The Daily Reporter. |i. < . HOU.AM* A < O. 1*1 HI.KIIEKS. McMinnville. ' ir< ;oii. Sept 9. 1886 First National Bank, hopes are that the late decision in fa­ vor of Mr. Holliday here will enable —OF— him to pay the purchase money and M c M innville . ... - O regon secure the title to the springs, as the creditors do not care to go into anoth­ J acob W ortman ...................... President 1). P. T hompson ............. Vice-president. er sale if it can be avoided. J ohn W ortman ......................... Cashier The local fair to begin at Newberg on the 23d is free for all. For several Transacts a General Banking business. ; Interest allowed on time deposits. years the people in that part of that Collections made on favorable terms. county have made a neighborhood ex­ Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers New York, San Francisco and Portland. hibit that has been a great credit as on Office hours—from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. well as a means progress. If such fairs could be held in all parts of Oregon they would do much to create lionra- JOHN WORTHAV ble enterprise and emulation and add Represents the following sterling compan­ London A Liverpool A Globe. North n<> little to the social advantages of ies: British «fc Mercantile. Commercial Union Fire Association, German American. Fire our state. ’s Fund. Hartford, Coro merci» I. Anglo Among the new goods received by man Nevada. State Investment. A [»person yesterday is an elegant line Wheat insurance a specialty. of e! ,ik-. direct from New York, from $7 to $15 each ; also the world reuoun- Downs self-adjusting corset, pro­ M c M innville - - O regon . nounced to be the best article of the kind in the world. It has silk elastic J. C. B raly .............................. President gores covered with tine muslin; above W.D. M c D onald , J r .............. Secretary and below a corded waistband. Adapts C i . akk B raly .............................. Cashier itseif to the varied positions which the Transacts a general Banking Business. Col­ lections made on favorable terms body assumes in stooping, sitting or Exchange on Ladd