The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, January 03, 1902, Image 1

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Enteredatthe 1’ostofficein McMinnville,
as Second-class matter.
Brave men are those who have a “pull”
With certain powers that be,
And when the world is all at peace
They proudly sail the sea.
Editor Reporter—Upon reading the
findings of the court of inquiry, that sat
to investigate the charges against Ad­
miral Schley, my little boys plied me
with a great many questions about it.
They were very much interested am!
amused at my sarcastic answers. I have
written out some of my answ-ers in
rhyme, thinking they might interest
other boys. I hand them to you to look
over. If you think they would be inter­
esting enough to others to bear publish­
ing in your paper, you may do so. 1 am
very truly yours, M ilt . R ichardson .
for fifty year« has been
the lieet in the world.
Double throughout.
Warranted waterproof,
■oft find NBOOth. Will not
crack, peel off or become
sticky. Catalogue free.
N. V. Rt-llinir and Parkingt'o.,
Agta., Nan Franrlsro,
li. M. NAH YElt A NON,
Noir Manufarturvm,
Kaat Cambridge, Mam..
The Famous Woodworth Per
Are the leading odors. We sell them.
'25 pounds just received, fancy pkgs.,
perfume of the best make. Our toilet
water is the finest you ever used. Try
it ; if you are not satisfied with it bring
it back and get your money.
the Xmas rush goes on your prescrip­
tions will receive the same careful atten­
tion as you always get at our store.
P eery D rug C o .
Lowest price prescription druggists.
Second Notice.
Parties who have not responded to
our fiirst notice regarding settlement of
their book accounts for 1901 will please
pay attention to this notice, as our en­
tire accounts must be put in shape with­
out fail at once.
R. J acobson & Co.
Bears the
The Kind
Have Always Bought
Change ill Unsilies«—Pay t p.
I have sold my harness business to
J. A. Young, and must get in all ac-
counts due me in order to meet my own
obligations. It is the time of year to set­
tle up, and I respectfully request thof-e
knowing themselves indebted to me to
call ami pay their accounts.
E lsia W right .
Over=Work Weakens
Your Kidneys.
All the blood in your body passes through
your kidneys once every three minutes.
The kidneys are your
blood purifiers, they fil­
ter out the waste or
impurities in the blood.
If they are sick or out
of order, they fail to do
their work.
Pains, achesandrheu­
matism come from ex­
cess of uric acid in the
blood, due to neglected
kidney trouble.
Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady
heart beats, and makes one feel as though
they had heart trouble, because the heart is
over-working in pumping thick, kidney-
poisoned blood through veins and arteries.
It used to be considered that only urinary
troubles were to be traced to the kidneys,
but now modern science proves that nearly
all constitutional diseases have their begin­
ning in kidney trouble.
If you are sick you can make no mistake
by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild
and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy is
soon realized. It stands the highest for its
wonderful cures of the most distressing cases
and is sold on its merits
by all druggists in fifty-
cent and one-dollar siz­
es. You may have a
sample bottle by mail Home <>r s«amr-R<^i
free, also pamphlet telling you how to find
out if you have kidney or bladder trouble.
Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer
& Co.. Binghamton. M. Y.
SHIN UtlttlEltS
Some Other
We Get The Boat
Things We Need and Can Have
Board of Trade To Be Organized.
The little agitation last week serves well the purpose of showing
what a well-organized board of trade might do to advance public interests.
We are to have a steamboat on the river, with a regular agent*, as an­
nounced in another column. The moment it was seen that the citizens
meant business, and would have a boat, one came without solicitation, and
came eagerly. Whether we will have the other boat or not, remains to be
This paper calls special attention to the announcement of the firm of
Jones & Adams in this issue. Their purpose is clearly stated This lum­
ber industry has been the principal agency for employment of men and
distribution of wages in this city for years. The desire of the firm to so
shape their business this new year as to build a large mill on the river
which would be able to operate the year round, and cheapen lumber while
keeping busy twelve months in the year, is a commendable one, and on?
which might be advanced and helped in many wavs by business organiza­
tion. With such a change logs could be floated down during the high wa­
ter season, and the bugbear of hauling the finished product a distance of
17 miles would be obviated. Business would be created for both boats and
railroad in shipping the lumber, and more men employed for a longer
period than can be done now. They desire to sell the factory and clear un
stock to render them financially able to make the change.
