I Th@ Datty Reporter, D. C. IRELAND A CO. PUBLISHERS, Mrs. Nellie Curren, engaged in the Baptist missionary work at Portland, left here for her field of labor on Sa tur­ day. McMinnville, Oregon, - Sept. 1, 1886 MRS. M. SHADPEN. MISS MAY VE8SEY. Hon. J. C. Braley is at Soda springs. Shadden & Vessey, Judge Hurley returned to Lafayette with his family on Saturday. Fashionable Dressmakers W. F. Collard left for Yaquina on a tSyThe Taylor System of Cutting and Fit­ ting employed. tour of observation last Monday. On and after this date teachers will Miss Minnie Baker, find Hon. J. A. C. Freund at his office in this city. Our sanctum was honored on Tues­ Portraits in Crayon and Porcelain. Third street, Next to Bishop & Kay's store, day by calls from Mrs. Jas. Turner McMinnville, Or. and Mrs. John Wortman. We acknowledge a call from Jesse Mrs. H. P. Stuart, Hobson last week, one of the enter­ FASHIONABLE prising builders of Newberg. Win. Campbell and Geo. W. Jones Millinery, Dressmaking, will represent our hook and ladder FANCY GOODS, TRIMMINGS, NO­ company at Salem on the 8th. TIONS, ETC. Elsie Wright threshed 40,016 bushels ■lair Weaving and Stamping of grain in twenty-five days. Among Done to Order, this was 1,000 bushels of barley. Opposite the Grange store, McMinnville,Or. H. B. Derick and wife, of Crawfords­ M iss K. T hornton ville, old friends of our city clothier M rs . A. M c D onald . C. P. Bishop, are here on a visit. In the free for all match next week, Fashionable Milton is entered. He is a noble old Dressmaking. horse ; and although 18 years of age, In Mrs. H. 1*. Stuart’s Millinery Store, still has some style about him. OPPOSITE GRANGE HALL, The Reporter force highly appreciate ... O regon . a magnificent watermelon from south­ M c M innvillb ern Oregon, presented to us by the Mrs. G. H. Goulet, liberal grocers Baxter Martin. The News notes a call from our Mr. Third street, opposite the Marble works. E. L. E. White. When last heard McMinnville, - - Oregon. from he was going in the direction of Has just opened her New Spring Stock of Puget sound, as happy as a clam at Hats, Bonnets and Fine high tide. MILLINERY GOODS, Ladd & Reed’s Broadmead stables To which h I io invites the ladies inspection. will be represented at the fair next What goods I have I represent as they are, week by at. least nine animals: Cleve­ and the goods will speak for themselves. land bays, Clydes, and cattle; all im­ ported stock. The fifth annual meeting of the fire­ men’s association of Oregon and the 1 <><><> Urn TO BUY THE LARG- accompanying state firemen’s tourna­ est, best and cheapest Brick in the market at ment will be held in Salem, commenc­ ing Wednesday, September 8th, and continuing three days. This city will be well represented by its firemen. J. L. Hallett of Dilley, harvested 85 Prices from #5.00 to #s.00 per Thousand. bushels of White winter wheat per fW^Will also be prepared to lay brick on acre for 22 acres. Mr. Hallett, writ­ short notice. A C. SAYLOR, McMinnville, Or. ing to the Hillsboro Independent says : This field was sown the last of Octo­ Brewster'» Patent Rein noIder. Your lines are where yon put them—not ber, 1885, two bushels to the acre, of under horses’ feet One agent sold 12 dos. in 6 days, one dealer sold « dos. In 16 days. old white winter wheat. I kept it! Samples worth |1.» ran. Write for terms, pastured down until abo t the middle' of May. E. E. BREWSTER, Holly, Mich. WANTED, i Yamhill County Bank. M c M innville - - O regon . J. C. B rai . y ............................ President W.D. M c D onald , J r ............. Secretary C lark B raly ............................ Cashier Transacts a general Banking Business. Col­ lections made on favorable terms. Exchange on Ladd