8. A. MANNING & CO Th© Daily Reporter (Successors to Shobe & Manning ) I), c. IRELAND <4 CO. PUBLISHERS, McMinnville, Oregon, - Rept. 1, 1886 Much importance attaches to the dictum of the Papal See in opposition to the organization known as the Knights of Labor. It is nearly two years since the first promulgation of the Pope’s condemnation of the order. Since then it has rested in abeyance, pending an appeal. But the original edict has been now affirmed, am! ilie I’ope sets the seal of his displeasure HENDERSON BROS., upon the Knights, and commands the PROPRIETORS. Bishop to proceed against all Catho­ lics belonging to the order, in the THIRD ST., BETWEEN E & F., same manner as they have been ac­ McMinnville, Or. customed to act in the case of mem­ •o- bers of that church who were also members of other secret societies. The First-class accommodations for com­ great question among the Knights mercial men and the travel­ now is whether the Papal prohibition ing public. Transient i ’ meant to apply universally or only stock well cared to Canada. It is addressed to Cardi­ —for— nal Taschereau, of Quebec, and some EVERYTHING NEW AND IN church authorities hold that it will FIRST-CLASS ORDER. have force only under his jurisdiction, Patronage respectfully solicited. and that any edict intended to apply for application in the United States BUSH LOGAN. BILL LOGAN. WATT HENDERSON, would be addressed to Cardinal Gib­ bons at Baltimore. However that may be, the language of the edict would seem to indicate that the Pope Proprietors of the old established and well known intends the prohibition to be general. Cardinal Taschereau, in his letter of 3Ic»3T imi ville information to the Bishops, says that "there can no longer be any doubt as to the rule to be followed by the Catho­ LIVERY, lics of the whole world” in the matter. If this interpretation be correct, the Sale Stables edict will surely have a very appre­ We are prepared at all hours to furnish ciable political and social effect in this Hacks, country. The knights of labor move­ CHtrinireo. Muddle Horses, ment will be deprived of much of its original force if the Catholics with­ And everything in the Livery hire in good shape at reasonable rates. draw from it, as they certainly will if addition to first class outfits in brought face to face with a dilemma involving fidelity to their church. A I IVIIIIV, Till ( KING A IGATIING, very few may elect to remain faithful i Wo keep a wagon specially adapted to the to the order, and disobey the papal delivery ......... <»f parcels, tranks satchels, etc., for accomodation of the public. Orders left mandate, but with the vast majority . the at the stable will be promptly attended to at of the Catholics, as is well known, the reasonable rates. authority of the church is supreme. Great interest will be felt in the future Transient Stock developments arising out of this sig­ nificant act. Left with ns will receive the best of care LOGAN BROS. & HENDERSON, 131 I*OKT EKS, —AND— Wholesale and Retail DEALERS IN Hardware, Mery, Stoves, Imre, Etc, Call and examine their stock at Shobe’s new brick building on Third Street, McMinnville, Or. * FARMERS ATTENTION L. II. C ook . GALLOWAY & COOK, McMinnville, Or. Have leased and thoroughly renovated ---- THE STOUT & MARTIN---- Warehouse, and are prepared to sell sacks at bottom prices, anti clean and store wheat at 3 cents. Having one «f the best cleaners in Yamhill county, your pa tronage is very respectfully solicited. GALLOWAY & COOK. W m . G alloway . Private Surveys W. J. CRAWFORD, Surveyor & Civil Engineer, Having the most com­ plete set of plats and field notes in the County, and instrninents of the b| N5CEK, Proprietor. 1 make a specialty of and attention. Read again Bishop A- Kay’s offer,' mid see what lady is to get that de«1 gnnt shawl. _____ Xogan Bros. & Henderson. HIS PAPERS"" • A ■ KR A SON, < mip uu Ut< >r izrtl fktfviita. J. J. Collard. Agt., McMinnville. O. W. Sappington, Agt., N. Yamhill. Headquarters. Ill miles from McMinnville, near the head of Panther creek. Material first-class. ® à -9 = u " t a s | j I-st3 Ü.Ï5