As spring advances every good citizen must desire the heretofore pro­
posed cannery to be established by Messrs. Galloway and Hendrick. Or
ganized effort will secure this. We must make another scrape of moss
from our backs this spring. Slight movements of this kind in years
passed have benefited us. Other towns are vicing
_ with each other (and
even wirh us) io securing industries which employ people and attract in
vestors, while creating markets for the products of agriculture.
To this end a public meeting is called to convene in the city hall on
Monday evening, Jan. 13th, to organize a board of trade. Every citizen is
invited to be present and participate. Remember the date and lend your
Old Blue dozed and purred in the artn
chair and the Shin Warmers filed in, one
and two at a time. When the meeting
warmed t.p, the fat man with a revenue
disposition said : “How are they gittin’
along with the steamboat business?”
“Hit'll go all right,” said the selt-
owned hardware mail.
“If the gov’ment owned the railroad,”
said the socialist, ‘‘we’d get our freight
at cost and—” but the druggist thrust
the poker into the stove with much vio­
lence, and whistled and banged around
until the subject was changed.
“Don't hear anything more about the
cannery lately,” said the retired grocery­
man who is waiting for an office.
"Waitin’ for Galloway to come home,
I guess,” surmised the surveyor, who
was a mayor. "That’s right,” said the
hustling attorney with the stick under
his arm, "that’s right, that's right,
that’s right.”
“My cow Flowed off the bridge the
other night and strained her milk,"
spoke up the farmer with the hard front
name. “Well, I'll be joswizzled,” said
the judge, that's an old gag, what about
that cannery, anyway?”
"Where do they propose to put the
cannery, on the railroad or on the
river?” asked the pale-faced express of-
ficc editor.
“Who’d put money into a cannery in
this town, I’d like to know?” asked the
moss faced cynic in a tone of sarcasm.
“This is a good town for a cannery,”
said the shepherd boy. “It is within
three hours of ships that will take its
products to any of the markets of the
world. The cannery is all right if you
can get it into the trust, and you can
get it into the trust if you will put up
only A I goods. ”
The meeting quit, and Old Blue
climbed back into the chair, singing,
“Where Is My Iloy Tonight?”
Father, we do not understand
From what the papers say;
Who was the hero of the fight
At Santiago bay?
The case is clear, I think, my lads,
If you have read with care.
Throughout the fight from first to last
The hero was not there.
Our brave commander who was sent
To bottle up the bay.
On his good ship, best of the fleet,
Had cause to be away.
And when the “Dons” came out that day
To meet our ships, my sons,
They found a coward waiting there,
l*onlir> Award« in Hie I.oval Show
To face their blazing guns.
Doc. SS.dA.
’Twas said his movements on the deck
There were 30 entries and 235 birds.
Showed evident alarm,
And that he made the famous “loop”
The attendance was good, considering
To save himself from harm.
the holiday season. The secretary re­
But after he had made the turn,
ports that C. H. Fleming’s beautiful
The prospect brightened then;
White Wyandottes as a pen, which in­
He seemed as eager for the fray
cluded 1 male and 3 female birds, scored
As did the other men.
18936, which was very closely followed
The coward’s ship plowed through the main
And when the task was done,
by Jacobs & Perkins' elegant Black
The Spanish fleet dismantled lay
Langshans which scored 188% and a
Mrs. Mary A. Rogers, now spending
Rev. J. Wood Stone and family ar­
Beneath the burning sun.
second pen 186*,
L. D. Mulkey won
the winter in Missouri, has purchased rived Thursday evening of last week from
But father, was it cowardice
on pen of barred Plymouth.Rocks, score,
the half-block residence property of Mrs. Hanford, Calif., and have located in the
To strew their decks with gore,
i 85’ s , a second pen 183)6. J. L. Hos­
Julia Johnson in this city, for a consid­ McKinney residence on north E street.
And drive them in upon the beach
kins' pen of Minorcas carried first hon­
To sail the seas no more?
eration of $2,000. Mrs. Johnson will Mr. Stone begins his pastoral services
ors in that class, scoring 185*2 .
C. F.
And was it cowardice to hark
make her home with her daughter, Mrs. for the Climb. Presbyterians regularly
To mercy’s piteous crying,
Butler of Newberg first on pen of white
F. J. Martin, in Seattle. Mrs. Rogers with the opening of the new year.
And stop the cheers for victory
will return to occupy the property next occupied the pulpit Sunday morning and
Plymouth Rocks, 184'4, and Mrs Mor-
While vanquished foes were dying?
received a new member into the church
School Books at Williams’ book store. gareidge first on pen of White Leghorn
as a favorable beginning.
