The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, January 24, 1902, Image 1

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Entered at the Postoffice in McMinnville,
as Second-class matter.
Women as Well as Mer
Are Made Miserable by
Kidney Trouble.
Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis
courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor
and cheerfulness soot;
disappear when the kid­
neys are out of ordei
or diseased.
Kidney trouble has
become so prevalent
I that it is not uncommon
J for a child to be born
5? afflicted with weak kid-
’ neys If the child urin­
ates too often, if the
urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child
reaches an age when it should be able to
control the passage, it is yet afflicted with
bed-wetting, depend upon it, the cause oi
the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the firs»
step should be towards the treatment oi
these important organs. This unpleasant
trouble is due to a diseased condition of the
kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as
most people suppose.
Women as well as men are made mis
erable with kidney and bladder trouble
and both need the same great remedy
The mild and the immediate effect o
Swamp-Root is soon realised, It is sole
by druggists, in fifty-
cent and one dollar
sizes. You may have a
sample bottle by mail
free, also pamphlet tell- Home ot SwampRoot
ing all about it, including many of th«
thousands of testimonial letters receivec
from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmet
& Co.. Binghamton, N. Y., be sure anc
mention this paper.
Tired of Life, Nannie Ungerman and Ollie Gaunt Take
Arsenic and Die After 16 and 19 Hours of Unavail­
ing Effort of Physicians to Undo the Work.
NO. 6.
“Who’s a go’n’ to git the postoffice?”
asked the fat man with a revenue dispo­
“I'm bettin’ on the same oi' hoss
that’s got it now, by devil,” replied the
man with a stitch in his voice.
“Why so?” inquired the attorney with
a stick under his arm.
“Ca'se he’s got the pull to fetchet."
“Let me tell you, my dear sir, there
are others with pulls.”
“Yu don’t suppose that long, slab
sided grasshopper in the printin’ office
is goiu’ to git it, do yu?” chipped in the
bogy built statesman.
“He’s as likely to git it as the old one-
hoss lawyer,” retorted the doctor with a
shiver in his eye.
"Say, yu fellers.
We ought to do
sumthin’ about celebratin’ ground hog
day,” said the man with the hard front
15 Minutes
sufficient to give you most •
delicious tea biscuit using
Royal Baking Powder as di-
rected A pure, true leavener.
Such is the startling announce­ deceased came to their death from
ment The Reporter has to make this arsenic poisoning administered by
week—an announcement that has their own hands.’
Grief-stricken indeed are the
touched the sympathies and startled
the sensibilities of every citizen to parents of these girls, whose act
was so entirely without warning.
whose ears it has come.
Nannie Ungerman and Ollie Gaunt They are lost in sorrow and amaze­
were young women of about 21 ment. It is indeed a cruel blow. If
years, the former the daughter of ever the love and tenderness of
Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Ungerman, the friends should be extended, it should
A Nu«l < a»e ot Reparation.
latter was formerly Miss Ollie Mc­ be to them NOW. Sympathy does
“All right, I move that a committee
Complaint was made before the county
Camish, daughter of Njrs. T. A. Mc­ not avail everything at such a time, of hoosiers and pukes be appointed to
Court. Nannie was filling the po- [ but it ameliorates. We cannot al­ prepare a program,” said the doctor The solem nization of the marriage of court on Tuesday that the children of
Mr. Walter Fender and Miss Mattie Mrs. Burdick, living on north E street,
sition of night operator of the tele- j ways know the full mystery that en­ with a French name.
Fink occurred at the residence of the werenot receiving proper parental at­
phone station at W. L. Hembree's. shrouds our sorrow, but He wliocon-
“We’ll appoint the justice of the
tention, cruel treatment being alleged,
On Tuesday evening she went to her trols man's destiny, if trusted , will peace, the county recorder, the captain bride’s parents in this city on the eve­ and asking that the two small children
ning of January 18th, at 8:30 p. m. Rev.
work rather earlier than usual, gride us and bring us unto the with white whiskers and the self-owned J. Wood Stone, the new pastor of the remaining in the care of their mother
hardware man,” said the shepherd boy. Cumb. Presbyterian church, was the offi­ be sent to the Boys’ and Girls’ Aid soci­
about 9 o'clock, accompanied by her perfect day.
