inspector has reported for duty with Look Upon This Preture headquarters at Portland. He cuts loose from San Francisco altogether. | for No. I shipping. Chicago glacee, otherwise veneereed “ chest­ New York 87.4(tf 88J. Liver­ nut.” It is reported that Mexicans are try­ FRONT VIEW pool spot 4s 4|d firm. ing to induce the Apache Indians to The latest from Charleston says leave the reservation and join with that on the 4th the city was visited by them in a war against Americans. If a shower of small round pebbles, fal­ they succeed, their intention is to mas­ ling in a slanting direction from south sacre the settlers along the border. Russia wants to get even with En­ to north There were morsels of flint among them, and all were abraded gland, France wants to get even with and worn by the action of water. Germany, Austria wants to get even ! Some fen have sharp fractures and with Prussia. As for our land of the have evidently been recently broken. free, says the Alta, we are so far ahead The fact is vouched for by trustworthy of them that we have nobody to get person*. The insecure condition of even with, and the eagle just Hies for the buildings is also a dreadfully hor­ exercise. rifying cause of apprehension, on the Among the new goods received by approach of the equinoxes ; walls have Apperson yesterday is an elegant line been rent, chimneys and steeples are of cloaks, direct from New York, from After which call at A. J. Aiqierson’s and off their square and there is nothing $7 to $15 each ; also the world renoun- take a look at the goods- sound about the city. If an equinoc­ Downs self-adjusting corset, pro­ Gonger’s Double Seated Drawers and Cheat- Shield Undershirt. tial gale of usual severity should strike nounced to be the best article of the the city Irefore considerable repairs kind in the world. It has silk elastic Ilv < lite Wav. • / can be made nearly every house in gores covered with tine muslin ; above Do you realize the astonishingly low price* at the city would be blown down. The and below avoided waistband. Adapts effort made to clear away the debris itself to the varied positions which the has been abandoned and the people body assumes in stooping, sitting or Men a Suits from $6.00 up, and Boys’ Suits from $3.5o up. NO SHODDY. are settling back into melancholy. It reclining. Gives perfect ease in all is freely declared that if tire had swept positions, affording great relief to the the city it would have been far pref­ wearer. Every pair guaranteed or erable, for in that case insurance money refunded if not entirely satis­ would helped to repair waste places. factory. The Daily Reporter. 2^ APPERSON’S. NEW STOCK clothing - //OWE .VEH'S J.VP M)Ti> HERE IT IS! I he new ice bill has at hist been de­ clared valid. t'ontributions are pouring in the relief of Charleston sufferers. ill II. Parry, late publisher of the West .Side, has taken editorial control of the < ’oi valli» Gazette. Mrs. Wilson, sister of Mrs. Dr. Howard, expect* to go to San Fran­ cisco before returning to her home in .Michigan. The political brokerage house of Carr A Eolgei have split up on the Sprinkler and Novelty Force Pump. application of Quincy A Brooks for Used with a preparation for extinguishing collector at Portland fire is better than a steam engine. « .» / P-DESHON, Gen. Agt. Hon f. G. Kearnes, our new postal T T. S. I’ attt , Local Agt. - l r c »I ,■* BISHOP & KAY. Iks Leaders in Cloiking. Brownsville Woolen Mills Agency, McMinnville, Oregon. .... 1 1 310 TRI. r. MULTNZR, Prop.. I (\>mer 't hird and R street«, 1 VfCMI.NNVII.1.1; - - OKI.GOAI New house! New furniture! Unsurpassed in the country. Rates—$1 to $2 j>er day ac­ cording to room. Single meals 25 cents. Lodging. 25 t j 5o cents according to room. Board and Lodging. $4 to $G, per week. Two Fine Sample Rooms for commercial men. Give me a cnll and s“e for yourself. i I « ii c c