iA ??« - a 2 ¿ .. s_â ss«'* 5 ¿2 ? ?S ô LS J.. - • £** ■ P. S . « *2 ■“ ♦ £ ® ® Í2 s 2 55 ¿ 2 í í s » I Track laying has begun on the First National • Bank » •• »- Dundee junction of the narrow-gauge -.-A •or— railway from Portland. The com­ M c M innville . OREGON D V. IRELAND *. wheat goes to Portland. At the C. P. Sunday School ladt companies to run two mixed trains a Hundas llev Mr. Henderson was day on the Portland extension. A FIRE INSURANCE. JOHVi WORTMAN elected superintendent; B. Clark as- train will leave Sheridan at 5: 30 a. ni., Represents the following rterHng eemmoi reaching Portland at 9 a. ni. Return ­ F. distant ; C. P. Bishop chorister ; W. iee: London A Liverpool A Globe. North Collard secretary ; Susie Braly treas­ ing, leave Portland at 5 p. m., arriving British A Mercantile. Commercial Union urer ; and Miss V. Snelling organist. at Sheridan at 8: 30 p. m. Trains will Fire Association, German Aaaerioan, Fire man’s Fund. Hartford, Johnson, and turn them in on the Shop on Third street. McMinnville. Or. B Street, between Third and Fourth. LiF’Carnage Painting and Repairing a J. B. Rohr’s old stand. gardens of the cow owners in self de­ l-#"Orderii from the oountrv promptly at­ Specialty. Perfect Mtùfaction guaranteed fense tended to. The Daily Reporter. GIVE US A CALL. •» -Í i H 8 á i I ; * a ¿ o 35 u QC O i1 z 5 ’ 0 z ■* ?1 I —gtgr- y — — • *-?=• a?*®« ► ¿ U i 8 « 4 •?*- « ■ s .-«ífrág? ? - V■! i I?--? •H r. jk » • s £ 5 •e ? u "e ► 7 Z 5 £ “• “c e -u = U 4 * l fr S a « t ► »S- »5 -»--aa S - « - 2 5 Si « a ■ s «-=£ L — r □ £ e ~ .a « M « s £