“Don’t they have any ground hogs in ciating clergyman. Besides the immedi­ ety at Portland. After a hearing of the
Nannie Ungerman was born in
friend Ollie. On tbe way they
stopped at Wright's candy store and Clyde, Ohio, 21 years ago, and came Illinois?” asked tbe fat furniture dealer. ate family of the bride there were present particulars in the case, the court ordered
“Yes,” replied the cynic.
bought some candy, then proceeded to Oregon with her parents when
Mr. C. C. Murton and family, Miss Jen­ that the children be sent to the society.
“Then 1 move that a sucker be added nie Crawford, Miss Jewell Mark and Mr. Mrs. Burdick, who was formerly Mrs.
to Peery’s drug store and asked for three months old. The family all
to the committee.”
E. F. Perkins, the twolatl-r occupying Vance, and who secured divorce from
ten cents’ worth of arsenic. They ) live here except William, a son, now
“The chairman of the committee will the place of bridesmaid and groomsman. Vance soon after he was committed to
were waited upon by Glen Hender­ a business man of Wallace, Idaho, fill the vacancy.”
son. That evening Mr. Hembree at­ who is expected to arrive this morn­ “All right, gentlemen,” said the After the ceremony a very nice supper the penitentiary in March of last year
was served. The bride was dressed in for larceny in a dwelling, married Bur­
tended the basket ball game, and ing.
squire. “The court orders the celebra­ cream albatross, trimmed in taffeta silk dick four months thereafter at Tilla­
Ollie McCamish, wife of S. L. tion to take place on Saturday evening and honiton lace, and wore an exquisite mook . They are in destitute circum­
when it was over, instead of going
was born in California 24 preceding ground hog day. The com­ bouquet of bride’s roses The groom stances. It was a sad sight on Tuesday
do, he returned to the store for the years ago. Her body was taken, mittee will meet at my office to arrange was attired with customary good taste, as Sheriff Sitton took the little boy and
purpose of sweeping and having this, Friday, morning to Hillsboro program
and there was depicted in every hearing girl, aged about four and six years, on
Ely’s Cream Balm
the consciousness of tl.e responsibility the train, and they were compelled to
in readiness in the morn­ for interment beside her brother
Gives Relief at once.
involved in the important occasion, and separate from their mother.
ing. It was during his absence that She was a member of the Rathbone
It cleanses, soothes and
heals the diseased mem­
Superintendent E. V Littlefield visit­ strength of will to make good all his cried piteously long before the train
the poison was taken, and when he Sisters.
brane. It cures Catarrh
and drives away a Cold
pledges. The parlor was nicely deco­ reached the depot, and the mother
-♦-» —
ed our school last week.
FEVER returned Ollie was sick and vomit­
iu the Head quickly. It
rated and hanked with house plants and seemed to share deeply in their grief.
School Report.
is absorbed. Heals and Protects the Membrane. ing.
Restores the Senses of l aste and Smell. Full sizo
Miss Crawford furnished music for It was a scene to touch the stoniest
60c.; Trial Size 10c.; at Druggists or by mail.
last Thursday evening, Orvil Smith had
mation tn Dr. Cable over the phone,
ELY BROTHERS, 66 Warren Street, New York.
the occasion, rendering the piano selec­ heart. The two older children, girls of
fourth month ending Jan. 17, ¡902.
and the doctor was soon on the
tion ‘‘Simple Confession,” adding charm aliout 13 and 14, had previously been
dislocating his wrist.
scene. Nannie told him that «Ollie
and grace to the occasion. A number of cared for at the instance of the local
The men that went down to Vancouver
had taken a solution found in a glass,
nice presents were contributed. The Salvation Army corps, who had them
to work for the government have com­
which had been used by Mr. Hem­
most substantial was doubtless the gift placed in the Rescue Home. Sheriff
pleted their job and returned home.
