A CINCINNATI SENSATION. Trusted Bookkeeper Short From $160,000 o $400,000 in His Accounts. Dkn west Mb Cincinnati, Jan. 24.—Sensational re­ Six Men Killed and a Hundred ports were published here today of an The Islands Will Soon Be a Part of the United States. alleged shortage in the books of Theo- or More Injured. Sore Braemer, who resigned last Sun­ treasurer of the J. &. F. TREATY IS SIGNED BY BOTH MINISTERS POWDEK STOREHOUSE IN NEW YORK CITY day as I Schroth Packing Company, of this | city. The story as first published al­ Only Awaits Ratification by the Danish Gov­ Used by Builden of the New Rapid Transit leged a shortage of from $160,000 to ernment— Price Is Supposed to Be Tunnel—Adjacent Buildings Ruined $400,000, extending over a period of About Five Millions. —Property Loss Enormous. 20 years, and declared that Mr. Brae­ mer had turned over all of his prop­ Washington, Jan. 2o>—The treaty of New York, Jan. 29.—The reserve erty and chattels in trust, pending an examination of the books by experts. j cession of the Danish West Indies from supply of high explosives stored at the Braemar denied that there was any Park aveuue shaft of the Rapid Transit defalcation, but admitted that he had Denmark to the United States was turned over $72,000 in personal prop- tunnel, now in course of construction, ' erty to Harland Cleveland, bis attor- signed at the state department yester­ blew up shortly after noon tislay. The ' ney, and Joseph W. O’Hara, attorney day by Secretary Hay and Constantin The giant blast killed six persons, injured I for the J. & F. Schroth company. Brun, the Danish minister. J While Braemar talked freely about 100 others and damaged all the pro|Htr- [ the case, the Schroths refused to treaty will be submitted to the senate ty reached by the Hying debris and the say anything, and the attorneys were for ratification imm«liately. Following the invariable rule in snch i also reticent. vibration of the shock. Braemer is about 45 years of age. cases the state department officials de­ The irregular square formed by the and has been with the Schroths 27 Murray Hill hotel on the west, the years, most of the time receiving $25 cline to make public any of the details per week as bookkeeper, and in re­ Manhattan Eye and Ear hospital and cent years about twice that much as of the treaty, so that it is not jxissible the Grand Union hotel on the east, secretary and treasurer. The firm to state positively the price to lx» paid, and the Grand Central station on the did a business of about $1,000,000 a though it is believed to lie in the neigh­ year, which was collected by Brae- It is known north, was the scene of the explosion. ‘ mer. When John Schroth died, over borhood of $5,000,000. also that Denmark has abandon«l the The buildings named sustained the a year ago. Lieutenant-Governor Carl Nippert became the attorney of his position she was inclined to occupy to­ greatest damage, but the area extended heirs, who instituted an investigation for several blocks in the four directions of the company, which finally culmin. ward the conservation of the political ■ ated in a meeting of all interested rights of the inhabitants of the islands from the center. I last Sunday, at which Brae- and leaves to the Unit«! States a free General alarms brought firemen, po­ . parties mer resigned, and from which the hand to deal with them without pl«!ge lice reserves and every available ambu­ sensational reports of today enran- lance to the spot. A majority of the I ated. The experts insist that they of American citizenship or of free trade wounded were treated on the spot, and cannot complete their work for two privileges. So it is presum«! that the three weeks, and counsel say that the white coat«! ambulance surgeons or no reliable statement can be made status of the Danish West Indian worked for an hour in the debris-strew n until that time. Islands, politically ami commercially, streets. Police lines were thrown at No reports of similar character should the treaty be ratified, will be either end of Park avenue and across ever created such a sensation in this the intersecting streets. city, as Mr. Braemer always has been similar to that of I’orto Rico. Having The cause of the explosion and the regarded as a man of the highest bus­ gained these points in the negotiations, quantity of explosives that blew up are iness and social standing. He owns the state department officials believe not definitely known. Several causes one of the finest residences in the the treaty is certain to receive the ap­ and it is furnished with all that have been advanced. One was that a city, art could