TAMIILL COURU BEPORTEI HYDROGEN A COMPOUND. Ditcovery of a Harvard Profcoor Support* the Theory. Boston, Nov. 20.—Professor E. C. Pickering, director of the Harvard Ob­ servatory, has made a discovery that he regarus as important. In a state­ ment Just out, he'says: "The spectrum of a streak of light­ ning was photographed last July. From such a small beginning two discover­ ies have developed. Not only are the chemical elements, so-called, com­ pounds, but it is likely that hydrogen itself, which chemical theorists have thought to be one element of which the others would sooner or later prove to be compounds, seems to be of com­ posite nature.” Other photographs made at about the same time show the curious fact that the spectrum of lightning is not always the same. Some of the photo­ graphs show a doubling of the bright lines. Professor Pickering was at first Inclined to believe that this was a sort of composite photo, but he now concludes that the doubling looks as though hydrogen, the only element studied in the lightning spectrum, and hitherto believed to be least likely ever to be proved a compound body, is made up of at least three compon­ ents. This conclusion he bases upon the fact that there were 30 lines in the hydrogen spectrum on one photo, three in another and one in the third, the different flashes havnlg been pho­ tographed under different circum­ stances. Another remarkable circumstance in connection with the study of pic­ turing of spectra of lightning flashes is that they are similar to that of the second new star in the constellation Perseus, known as Nova Persei No.- 2, which were taken on March 23, 1901. 0BM0I15TÄTT Ht«S CRIME OF A MOONSHINER. Killed Two Officer* and Cremated Bodiea—A Po*»e In Pursuit Their int uhm mm THE Friendly DIAZ Remark« by DOCTRINE. a Mexican at Pan- American Banquet Oxford, Miss., Nov. 19.—John A. England Has Made a Good City of Mexico, Nov. 18.—The toast Montgomery, Deputy United States delivered by Alfred Cañavero, on be­ All Parts of the State. 3 Bargain. Marshal ot this city, and Deputy half of the Mexican delegation, at a United States Marshal Hugh Mont­ banquet in honor of the pan-American COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL NOTES. ETC gomery, of Pontoloc, left here last UNITED STATES TO HAVE CONTROL delegate* of other nationalities, was noteworthy, on account of Its friend­ night for the purpose of arresting A Brief Review of the Growth end Improve­ Will Mathis, an alleged counterfeiter Only Detail* of Agreement Made Public Are liness tor the United States. Mr, Cañ­ avero said Napoleon's invasion of and moonshiner, who lived 12 miles An Intereating Collection of Item* From the ments of the Many Industries Through­ That United States to have Exclusive Mexico during the Civil War in the east of this place. Early today, Hugh Two Hemiiphere* Pretented In « out Our Thriving Commonwealth. Control and Guarantee Neutrality. United States was in the hope of es­ Montgomery's horse was found stand­ Condented Form. tablishing an empire and dismember­ ing at the gate of Curdy Hall, a neigh­ The Astoria Canning Company will bor of Mathis, and Mathis’ house had Washington, Nov. 19.—The new ing th* American Republic, thus bring­ Two plague deaths are reported not sell its Alaska cannery to the been burned to the ground. Upon from Odessa. Hay-Pauncefote treaty was signed yes­ ing republics into disrepute. Th* des­ trust. further investigation two partially terday at 12:UB by Secretary Hay, for perate resistance of Mexico and the Bolomen tried to rush an American A daily mall service will at once be aid extended by the United States, he force in Samar. instituted between North Yamhill and burned bodies were found in the ash­ the United States, and Lord Paunce- said, saved both nations. Said he: es of the burned building, which have fote, the British Ambassador, for Oregon wins 232 prizes at Pan- Tillamook. “W* already had the Monroe Doc­ been identified as the remains of the Great Britain. American Exposition. trine, safeguard of the New World. The 10-stamp mill on the Flagsstaff Many accidents in the United King­ mine at Baker City is again running Deputy Marshals. John A. Montgom Washington, Nov. 19.