from tbe parents to their only daughter Sitton’s mission included the transfer of
bree for developing pictures in ko­
Mr. and Mrs. Manague of St. Paul of two fine lots adjoining their own res­ these from that place to the Boys’ and
dak work, containing muriatic acid. GRADES.
visited their daughter, Mrs Fontain, idence, which will be the site for the Girls' Aid society. This order proved
The doctor set about to secure rem­
last week.
construction of a new home during the very unsatisfactory to the army people,
edies, expressing the belief that this
spring. For the present the es­ who contend that the Rescue Home is
932 44 8 57 Alderman- Mary Bird
| would not prove serious. As he was sth
733 M 4 43 8. S. Duncan
Is Absolutely PURE, and will
Rickreall College were visitors here over timable couple will have rooms in a in every way a proper place for the chil­
767 23 7¡ 46 Addy Bristow
leaving the store Nannie called to 7th
OUTWEAR all other Leads.
Sunday, returning Monday.
part of the residence occupied by Mr. dren to remain.
M0 61 4 45 Grace Newell
him that she wanted to speak with 5 th
S06 76 2 47 Nettie Dickinson
2 42 Emma Greene
3 A4 Colum 732
Grandma Billington of Eugene is vis­ Murton.
Probata Court,
him further. Siie said, “We have 3 <V 4 U00K 979 33 2 45 Doth* Daniels
If your local dealer does not carry it
iting relatives and friends here
1035 19 3 59 Eva Hembree
write to us and we will see that you get it
been taking arsenic. We dipped it 1 1 &2 2 (Joiurn
Cook. 987 84 3 62 Hattie Williams
Mr. Walkington of Woodlawn was a
Estate of John A. Campbell. Will ad
up with the paper and then took Totals .. 777.3 457 35 446
visitor at Mr. Al Billington's last week.
mitted to probate upon proofs taken in
candy afterwards. " The doctor said,
Official returns show the Boer open court. Robt. R., Frank C. and
L. R. A lderman , Principal.
Mr. Philip Bass is moving on a farm
W. P, Fu’ler & Co., •
“Well, this changes things!’’ and
by killed, wounded and sur­ Elmer Campbell appointed joint execu­
about 2 miles north of town.
proceeded speedily to do all in his There were 118 legal executions dur­
rendered in 1901 were 14,887, and tors without bonds. J. M. Kirkwood,
power to counteract the poison, ing the year 1901, one less than during There was a social party given at the as very few of this brave race ever Chris. Christenson and Thos. Cooper ap­
country home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Ollie was placed in blankets, hot 1900. Of those executed seventy-one Nelson on last Friday. A very enjoy­ 'surrender or give up fighting while pointed appraisers.
water secured, and vomiting in- were negroes and forty-seven whites. able evening was reported by those life is left, these appalling figures
Estate of Martin Miller, Sr.
I'liild IV or 111 tlillions.
It is sotnewhat significant that, as com­
present. Dancing and games were in­
“My child is worth millions to me,”
pared with 1900, the number of negroes
proved .
dulged in and supper was served, the that the Boers ask is to be permitted
says Mrs. Mary Bird of Harrisburg, Pa., sick, though she had taken the most
is increased thirteen, and the number of
Estate of Geo. L. Hutchcroft.
guests returning home early next morn­ to live in their own homes in their
“yet I would have lost her bv croup had poison, was told to call some one to
whites decreased thirteen, the figures
filed and approved
R. Morris,
I not purchased a bottle of One Minute take Ollie home. 'Dell Warren and
for 1900 being negroes fifty-eight, whites
Joseph Fetch and Ivan Daniels appoint­
Cough Cure.” One Minute Cough Cure Bud McCamish responded and ac­
The many friends of Leonard Ear­ war is enough to make every honest
sixty. The south had eighty-two of the
ed appraisers. Inventory and appraise­
is sure cure for coughs, croup and throat companied the girls on foot to T. A
executions and the north thirty-six. hart were sorry to learn of the unfortu­ Englishman blush with shame for ment filed and approved.
and lung troubles. An absolutely safe
McCourt’s residence. On the way The crimes which led up to these execu­ nate accident to him whereby he re­ his country. The Boers went into Estate of Jacob P Johnson. Report
cough cure which acts immediately.