supply. In all of the sensa­ fire started near the powder room. tional reports that have been pub­ proval of the United States senate. The new treaty is peculiar in that it Another was that it started from a lished no reference is made to him spark produced from a stray current of as a fast man or of bad habits, such will require action not only by the sen­ electricity. A third placed the blame as are usually coupled with such sen­ ate and the Danish rigsdad, but by the upon a blast in the tunnel. Still sations. The attorneys and other in­ another gave a gas explosion from elec­ terested persons will give no assur­ United States house of representatives trical contact with the trolley conduit ance that the report of the experts as well, since it will be necessary for in the electrical subway. It will take on the examination of the books the house to supply the ne«led appro­ will be made public when completed, an official examination to reveal the as they state that every possible dif­ priation to defray the expenses of pur­ true explanation. ference has already been adjusted chase. It is regarded as a strong point The damage may exceed $1,000,000. satisfactorily by the property that The first estimate of the damage to the Braemer has turned over in trust. by the framers of the treaty that the Murray Hill hotel places the loss at All the interested parties state that p«>ple of the Danish West Indies are to $100,000, but later the hotel was they expected after the meeting last have a voice in this qutesion of cessoin. abandoned as unsafe. If the building Sunday, at which Braemer resigned, The treaty itself does not contain is condemned, the loss on it alone will that all differences would be settled any reference to a plebiscite, but the without the matter ever becoming approximate $1,000,000. public. Danish government has given notice ANOTHER LAND GRANT. Bills Now in Congress. Washington, Jan. 23.—Now that the Trans-Alaskan Railway Company has a bill before both the senate and the house granting it a right of way for a railroad from C«>k inlet across the pen­ insula, by way of Unalaklik and Eaton to Port Clarence, on the end of the Sew­ ard peninsula, it is working very vigor­ ously to secure the passage of this meas­ ure. It is asking for a land grant sim­ ilar to that extended to the severa- tranacontinental roads in the United States. The exact route propo«si to lie cov­ ered by this road has been survey«! by the company, and has lxx»n inspected by representatives of the g«>logical sur­ vey. It shirts on the western shore of Cook inlet, just north of Kanishak bay, leading westward from Iliamna lake past Kakwok, and northwestward across Tikchik lake to Kalniakof on the Kuskokwim, and northwestward to Holy Cross Mission and Anvik, on the Yukon, thence up Anvik river, and over Anvik portage to the head of Norton sound; thence by Nome to Port Clar­ ence. The distance to C«>k Inlet from St. Michael is approximately 400 miles. Kamishak bay is said to lx? open throughout the winter, and therefore affords a valuable terminal for the road and its steamship connections. The company asserts that the main artery of commerce is closed by ice dur­ ing the winter months, and that a rail­ way from Cook Inlet to Behring sea is the only practicable method of opening up to settlement the western plains and river valleys of Alaska, and of furnish­ ing means of transportation at all sea­ sons of the year. The snowfall along the propos«! route is light, and a railroad, it is said, can be operated without interruption. The company claims to lx? asking for this grant solely to aid in the construc­ tion of the road, in the hope of develop­ ing the agricultural resources of the in­ terior and affording ad«piate transpor­ tation to the remote sections that are now practically cut off through the win­ ter months. The company does not ask for any mineral rights, nor does it expect immediate returns from the lands. It appreciates that it will take years to bring to the p«>ple of the United States the knowl«lge that in Alaska can be had homesteads from which can be gathered the necessaries of life. ' that before it ratifies the treaty it will submit the question of cesison to the people of the islands. Not much objec­ Delay in Reporting Bill Saving of Time Lat­ Manila Merchants Object to Restriction Law tion is expected here from these people, —Needed to Develop Islands. as the treaty is so framed that they are er— Nicaragua is Most Favored. Manila, Jan. 28.—The American not call«l on to surrender their Danish Washington, Jan. 29.