I know, my lads, he failed to please
with a score of 181 *4
The added score
The mighty “powers that be,”
on C. H. Fleming’s four highest, which
And wide-spread censure followed him,
And that’s enough for me.
composed his pen, was 377*4, while that
I know he failed to understand
of Jacobs & Perkins' pen was 378*4;, but
And strictly to obey,
according to the method of couuting
Assuming in the course he took
score on pen the former was first, his
He better knew than they.
cockerel scoring 95 while the latter's
But, father, we cannot forget
scored 94.
That it was also he
Who watched the battle, cheered the men,
Barred Plymouth Rocks—1st cock and
And gained the victory.
and 3d hen, C. P. Nelson, city; ist, 2d
Ah yes, iny boys, a victory gained!
and 3d hen, ist, 2d, and 3d cockerel, 1st
Where shall the laurel lay?
and 2d pullet and ist and 2d pen, L. D.
Don’t ask us, father, for you know
Mulkey, Atyity; 2d cock and 3d pullet,
We’d give it unto Schley.
J. M. Garrison, Forest Grove.
Well, boys, a mighty change has come
We desire to give McMinnville and vicinity a better service in the line of
In this progressive day,
White Plymouth Rocks-—ist cock and
The cowards fight the battles now,
building materials. What we need is a mill nearer onr city, and, better yet,
2d pullet, Merle Nelson, city; 2d cock,
The heroes stay away.
Perfect, Delicious,
------ —
— -----
% Nice Compliment from
a Compe*
tent Source.
The McMinnville Reporter is now in
its 32<l year. The Reporter is one of
our highly valued exchanges, and con­
tains much local news of interest to
Polk county people. This is one of the
papers that isn't worth much for lining
pantry shelves after our man with
scissors gets through with it.—Polk
Notice is hereby given that the docket
of city liens has been returned to the re­
corder of the city of McMinnville by the
treasurer of said city, and that all assess­
ments made and levied under ordinance
No. 226 of said city, for sewer purposes,
which have not been paid, are marked
delinquent, and all persons owing assess­
ments under said ordinance may pay the
same to the recorder of the city of Mc­
Minnville, on or before the 4th day of
January, A. D. 1902, after which time
the collection of said assessments will be
enforced by the marshal of said city and
costs added thereto.
Given bv order of the council of the
city of McMinnville, made December 23,
A. D. 1901.
Titos. H. R ogers ,
Recorder of the City of McMinnville.
Ely's Cream Balm
Gives Relief at once.
Child It or ill Vfiiiiou..
It cleanse*, eootbes and
heals the diseased mem­
brane. It cures Catarrh
and drives away a Cold
in the Head quick! v. It
is absorbed. Heals and Protects the Membrane
Restores the Senses nf 1 a«te ami Smell. Full size
50c.: Trial size l««c.: at Druflttiate nr bv mail.
LIT BROTHERS, M Warren Btmt, >'ew York.
“My child is worth millions to me,”
says Mrs. Mary Bird of Harrisburg, Pa.,
“yet I would have lost her by croup had
I not purchased a bottle of One Minute
Cough Cure.” One Minute Cough Cure
is sure cure for coughs, croup and throat
and lung troubles. An absolutely safe
cough cure which acts immediately.
The youngest child can take it with en­
tire safety.
The little ones like the
taste and remember how often it helped
them. Every family should have a bot­
tle of < Ine Minute Cough Cure handy.
At this season especially it may be need­
ed suddenly. Rogers Bros.
I.« Absolutely Pl'RE, and will
OUTWEAR all other Leads.
Adverllaed i.etler«.
If your local dealer does not carry it
write to in« and we will see that you get it
W. P. Fulcr& Co .
One Dollar if paid in advance, Single numbers five cents.
Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood.
The following letters remain uncalled
for in the McMinnville ¡>oetoffice Dec
31, 1901:
Howard Christenson, Mary Nelinr,
Wm. Simmons, Ama Warving, Susan
J as . M c C ain , P M.
a mill situated in our fair, growing city, where Lumber, etc., can be made the
year round, giving employment to a larger number of men, supplying material
during winter months, and above all keeping our money at home and distrib­
uting it among our business men and employes, instead of sending it away
build up other communities to our loss.
By careful investigation we have been able to locate
H Large Body of excellent Limber
consisting of White and Yellow Fir, Cedar and Hardwood.
