. Col­ the i ate of $13 per ton forthat distance, town. Albany Herald. lections made on favorable terms. It is a neat, newsy and well gotten or about 9-6 cents per ton per mile; Exchange on Ladd A Tilton, Portland. Or. while from Portland to Castle rock, on up, and we wish them the best of suc­ Interest allowed on time deposits. the same line, a distance of 162 miles, cess. Yaquina Post. or about twenty miles further than to D. C. Ireland A Co. are responsible w. J. GARRISON. A. R. GAUNT. Arlington, the same class of freight on lor its issue. It is a “ bi’ >u” sheet. ----- AT THE----- the same line is charged 90 cents per Vidette. 100 pounds, or at the late of $!Sper ton tor this distance, or at the rate of 1 1-9 cents per ton per mile ; or in other Mrs. H. P. Stuart, Where the beat of meats can always be found words, for additional distance of twen­ F ISII ION A Ill.F and at the most reasonable prices, where ty miles between Arlington and Castle the loin of beef is divided withonr custom ers. Meats done up in the latest styles, rock an additional charge of $5 per (on Dressmaking, an ' good weights given. Give us a call. is exact« d for first-class freight, or at Millinery, Yours truly, the rat« for this distrrice of 25 cents FANCY (.OOI1S, TKI.VIVIIXIS, NO­ W. J. Garrison &. Co pei ton per mile. Again, from Dalles TIONS, ETC. city to Portland, ¡idistanceof SB miles, IIMir Weaving anti Stamping a charge of 12 cents per bushel is made Oone to Order. for transporting wheat, being at the rate of $4 per ion tor this distance, <>t Opposite tb'- Grange store, McMinnville,Or. The Daily Reporter FIRE INSURANCE JOHN WORTMAN Yamhill County Bank EURISKO MARKET GI NSMITH SHOP SHO( ITING GALLERY at the latent I 2cents per ton per mile. M iss K. T hornton It will lie observed I have selected foi M i s. A. M c D onald . Old Post office Building. D Street, illustrations the rates between Portland M c M innville - - O regon . .¡ml tout several, svperate, and distinct points located ou and along the (’oltnn- bia river, « ¡1st ot the ('aseiulao range ••f mount.itns, in the basin of th«' Col- Mrs. H. 1’. Stuart's Millinery Store. umbiu river; that is to say. Dalles citv, Repairing of Guns, Pistols and Sewing OPPOSITE GRANGE HALL. Arlington, ( a st It. arid Wallula junc­ Machines a specialty - - . O reoon . tion. From these instances;«. fair know 1- M c M innville C. D. JOHNSON. S. C. FORCE « «Ige may b« «*btained of freight charges J. P. Nt BBS. C. L. BEROEVIN. geiieially on the lines of rail and steam­ ers connecting the head of ship navi­ NIBBS & BERGEVIN. gation nt Portland, with the great Col­ MANUFACTURERS OF umbia basin, or what is i commonly First-Class known ami called in that t section the WAGONS, HACKS, BUGGIES. CARRIAGES, great inhuid empire, But still further Etc. Etc. let us impure into the position position in in Kalsomining azi Paper Hanging. which the farmers in the Walla Walla Shop ou Third street. McMinnville, Or. B Street, between Third and Fourth. J. B. Rohr’s old stand. portions C □ ® »zC-a-*r* — ” -w jj i * n - - — " — - ’ S •” »I *