The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, September 10, 1886, Image 2

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and kicked out the provincial govern­ kook Upon This Picture»
ment and demanded the restoration
of Alexander. Thi9, Russia says, is an­
archy, and she will immediately apply
Sept. 10, 1886 her infallible anarchy cure, and by
McMinnville. Or
the time Bulgaria is done with the
remedy she will not be in any condi­
I’lic issue of to-morrow will end the tion to guess what ailed her in the be­
first week of the daily Reporter, We ginning.
shall be pleased if all who take it this
In Miss Cleveland’s magazine for
week will continue with us, as the
number of its supporters is the best September, one of the editorial talks
test of its ability. The carrier, Master is a talk to girls on what they shall
Leonard Ireland, will be most happy read, being a dialogue between an edi­
to serve you Subsciptions ten cents tor and a group of young ladies “gath­
per week, are collectable on Saturdays.
U pon
A Yule log. if we know anything about
/ «
ori: s!i>i:wAi.Ks
that variety of timber, is about the last
The sidewalks of this city are an thing a girl would want her­
airsolute disgrace to the people. Now self around during this kind of weath­
that the muddy season approaches, do er, and before it is tpo late, we would
lor heaven sake fix up a little. This suggest that Miss C. swap the Yule
subject has received the attention of log for an ice chest.
(his pajrer at a prior ¡teriod, but so far
The man who saw the lightning
no steps have been taken to correct strike the powder magazine near Chi­
this nuisance. There is scarcely a cago, August 30th, has recovered his
block in this city where sidewalks are senses. Of the main incident all he
used that there are not a dozen planks remembers was “ a long, zig-zag streak
loose, liable nt any time to fracture of lightning darted across the sky, and
one's limb if it does no more serious then a tiery line came down and struck
injury. Sooner or later the city will fairly on the powder house. Then, as After which call at A. J. Apperson’a
be called upon to pay heavy damage if it had been swept away like a mist, take a look at the goods
should this condition of the streets be 1 saw the bricks and stones of the pow­ Conger’s Double Seated Drawer« and Chett-
Shield Undershirt.
ignored by those whose imperative der house suddenly disappear in the
duty it is to guard life and limb in this earth. The ground shook beneath my
Ry the Way,
particular. There can be no reasona­ feet and I clutched at the swaying Do you realize the astonishingly low price# at
ble excuse presented for it. If the fence near me. A deep rumbling
city is not responsible for the condi­ noise tilled my ears, and the next in­
Suits from
up, and Boys’ Suit*
tion of the sidewalks, property owners stant a stream of tire shot into the air Men 9 from
$3.50 up. NO SHODDY.
should be conqielled to keep them in like the pictures 1 have often seen of
better repair.
Mount Vesuvius. 1 knew no more.”
Sub-Rosa. in Washington Capital,
I A t Ito/n IX RHLlìARJA.
thus alludes to a man whom all here­
European dispatches yesterday in- about know : E. V. Smalley, formerly
Jnst Received at
form us that “war is imminent." Rus­ of the New York Tribune, is making
sia has finally got Alexander to go and 115,000 a year out of his new maga­
will now apply her soverign remedy zine. The Northwest. The Nl’RCo.
for anarchy. After treating Bulgaria has made a contract with Mr. Smalley
lor a year she couldn’t get that prov­ under which it takes 10.000 copies of
ince in pro|»er shape. Alexander had the magazine each month. Mr. Smal­
more influence than the czar with the ley on his part publishing a great deal
Bulgarians. So the czar, who knew of matter about the country through
Brownsville Woolen Mills Agency,
how to deal with anarchy, had Alex which the NPR runs. Mr. Smalley
under secretly surrounded with his has a private car at his disposal, and
tools, who captured him and carried with it an artist and photographer, he ST
him out of his domain, falselv giving travels over the road looking for pic­
r. MULTNEH. Prop..
it out that he had abdicated the throne turesque views. Occasionally he stops
Corner Third and R streets,
The conspirators then established a at a city, as every northwestern town rt(71IMVII.I.E
provincial government . because Alex­ is called, and photographs it from the in the country. Rates—$1 to $2 per day ac­
ander had abdicated and gone away j city hall down to the smallest pool cording to room. Single meals 25 cents.
Lodging, 25 to 50 cents aooording to room.
ami there must be a government of room, taking the mayor and the lead­ Board
and Lodging, $4 to
per week. Two
Fine Sample Rooms for oommeroial men
some kind. I hen the Bulgarians arose ing citizens en route.
Give me a call and see for yourself.
The Daily Reporter,
tbo P h »
Funding I
The Leaders in Clothing.
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