The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, September 06, 1886, Image 3

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    A 11|
are a small miniature rose, but as fra­
grant and beautiful as any Hower
growing in the gardens of Portland.
They are very rare on the coast, and
Sept. 6, 1886 even in San Francisco they are rarely
to be found outside of hot houses.
The Djatly Reporter,
McMinnville, Or.
Henry Ward Beecher’s lectures do
not draw in England.
Col. Fithian and C. H. Hewett are
starting a democratic daily
J. H. Stine has nearly swung
around the circle. His next, halt will
be at Brownsville.
California republicans have chosen
John F. Swift. His election is almost
a foregone conclusion.
If Secretary Bayard resignsit will
be owing perhaps to the follies of the
late Mexican rumpus.
Cleveland and Voorhees is the latest
and perhaps the strongest democratic
ticket yet suggested for 1888.
The OCR have shortened the ride
overland to Frisco ninety-eight miles
by extending travel to Dunsmuir.
The simple fact that gold is pouring
into this country from Europe destroys
the staple argument of the monome­
Hou. Ralph Geer of Waldo hills,
71 years of age, during harvest last
month one day mowed an acre of oats
and wheat in two hours ami twenty
Daily News: The way to make
fairs a success is to advertise them.
The Mechanics’ and state fair have
evidently overlooked this very impor­
tant fact.
The Sitverton appeals to the law­
makers for the protection of farmers
against the Mongolian pheasants, as a
Hock of these gormands is worse than
a drove of hogs in a field of grain.
Portland High school opens on the
Sth with 250 pupils. Prof. R. K. War­
ren states that he has never before had
io many applications for scholarships
as at present. Many come from the
Willamette valley.
At Newport last month, Jas. Garson
was wounded badly in the hand by a
fish bone. Part of the bone was ex­
tracted by Dr. Tucker, and Mr. Gar­
son left for home the next dav. The
last of the month Dr. McKenzie ex­
tracted the balance. It made a very
painful wound.
Ed. Post of Portland has the only
Marguerite rose in the city. They
Just Received at
Thinking that perhaps a short item
might be of interest, I will give you a
random account of my experience
since f left old Yamhill, a county of
Brownsville Woolen Mills Agency,
which I am proud, on the 18th of July, MoMinnville,
to accept a position as mechanic on
the WV and CR. My first introduc­ S I'. ( HAKI/f > HOTEL
T. MlTL'-Jj.'TER, Prop..
tion was on the hurricane deck of a
Corner Third and B “treats,
Hat car, at the rate of twenty miles mCMINNVIl.l.l-:
per hour over a new track, from Cor- Newhouse: New f’ii:i’:nii<! I'naurpassed
in the country. Kuta* - S* 1 to t- P»*r day ac­
vallasto Summit, where the companvs cording
to loom. Single meals
mills used to be located, but has since Lodging, 25 to Vi cents according to room.
Board and Lodging, $4 to $0, per week. Two
been torn down, and the engine is now Fine
Sample Koonis for commercial men.
in use at the Philomath elevator one Give me a call and see for yourself.
of two good and substantial elevators
put up on the ’:ne and which looks Look Upon This Picture
like business. There is a great rush
of men to the shops at the bay to put
up cars, as there is to be twenty miles
of track laid east from Corvallis yi t
this fall, and they have twelve en­
gines at the shops to be put together
and in running order. I am informed
by good authority that they will put
up some new depots this fall. One
here and one at Corvallis. The ele­
vator here is in running order and
they received the first wheat on the
27tli, rather late as all the grain is
threshed. Some went to Corvallis,
the nearest market heretofore. There
Then Upon This;
is an elevator at Newtons or Siding 2.
seven miles from here. It is the near­
est point of the road *o Kings valley, a
fine farming country to the north of
the road. The grain from this valley
used to go to Slivers station.
E. H. F uller .
Tit Ut! !1 Clsthisg.
Successor to Bangs seer A Son.
BiHigasser’s buildirg Cor. B »nd Third street«.
After which call at A. J. Appersuti’s and
take a look at the goods
Here is where you can get your money’s
worth in
Conger’s Double Seated Drawers and Chest-
Shield Undershirt.
Beef, Pork, Mutten, Sausage, Tripe
By the Way,
and everything >n the line of meats, of th«
Doyon realize the astonishingly low price« at
best quality the country affords. Also the
Best of Bolognas.
Give me a call and be satisfied.
Men « Suits from ffJ.OO up, and Hoys’ Suit»
from |3.5O up. NO SHODDY.
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