—An attempt is chamlier of commerce here has formu­ allegiance, and they may remain Danes being made to make capital out of the lated an appeal to congress, in which in fact and in name while enjoying ENGLAND’S TROUBLES. delay in reporting the canal bill, but it earnestly prays for the enactment of whatever advantages, in a commercial Senator Mitchell says that time will be laws allowing Chinese to enter the way, mayj-esult from a transfer of the Indignation Over the Execution of Boer Com­ The mandants Helps the Boer Cause. saved in having every possible feature Philippine islands under such restric­ islands to the United States. plebiscite will not lx? controlled in any tions as the United States Philippine London, Jan. 27.—The Daily News of opposition to Nicaragua developed commission may enact. The present case by the Unit«! States. It is stated in the committee, so that there can lie restrictive law concerning immigra­ distinctly that the Danish government has from The Hague the following dis­ no requests for further investigation, tion, continues the appeal, is of no itself will take steps to ascertain the patch, taken from private advices: Chinese, if inclintaion of the people of the islands “News from South Africa has reach­ or further delay after the bill comes benefit to the Filipinos. admitted, would enter into competition before the final steps in the transfer are ed military circles here that the pow­ before the senate. Then it will simply with local labor, and their entry into taken. er of the But His Teat Asked in Aid of Railroad Across Alaska— Were Eloquent. •’There are all sorts of tricks tn n po- Ittlcal campaign." said the ex-member of ill» Legislature, "and one vas plav- «1 upon me when I was doing my trst stumping that was Intended to my me out tlatter than a pancake I was ollied to speak at a certain village, and I prepar«) a first-rate talk for the oc­ casion. Half an hour before I was to lake the platform I was tuvtted to have a nip to brace me up. nod tin mb utes after imbibing I didn't know whether 1 was on foot or riding a camel. As a matter of fact, I had been ’doped' in older to prevent me front upeakiug. When I began to ruil-feuce i round and talk nonsense they tried to t ike me away, but 1 became as stub­ born as a mule and insisted upon speaking. It would be a nail iu uiy coffin to show me off iu a drunken con ditiou. ami I was finally pushed for­ ward. 1 was simply conscious of the fait that I was making a fool if my self and lifter uttering a dozen words I begun to weep. There was a good deal of laughter at first, but pretty soon a mail called out: " 'Look here, fellers, this uinii ain’t crying for nothing.’ " ’You lx»t he ain’t,’ shouted another. " He must be weeping over our high taxes, suggested a third. “ ’That's it, and it shows his true feellug,' added a fourth. Here’a one .vl o pledges himself to work and vote for him.' *• 'And Itere's another,' called out twenty melt In chorus as I was led away with tears streaming lown my cheeks. "That was my speech,” said tile ex- solou, according to the Detroit Free Press. "The people laid It Hl to emo­ tion, and that town gave me a major­ ity to make ny hair stand up. I couldn’t reduce their taxes, but I got a bill through against any one owning a hull without keeping an iron ring In his nose, and did not lose any of my admirers.” Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon­ structing the exhausted digestive or­ gans. It is the latest discovered digest­ ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in­ stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache,Gastralgia,Cramps,ana all other resultsof imperfect dig. stion Praoarad by E. C. DaWitt A Co . Cblcaa» ROGERS BROS. J S. ROSCOE, UMBRELLAS Re-covered and Repaired Full line of repairs and all repair work done In the best style. North Ude Third Street near B. The St. Louis Globe-Democrat The Great Republican Paper of America, The Greatest Newspaper of the World Twice Every Week—One Dollar a Year. IN CONNECTION WITH THE REPORTER |1.75 Both Papers one year 11.71 The St. Louis Globe-Democrat has no rival as a great modern newspaper. Its reputation is world-wide, and it circulates wherever there are readers of the English language. It gives ths latest telegraphic news from all the world every Tuesday and Friday. Its market reports are complete in every detail. It has special dei'art- ments devoted to “The Farm, Garden and Dai­ ry,” ‘‘The Family Circle" and “The Home,” and many other features which combine to furnish help, amusement and instruction for people in all conditions and circumstances of iife. In each department, and as a whole, it is the peer of any family newspaper in