* <*4 .4F The DaUy Reporter, D. C. IRELAND & CO. PUBLISHERS, McMinnville, Oregon, - Sept. 1, 1886 President Cleveland did himself lit­ tle credit in inditing the rather ill-tem­ pered letter recently sent by him to editor Jones of the Florida Times Union. Especially is it unworthy the incumbent of so exalted a position as he occupies to make the broad charge that the , newspapers gen­ erally are guilty of indulgence, to quote his own words, in “ utter and complete recklessness and falsifica­ tion.” Directly the reverse of this is true, and conspicuously true. Not only are the newspapers of the Uni­ ted States not open to this charge, but, as a rule they are studious, and under the condition surrounding their occu­ pation, remarkably successful, in fol­ lowing exactly the opposite course. The fact is, that no class of persons aie more conscientious and assiduous in their endeavors to be fair and just in all the relations of life than are the conductors of the larger portion of the American press. Every considera­ tion entering into the pursuit of their calling prompts this course. Laying aside pride of profession, self-respect, and the desire to be thought well of by their fellowmen, they could not afford, as a mere matter of business policy, to deliberately and habitually mislead their readers, any more than a mer­ chant could expect to succeed by always imposing upon his custom ers damaged and dangerous goods. Editors are, however, neither omnis­ cient, omnipresent nor omnipotent, and they are therefore liable to be de­ ceived by officials or mislead and im­ posed upon by some of those upon whom they are compelled to rely, just as other men are, in spite of all pos sihle precautions; but as a rule thej are keenly alive to the proprieties and responsibilities of their profession, anc when they are led into error, from any cause, they are quick to repair any wrong done, and they regret both the error and its consequences far more than any one else possibly can. Mr. Cleveland’s experience with the press may not always have been to his lik­ ing ; that of men in public life is, be­ cause few men are infallible; and it is doubtless true that he has had some special cause for irritation; but his account with the newspapers of the country is by no means confined to one side of the ledger. If he has been unfairly dealt with, and even inde­ cently assailed, in some quarters, he has been most chivalrously treated and valiantly championed in others, where he had no other claim than that for common fairness and justice, and on the whole in his relations with the press he has much more to be grate­ ful for than he has to complain of. It cannot be denied that here and there sensational or malicious correspond­ ents give currency to highly colored or wholly false reports, and it may be possible that in some instances this course is instigated or encouraged by those employing them ; but, admitting this much, and still the President has no warrant for making the coarse and sweeping charge he does against the press. With equal justice might the legal profession, to which Mr. Cleve­ land belongs, be branded as a confra­ ternity of strife-breeders and scoun­ drels, because a few shyBters may be M c M innville Business College, Cor. 3d and C Streets, OVER YAMHILL COUNTY BANK, Will open Ootober 18, 1886. Attention is respeotfully invited to this SCHOOL. BUSINESS Ita facilities for thorough practical instrno­ tion; actual business department a specialty where ourrency, bank check, drafts, etc., are used. Class, or private instruction day or evening. College Journal sent free on ap­ plication. C. F. H oughton , Prin. P. O. Box 101. C. J. P avne , Seo. MCMINNVILLE COLLEGE. ALL DEPARTNENT8~-PreBura. tory, Academic, Normal and Colle­ giate, will Open September 1, 1886. "the Second Term Opens Nov. 10th, 1886. The Third “ “ Jan. 19th, 1887. The Fourth “ “ Mar. 30th, 1887. Pleasant Heated by Furnace, at Low Hutes, in tlie College- Building. Board in the building at *2.75 per week. 'T’T TT'T'TOIV FHO1H ts.oo to ll lUVA *10.00 FEB TKHNI. Boarding and lodging, in private families, for ladies, at from $3.00 to $4.00 per week. By forming clubs, students may secure board at $1.00 to $1.50 per week. For Catalogues, call on or address: PRES. E. O. ANDERSON, Or, P bof . W. J. C bawfobd , McMinnvillo. Oregon. I Oregon State University. EUGENE CITY. SESSION 1386-87. First term begins September 13, 1886. Se­ cure fre$> scholarships by applying to your County Superintendent. Board and lodging, per week $3 to $5. TUITION, PBB TKAB. Elementary English Department.......$30 (C Other Departments............................... 40 00 Write postal for catalogue, with full par­ ticulars, to PBOF. JOHN STBAUB, Secretary Fnculty, Eugene City, Oregon. I ■ nildiii McMinnvi O bfxm