This body
Timber is available to our city, but will require a large amount of capital
handle the enterprise, and if we can reduce our stock sufficiently to get the
required capital, we will be able to give our patrons the benefit of the saving
in the long haul from our present mill, which means a saving of at least $2 a
thousand on Lumber. To secure this capital, and to secure it quickly,
will commence
On January 10, 1902, A Sale Strictly For Carh
of our Entire Stock of Goods, consisting of Lumber, Sash and Doors, Mould­
ings, Paints, Oils, Glass, etc., etc. We have a large stock of strictly first-
class Finishing Lumber under our sheds, and it will pay those contemplating
building during the coming season to take advantage of this sale, and secure
strictly first-class Dry Lumber at a price that will nev"Xrbe equaled again.
TO DEALERS who handle small stocks of Mouldings and Shop Work
etc., here is a chance to secure your Spring Stock at a money-making price.
Send in your list of goods wanted in this line, and let us quote you prices.
We have one of the largest stocks of Paint Brushes in the valley, and to
Painters or Dealers this will afford an opportunity to lay in your season’s
stock of high-grade brushes at J’ tie money. In fact, everything that we
carry in stock will go at some figu .. In addition to our stock of goods we will
offer our
Located in McMinnville. Also Four Head of Work Horses, Five Work
Cattle, several Wagons, Harness, etc., etc. Come and make 11s an offer on
same. No discount on any line of goods except for Spot Cash. All goods sold
and entered on book, even for one day, will be entered at regular prices.
We have just added a Shingle Mill to our sawmill in the mountain , and
Shingles will not be sold at a discount.
All amounts due must be settled at once. If not paid by February
will be handed to an attorney for collection. If you desire to help us in this
enterprise, come in and pay up and buy something for vonr Spring repairs.
W. C. Arthur; ist hen, ist cockerel, ist
and 3d pullet and ist pen, C. F. Butler,
Buff Plymouth Rocks—3d cock and 3d
hen, Cecil Hoskins, city.
Langshans—1st cock, 1st, 2d, and 3d
hen, 1st, 2d, and 31I cockerel, ist, 2d,
and 3d pullet and ist and second pen,
Jacobs it Perkins.
Brown Leghorns—21I cock and tic for
1st cockerel, J. M. Garrison, 1st cock
and ist hen, C. ' Hulin, city; tie for
ist cockerel, ist and 2<1 pullet, J. D.
Goffries, Amity; 2d hen and 3d cockerel,
George Martin, city.
Buff Leghorns—2d cock and ist pullet,
J. W. Baxter, Dayton.
White Leghorns—1st cock. 3d lien, 1st
cockerel and 1st pullet, J. M. Garrison;
2d cock, ist and 2d lien, 21I pullet and
1st pen, Mrs. Morgareidge, Dayton.
8. S. Hamburgs—ist cock, 2d hen and
st, 2<1 and 3d pullet, Harold Carlin.
Black Minorcas—2d cockerel, L. D.
Mulkey; 1st cock, ist and 2d hens, ist
cockerel, 3d pullet und ist pen, J. L.
Hoskins, city, 1st pullet, C. O. Baxter,
Dayton; 2d hen. ;d cockerel and 2d pul­
let, Will Fraser.
White Wyandottes- jd cockerel, Guy
Bird, city, 1st, 2<l and 3d ben, ist and 2d
cockerel and 1st pen, C. H Fleming;
■ st 2d and 3d pullet, G. C. Roberts,
Buff Wyandottes—2d and 3d pullet,
W. H Latourette, city.
Gold Lace Wyandottes—2d pullet, c.
T. Privatt, city.
Silver Lace Wyandottes—3d cock, ist
2<1 and 3d pullet, J. M. Garrison.
English Red Caps—3d hen and 2d
pip' ,C. P. Nelson.
Wnite Crested Black Polish—1st cock,
tst hen and 1st pullet, C. P. Nelson.
B. B Red Games—ist cock, ist, 2d
and 3d hen, D. M. Kirby, Bellevue; ist
cockerel and 2d and 3d pullet, D. J.
Kirby, Bellevue.
Pit Game—2d cock and 1st pullet,
Wm. Gunning, Bellevue; 1st and jd
cock and ist hen. D. M. Kirby.
White Pekin Ducks—ist pair, Chas.
Ma tn n 10th Bronze Turkeys—ist cock,
2d and 3d pullet, C. J Payne, Rellevue;
ist hen, 1st ami 2d cockerel, ist pullet
and 1st pen, Atkinson Bros., Newberg.
Bssrl th*