The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, September 07, 1886, Image 3

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    The ©atty Reporter.
McMinnville, Or.
Sept. 7, 1886
Mrs. (J. D. Johnson has returned
ftfoih her trip to California.
C. A. Wallace expects to send Solon
Prince away soon after the fair.
Baker & Sylvester threshed 19,229
bushels this season in nineteen days,
with their new machine.
Jack Powers has been pardoned and
has gone • Idaho to seek again his
Rev. Mr. Sellwood of east Portland,
passed homeward last week from his
Nestucca vacation.
Wayne Carlin expects to be home
on a visit about Christmas time. He
is in Granite, Grant county.
Supervisor Hubbard of Lafayette,
has returned from sixteen days recrea­
tion on Nehalem. He took in two elk.
H. B.Sommerville of Sheridan,sends
a dozen Reporters east occasionally.
That is the way to invite immigration
to Yamhiir county.
If we have no ordinace there should
be one, punishing people who throw
glass in the streets. The council will
meet to-morrow evening.
T. P. Worsham and wife, of Oregon
city, are visiting at White’s station.
They were the guests of Miss Fannie
Musgrove of this office. Mr. W. may
locate here.
That grouse at Rogers & Todd’s is
a drum major. It was captured in
Roseburg by T. S. Patty, at the store
of a taxidermist, and goes east as a
representative of Oregon’s native game
C. A. (’ole, formerly of tne Corvallis
Gazette, and Wallace R. Struble, a
well known journalist of Portland,will
issue on* October 1st the initial num­
ber of the Corvallis Chronicle.
T. E. Frestoe has taken a contract
to plant the stars and stripes on the
north pole in the next eighteen months
hence cannot tell just where he will be,
but if anybody finds his spectacles (ad­
vertised; leave them at this office.
The OPR are at present negotiating
for seventy-five acres of land adjoin­
ing the city of Albany upon which to
erect their round houses and car shops
for the western division of the road.
Albany has pluck, but this will be her
good luck.
Works of Art—Mrs. Dr. Galbreath, Ijafay-
ette; Mrs. pr. Young, Miss Clara Martin, Mo-
Minn ville.
Heaven is smiling upon Yamhill Penmanship aud Map Drawing—.Prof.
Houghton, MoMinpville; Saui. Hobaon,New­
berg; Geo. Higgins, North Yamhill.
If you want to make the fair a suc­ Superintendent of Draft, Carriage, and
Roadsters and horses of all work L. H. Ba­
cess take stock in it. If you want to ker,
Jacks,MuleHand Jennys—Richard Phillips,
“ bust it”—growl.
The pavilion began to fill up yester­ Cattle—Morris H. Perkins, North Yamhill.
day, and as the ladies seem to act in Swine—Geo. Dorsey, Dayton.
Sheep N. K. Sitton, Carlton.
harmony with our glorious weather, Poultry—E. L Peckham, Carlton.
Agricultural T. Goodrich, North Yamhill.
and to be actuated by that indomita­ Horticultural
John Bean, Carlton.
ble spirit of enterprise so lacking Mechanical—S. R. Baxter, Dayton.
The County Fair.
among men for the cultivation of the
beautiful, we feel (hat what promised
to be a slim exhibition yesterday fore­
noon, because of a lack of exhibitors ;
will by noon to-day be one of extent
sufficient to excite the admiration of
all. When we left this department
last evening the outlook was indeed
cheering and hopeful.
To-days races will be at 2 p. m.;
half mile running and repeat, best two
in three; free for all three minute
The first running race yesterday
was won by Mollie Flippen 1st; Buck­
skin 2d : and Minnie 0, 3d. Lancer
Dudley and Bay Billey were in the
It is a very difficult thing to start
five horses in a race.
In the trotting match seven horses
were entered. Perfection and Holly­
wood drew out. The first heat three
were distanced, which left the contest
with Milton and Billy Button. Both
arc owned in this city ; the first by­
John Hulery, and the last by C. A.
Wallace. Billy took the 2d heat, and
Milton the third. Time 1st heat, 3.9J ;
2d heat, 3.14; 3d heat, 3.12|. The
last two were pretty- contests.
Geo. Willis had a three minute
horse on the track yesterday good for
every- inch of it; but he was all broke
up by excitement.
In a 300 yards dash yesterday after­
noon between Conway, Arthur’s horse,
and Jack Nance, John Flett, the latter
Following is a list of the officers and com­
mittees chosen by the managers of the Yam­
hill County Agricultural society for the year
Chief Marshal—G. Springer, Amity; assist­
ant, J. W. Baker, McMinnville.
Floral Exhibits—Mrs. A. M. Loughlin,
North Yamhill: Mary Gilkey, Dayton; Mrs.
Chas. Palmer, MoMinnville.
Works of Antiquity—Mrs A. J. Apperson,
Mrs. Frank Fuller, McMinnville; Miss Au­
gusta Riohster, Sheridan
Fancy Needle Work—Mrs. Fellows, Mrs.
John Gault, MoMinnville: Mrs. Nora Spring­
er, Amity.
Culinary Department Mrs. L Laughlin,
Mrs. Goodrich, North Yamhill; Mrs. Sylves­
ter Potter, Sheridan.
Don’t forget the Newberg fair.
Pools were slow sale y esterday.
Mens suits from $8 at 0. Symons.
Boys suits from $5.50 at C. Symons.
For Blue Vitriol go to Geo. W. Burt’s.
Oscar Kilbourn sells pools on the
fair grounds.
Boys chinchilla coat and vest from
$9 at C. Symons.
Children’s ready made suits from
$2.50 at C. Symons.
Mens chinchilla coat and vest from
$12.00 at C. Symons.
A large stock of School books at Geo.
W. Burt’s at bottom prices.
Mr. Weber has his shooting gallery
in operation on the grounds.
The tickets sold at the gate before
noon yesterday netted $150 cash.
St. James (Episcopal) Sunday school
begins at 9 :30 a. in. Sunday next.
Miss F. E. Russ has an elegant dis­
play in the pavilion. See ad also.
If you want to smoke a good cigar,
go to Geo. W. Burt’s prescription drug
Dr. Wortman, of Junction, was in
attendance at the bed side of his moth­
er on Sunday.
Billy Ayres, one of the most success­
ful horsemen of Oregon, is in attend­
ance at the fair.
The ladies Guild will not meet at
Dr. Johnson’s to-morrow p. in. Post­
poned until the 15th.
Mr. Gammie came in yesterday with
a liberal display of all the finest im­
ported stock in Yamhill county.
Judge Loughary, County Clerk
Briedwell, Prosecuting Attorney Brad­
shaw, .Sheriff Harris and many others
from Lafayette were in sight yesterday.
We were pleased to see J. L. Hallett
on the grounds yesterday. He is one
of the strongest pullers the west side
tier of counties have in the field.
C. Nairn, of Ballston, has a kennel
of his Scotch Collie dogs on exhibition.
He has one that he values at $500.
He sold the sire of this one for $1,200.
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