DAILY REPORTER. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1886. VOL. 1. The Daily Reporter. tCnt«re. C. IRELAND .1 CO. PUBLISHERS, McMinnville, Or. - Sept. 10, 1886 The daily Reporter will be the means of improving the weekly Reporter fully half. Make a note of this. Subscribe for the Reporter, and pay for it when you subscribe, and we will pledge ourselves to give you more news, for less money, than any other paper in the Willamette valley. The Daily will help.the weekly 100 per cent. See if it don’t. If this paper suits you tor a bit a week we shall appreciate the favor of your subscription ; we have no money to lose in the venture ; if it pays its way another column will be added, and another; if not perhaps not. The quality is surely as fair as the rate. At the Baptist church next Sunday a special sermon will be preached on “Probation after death,” by the pastor, G. .1. Burchett. The sermon will be preached at 11 o’clock a. m. All are cordially invited, especially those who are supposed not to belive in ortho­ doxy. An agricultural exchange has an article on “ the be-t hog.” lie evident­ ly is not the kind of hog that takes the weekly newspaper every week out of the postoflice and reads it till he gets a bill for it and then refuses to take it out any more, and declines to pay for it and walks around with the printer's money in his pocket. The local fair to begin at Newberg >>n the 23d is free for all. For several years the jieople in that part of that county have made a neighborhood ex­ hibit that has been a great credit as well as a means progress. 1 f such fairs could be held in all parts of Oregon they would do much to create honra- ble enterprise and emulation and add no little to the social advantages of our state. Newport must be a lonesome place for Stinit. The hotels and restau­ rants have all closed up, except the Grotto; and the season is ended. Crickets only tenant Sleepy-hollow; Mr. Case is alone with his family and a few lodger’s at the Ocean house; and Vbbey hasn’t got even a lone fish­ erman to play jack-pot with. Frank Stanton has gone to his ranch, and business of all kinds is about as it used to be in "The days of old, the days of gold, the days of '49. NO. 6. W. T. BAXTER. F. .1. MARTIN. New Firm, New Goods, New Prices At the New Store of Bister S¡ Martin Successors to Al HUSSEY, t hird street, McMinnville. Oregon ta to Ilin. CITY MARKET, A new, neat ami clean stock. Everv article A No. 1. Fruit Jars, Butter Crocks, (’olored Glassware, Cutlery, Cased Goods. To­ bacco, Pipes and Cigars. X2a Frosh Fruit and Vegetables in Season. W. F. BANCA SSER, Propr. Give me a call. Iuspect my stock, and 1 will guarantee prices to suit you. Successor to Bangasser A Son. Bangs ««er’i) building Cor. B and Tliini streets. —o— Third street, opposite the Marble works. Here is where you can get your money’s McMinnville. - - Oregon. worth in Has just opened her New Spring Stock of Beef, Pork, Mutton, Sausage, Tripe Hats, Bonnets and Fine and everything .n the line of meats, of the best quality the country «Hords. Also the II ILLI VERY GOOIK. Mrs. G. H. Goulet, Best of Bolotinas. Give me a call and he satisfied. W. F. BANG ASS E11. FASHIONABLE To which she invites the ladies inspection. What goods I have i represent as they are, and the goods will speak for themselves Family Grocery Store. M ILLÏNER Y, Third Street. McMinnville. Oregon. Direct from Mew York. Dealer in L. ROOT, Proprietor, All Fresh Goods, Grocenes. Flour, Bacon, and Giasswaro and Crockery. Buy Fashionable Goods From the Head-quarters of Fashion. “Goods delivered to purchaHers’in the oity MHS. M. SHADDEN. MIHH MAY VBARFY. Shadden & Vessey, Your attention is called to my exhibit of F rn h lona ble ¡D ressmakerN Mm IN THE PAVILION, 1-iT’The Taylor System of Cutting and Fit ting employed. Miss Minnie Baker, And to prioes at my store. K’When in the city oall and take a look Painting and Portraits in Oil, Water Colors, Crayon and Porcelain. at rnv stock. MISS F. E. RVSS, Third street, Next to Bishop & Kay's More, McMinnville. Or. McMinnville, Or.