I Í Yamhill County Bank The San Francisco Post has started in to turn the tide of business away O regon . from Yaquina. Might as well try to M c M innville - - I>. C. IRELAND < <». 1’1 lil.IsllEHS. stop the rushing tides of the ocean. J. C. B kaly ............................ President McMinnville, Oregon, - Sept 6,1886 Prevarication in regard to the harbor W.D. M c D onald , J u ............ Secretary and bar at Yaquina has been of such C lark B kaly ............................ Cashier For wavs that ¡ir< dark, und tricks long duration and varied character, Transacts a general Banking Business. Col­ lections made on favorab.e terms. that are sly. liquor im-u g jencrally hold that the Post will find it utterly im­ Exchange on Ladd A Tilton. Portland, Or. possible to accomplish any good to over the prohibitionists, A case in Interest allowed on time deposits. eastern Washington is in evidence. themselves or anybody else by its at- Medical hike precinct in Spokane tempt at pulling down Yaquina. Then county went dry at the late local op­ there is a slight difference between the —OF- tion election. Cheney, the adjoining harbor of New York and that of* Port­ OREGON precinct, voted against local option. land which is not situated on the sea M c M innville , - - J acob W ortman .................... President This was so far on the square, but the coast, or even on the Columbia. P. T hompson ............ Vice-president. saloonists in the first named precinct James G. Blaine opened the politi­ J D. ohn W ortman ....................... Cashier were not satisfied Medical lake be­ cal campaign in Maine in a manner ing a summer resort, the saloon inter­ which indicated that he had lost none Transacts a General Banking business. Interest allowed on time deposits. est was held to be worth making an of his old vim on the political issues, Collections made on favorable terms. effort for. The anti-prohibitionists and retained his full degree of acute Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers New York, San Francisco and Portland. first charged tha t voters had been brib­ statesmanship. He handled the labor, on Office hours—from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. ed with ice cream, lemonade and other fisheries, Mexican and prohibition dainties to vote for prohibition. The questions, and evinced that he was charge was not sustained by the evi­ still the main political leader in these JOHN WORTMAN dence adduced, and the court over­ United States. Represents the following sterline compan­ ies: London & Liverpool f the law is being questioned in nu­ Where the best of meats can always be found merous other localities, and in due and at the most reasonable prices, where the loin of beef is divided with our custom­ time the courts will be called upon to ers. Meats done up in the latest styles, decide the matter, but for cheapness, I OOO II CH TO BUY THE LARG- and good weights given. Give ns n call. Yours truly, originality ami effectiveness the Medi­ est. best and cheapest Brick in the market at W. J. Garrison & Co. cal lake men carry off the palm. I he late anarchists trials in Chica­ GUNSMITH SHOP go cost $50,(MK), an average of a thou­ AND sand dollars a day during its continu­ Prices from $M0 to |S.OO per Thousand. ance. If the United States could rid itself of all the anarchists in its borders W Will also be prepared to lay briok on A. C. SAYLOR, Old Poet office Building, D Street, at the same rate, about $7,000 apiece, short notice. McMinnville, Or. M c M innville - - O regon , it could well at lord to pay the enor­ Brewster's Patent Rein Holder. mous bill and be content with the bar­ Toor lino« ar« where you put them-no< under horses'ftet. One a*«nt sold ltdox. in gain. So much for making America S days, one dealer sold • dos. in IS days. Sample« worth »1.40 rasa Write for terms. the asylum for the oppressed of all E. E. BREWSTER, Holly, Mich. nation«. Repairing of Guns, Pistols and Sewing The Daily Reporter. First National Bank, FIRE INSURANCE. NEW BRICK YARD EURISK0 MARKET. WANTED, Siyltr’i Britl! Till SHOOTING GALLERY, Carl fc, Fnjritk I- l-if For sale at this office. < r 3 ¿ Maohinee a specialty f w I- - X - > “ g ? - ; X * g h ® ss ? M ® ¿5 ü «C S _ r «Í " 2 a SÎS — = — a ~ ' -*2 '