Dell secured the remainder of the tions were as follows: Murder 107, ceived a broken leg while working on the wilder-’- s- in search of liberty; of sale of personal property filed and ap­
The youngest child can take it with en­
and a vial of carbolic acid. criminal assault 9, attempted criminal the railroad bridge near Jefferson. but, after they made the country proved. Ordered that widow be al­
tire safety.
The little ones like the
assault 1, train robbery 1. In 1900 only We are in hopes that it will not prove fruitful, the English wanted it. We lowed #240 for her own family's support
taste and remember how often it helped They told him that they didn't care
five were hanged for criminal assault. as serious as first reported.
Americans are not saying a word during administration of estate.
them. Every family should have a bot­ to live, as no matter how hard one
Chester Springer is quite sick with
The lynchings for the year numbered 135
Estate of Anna Humer.
Final ac­
about this outrage, because England
tle of One Minute Cough Cure handy.
Dr. as compared with 115 in 1900, an in­
is a great power, but how we snorted count filed ami set for hearing Monday,
At this season especially it may be need­ one would talk about you.
crease of 20. Of these 121 occurred in
Feb. 24th.
ed suddenly. Rogers Bros.
Cable first went to his office to se­ the south, and 14 in the north, as com­
about liberty when poor little Spain
cure a stomach pump.
When he pared with 107 in the south and 8 in the
was trying to conquer the lying,
A Detroit woman claims to have a arrived at McCourt's both girls were north in 1900. The number of negroes The family of Chas Agee have been loafing, dishonest Cubans! Notice
R. Baird made a business trip to Poet­
spirit husband. A spirit husband vomiting. The pumps were applied, lynched in 1901 was 107, the same num­ quite ill with scarletina but are improv­ that we will not rush into a tight
may not be just the best thing going, hydrated oxide of iron, cream, white ber in 1900. Besides these one Indian ing slowly.
with Germany as greedily as we land Thursday and returned Tuesday.
Frank Sladen left for Tillamook Mon­
but he is perhaps preferable to a of egg and other antidotes were ad­ and one Chinaman were victims. Cur­ Miss Minnie Evans is at Upper Willa­ rushed into the fight with Spain.
mina visiting with her sister, Mrs. L.
where he has accepted a position it*
Of course we are the greatest light­
Spirituous one.
---------- . ----------
effort put forth on hl| part all night which led to these lynchings are almost
ers on earth, but you bet we knew a barber shop.
A special school meeting was held at
Curt Jones of Portland spent Sunday
HEMAHK llll.t: <1 HE FOR CROI P. and on Wednesday by himself and the same in the two years, being 39 for
what we were about when we jumped
murder in 1901 and 39 for murder in the school house Monday for the pur­
I at this place.
other physicians, when, at 2 p. m.
1900, 19 for criminal assault in 1901 and pose of levying a tax to improve the
A I.title Ito,'» Life S hi cd.
Rev. Waggoner of Independence is
------- -----------------
Nannie died. Ollie lingered until
A 2-mill
18 for criminal assault in 1900. The six school building and ground.
holding a series of lectures here thi»
I have a few words to eaj’ regarding
5 p. m. when she too went to sleep in southern states which have the largest tax was levied.
Chamberlain's cough remedy. It saved
the presence of her family and other number of mob murders are Mississippi E. J. Fay and wife of Meadow Lake
my little boy's life and I feel that I can­
J. McDonald of Portland spent Sun­
ministering friends.