the world, and it ought to be at every fireside during the coming year. Do not miss this opportunity to get the great­ est National News and Home Journal and your favorite local paper, both one year for only |1.75. PICTURESQUE OLD WINDMILL This offer is made in spite of the advance in the price of white paper and will be open for a lim­ NEAR BLOOMINGTON. ited time, bend your subscription today, 1» THE REPORTER, McMinnville, Or. LEGAL BLANKS. The following general forms are always in stock and for sale at the Reporter office : Real Estate Mortgage Warranty Deeds ‘ Chattel Mortgage Quit-claim Deeds Satisfaction of Mort. Bond for Deed Transfer of Mortgage Farm Lease Notes and Receipts. Bill of Rale Order books, Crop Mortgages. Acknowledgements, Abstracts. Justices’ Blanks. We carry a large stock of stationery and are Cpared to do job printing of every sort in the t stvle of the art and at low figures. One of the most curious industrial plants In the West Is the old Holland type of grist mill at Benson, near Bloomington. 111. It was erected up­ ward of thirty years ago. and Is still doing business. It Is operated by wind power, re-enforced by a small engine, which can be culled Into use whenever nature's agent falls In Its adequacy. The tall circular building is surmount­ ed by four huge wings, each of which Is forty feet in length, or elgnty In the length of each pair. The mill Is sixty feet high and is quite attractive for art­ ists wlm desire u picturesque bit of rural scenery. SWITZERLAND’SNEW PRESIDENT. Dr. Joseph Zenip, Head of the Mount­ ain Stute'» Government. The Swiss Republic has a ue'.v Presi­ dent. His name Is Dr. Joseph Zeinp nnd he is regarded ns a statesman of superior ability, who is well quali­ fied to preside over the uatlounl council which initiates all legislation In Ihe little mountain State. Dr. Zeinp is 67 years old aud Is a unlive of Lu­ cerne Province. A year ago he was elected Vice Presi- into the higher of- the unwritten law ildent slutII succeed to the hlghet office, unless he has ren­ dered himself obnoxious In the sulxtrd- Inate position. As Vice President he was head of the Department of State Railways and Telegraphs, where be was well tested In the art of govern­ ment and acquitted himself creditably. He Is a Conservative. O regon S horj line U nion P acific mo TIME SCHEDULES DEPART Atlantic E x press 8:50 p. m. Spokane Flyer 6:15 p.m. • p. m. Daily Ex. Sunday H p. m. Saturday 10 p. m. ARRIVI Salt Lake. Denver, Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kan­ 4:3tp. m. sas City, St. Louis, Chicago and East. Chicago- Portland Special 9:00 a. m. Kall Lake, Denver, Ft Wurth. Omaha. Kan­ sas (’ity, st. Louis, Chicago and East. 1» a. m. Walla Walla, Lewiston Spokane, Minneapo­ lis, St. Paul, Duluth, Milwaukee, Chicago and East. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS ’ a. m. «►in. All Sailing dates sub­ ject to change. For San Francisco— Kail every 5 days. Columbia River Stmrs •if To Astoria and Way- Landings. Sunday Willamette River. 6:45 a. m. Water permitting—Or. 4:30 p. m. City. Newberg, Salem, Monday, Ex. Wed A Fri. Independence, Con al- fkinday lis & Way-Landings. Willamette and Yamhill Rivers. Steamer Ruth leaves McMinnville— water pea» milling, otherwise haves Day ton--at 7 a in. on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, for Port­ land and way landings. Tlimngli tK kuis at lowest rates for all eastern points on sale at So. Pacific depot ticket office. A. L. CRAIG, G. P. A., Portland. Or. ,l."! .. Quaint Soul hern Epitaph. A Charleston. 8. C., churchyard con­ tains the dust of many eminent men and several queer epitaphs. The epi­ taph of Charlotte Elford, who died on May 9, 1817, says that— She was In In In In In 1 n Childhood, Wedlock. Prosperity, Adversity, Hirkness, Death, < Hwdif nt. Virtuous. Humble. Resigned. Patient. Happy. Bill for Joint Statehood. Washington, Jan. 23.—Repre-enta- Pharaoh, tn Mourning. tive Stevens, of Texas, today intrixlnced The 1’harno!« wore their beards a bill for the union of Oklahoma and when In mourning for a relative. Court Indian Territory a- a state, to lx? known mourning In Egypt teems to have taxi­ ax the state of Oklahoma. ed a year. Fruit Trees in Georgia. Kitchener’s Weekly Report. Paris, Jan. 27.—The government of The official cutouiologixix of Georgia London, Jan. 23.—Lord Kitchener Colombia has offer«! to purchase a predict that within a few years Hie number of obsolete French gunboats. re,s>rts that since January 13 31 Boers Empire State of the South will contain The negotiations have thus far had no were kil)«l, 13 were woiind«l, 170 were more than 190.