16, Louisiana 15, Alabama 15, Georgia have been visiting with the family of P.
not praise it enough. I bought a bot­
resignation, our school commenced day with H. C. Gist and family.
Though little necessity existed for 14. Tennessee 12, Texas 11.
They returned to their home again last Monday with most of the 1
tle of it from A. E. Steere of Goodwin,
Miss Verna Powell oi Canyon City i»
8. !>.. and when I got home with it the a coroner's inquest, a brief one was
scholars present.
spending the week with Miss Olar*
possible public
poor baby could hardly breathe. I gave held to forestall
Mrs. Chas Duvall and children of
The I), of II. initiated seventeen 1 Chamberlain.
W. C. Williamson, of Ambertt, Va., Portland, and Jas. Lough and family of
the medicine as directed every ten min­ criticism. J. C. Cooper. L. G. Sui­
Mrs J. A Campbell of Portland anti
last Tuesday night.
utes. until he ‘threw up,” and then I ter, C. H. Neal, Wm. Campbell, says: “For more than a year I suffered McMinnville, have returned to their
Mrs. Myrtle Porter of California are
I finally tried Cham- homes after a three-days’ visit with the
thought sore he was going tn choke to R. L. Conner and J. G. Eckman
spending the week with their mother,
visited us Tuesday night.
We had to pull the phlegm out were sworn as a jury by Coroner berlain's pain balm and it gave me en­ family of J. Thompson.
Mrs. J. Johnson.
tire relief, which other remedies had
Dr. Coffeeu and family are going to
of his mouth in great long strings. I am
Miss Mollie Thompson, of this place,
I Chapman, and the testimony of Dr. failed to do. ” Sold by Howorth & Co.
Miss Minnie Smith of this place left
settle in Eastern Oregon.
We regret
positive if I hail not got that bottle of
was married to Alfred Flynn, in Mc­
; Cable and T. A. McCourt was taken.
for Monmouth, where she will
very much to see them leave.
cough medicine, my boy would not lie
Minnville January 16, at tbe residence
spend the winter with the family of
[ The former testified substantially
>rr.n< Nwtlce.
no earth today.—Joel I>emont, Inwood,
of her sister, Mrs. J. Lough. Only a few - Mrs Mary Maynard of Colton, Wash., 1 A. D. Runnels.
as herein narrated. Mr. McCourt's
Iowa. Foreale by Howorth A Co.
Parties who have not responded to immediate relatives were present.
The has been visiting her brother Wm. Mer­
testimony was as follows:
our fiirst notice regarding settlement of young couple will reside at Willamina. chant.
Onlv three nations have a greater
“'All I know about it is that I their (took accounts for 1901 will please Tbe best wishes of their numerous
I.leeaaea >• N»rrr.
population than the United States—
came home at 1 ;30. The girls were pay attention to this notice, as our en­ friends go with them to their new home.
Jan. 16—P. A. Flynn, 33, and Mollie China. Russia and Great Britain.
1 too sick to talk. At Ila. m. today. tire accounts must be put in shape with­
E. Thompson, 20, of Willamina.
R J acobson A Co.
France is fifth with almost as many
I asked Ollie how much she took. out fail at once.
For Infanta and Children
Jan. 17— W. S. Fender, 24, and MfY people as the Unite» 1 States.
She said about a teaspoonful, and
The Kind You Have Always Bought said she didn't aim to do it. That The report that 150,000 pianos
tha I.. Fink, 28, of McMinnville
cluding all possessions the popula­
was all. Said she had a good home, were sold in this country last year is
Bears the
Jan. 20—Geo. Braithwait, 60, of Mc­ tion of the United States is 84,233,-
perfectly in harmony with the gen
didn't want to go. ”
Minnville. and Margaret Wartera, 60 of 069. There are nearly 7,000,000 in
Signature of
The jury found a verdict that “the eral hum of prosperity.
See my 5c tablets. Geo. L. Williams. Dayton.
the Philippines.
Two Deaths From Self-Administered Poison
One Dollar if paid in advance, 8inglenumbersflvecenta.