—This treaty The Diaz Doctrine constitutes its com­ ery's horse has not been found, and plement, and the Diaz Doctrine may dom were due to fog. day and night. is Intended to replace the nrst Hay- it is supposed that Mathis made his An Aberdeen editor attacked tbe The Astoria City Council has or- escape on this horse after the men Pauncefote treaty. That convention be expressed in this apothegm: ’The international law of America is found­ character of Judge Irwin. dered the improvement of five blocks had been killed and the house set was amended so extensively by the ed on peace, which in its turn depends of city streets. Scouts fought engagements wlth on fire. Mathis’ wife was at her United States Senate at its last ses­ on the respects for the sovereignty, in­ rebels in Southern Luzon. Seattle capitalists have purchased ; father’s a few miles from her burned dependence and territorial integrity of the Little Chieftain mine, in the Myr­ home, and she says she and her hus- sion that the British Government de­ each and all the republics of Amer­ Oil prospects are good in Idaho and clined to ratify it. Within a few I band left home yesterday, her hus- tle Creek district, for $20,000. ica.’ ’• in Malheur County, Oregon. weeks negotiations began afresh be­ Portland parties have bonded three I band leaving the country^ The demand for raw material from Mathis was indicted last Summer tween Secretary Hay and Lord GATHMANN SHELL A FAILURE. claims in the Myrtle Creek district abroad shows a steady increase. for making and passing counterfeit Pauncetote, which have just resulted for $12,000, and another for $10,000. money and was out on a $2000 bond. Japanese and Russians are assum­ Stock in all parts of the state is The principal witness against him in the signature ot tne new treaty, Remit of a Recent Tut at Sandy Hook ing closer commercial relations. reported as being in better condition was a negro living in the same neigh­ drawn with special reference to the Proving Ground*. A Mississippi moonshiner killed now than ever before. Stockmen are borhood. About a month ago the ne­ objections iouud by the Senate with two deputies and burned their re­ New York, Nov. 18.—The test of the sanguine that the losses this winter gro was assassinated. The two Mont­ the first treaty. mains. Gathmann gun shell took place thi*~A will be very small. gomerys went to arrest Mathis for From a due sense of the courtesy A native priest, convicted of mur­ The amount of scalp bounty war­ making illicit whiskey, and it is sup­ which must be observed towards the afternoon at the army proving grounds ____ _____ _____ County _____ der, has been sentenced to 20 years’ rants Issued by Wasco dur- posed that they were prevailed upon on Sandy Hook and resulted in a fail­ imprisonment. jng the two months ending October to remain for the night, and were shot United States Senate wherever a ure. The shell did no material dam­ A treaty is concerned, the State De­ 31 is $502. This is less than the two while guarding their prisoners. An alleged conspiracy to proclaim posse of 30 or 40 of the leading citi­ partment is estopped from making age to the target. The failure of In­ corresponding months of last year. a republic at Dawson Is reported ventor Gathmann's theory is ascribed from Skagway. T. L. Gilliam has 6,500,000 feet of zens of Oxford went to the scene to­ public the text ol the new conven­ by him to an imperfect detonation sawlogs ready on the Upper Mohawk day and every effort will be made to tion, and that will remain secret un­ E. F. Lowenthal, of New York, LETTERS FROM MISS STONE. to deliver on his 10,000,000 contract capture Mathis. til the Senate itself shall break the of the fuse in the interior of the shell. robbed of $10,000 in diamonds in Th« army officers, however, claim they with the Booth-Kelly company as Portland Hotel. seal of confluence. It is said at the have found convincing proof to the CAUSED BY DENSE FOG. Long Captivity Ha* Affected Her Health — | soon as there is sufficient water to State Department that the various contrary, and say that everything in run them. Brigand* Hold Out for Big Ransom. publications which have been made connection with the test was as per­ Lewis C. Pooler, a pioneer of 1852, Many Accidents and Fatalities in the United of the alleged text of the treaty are fect as it was possible to make it. in WHY LI PT OH SUCCEEDS. Sofia, Nov. 20.—Another letter has died at Willard, in the Waldo Hills, Kingdom—France Has A Share. been received from Miss Ellen M. all erroneous ami conjectural, tnough accordance with the inventor’s ideas. My receipt tor proa purity, tn I November 8. aged 69 years. He was Stone. Her health has been some ­ in view of the rather tree admissions The board has decided to give a sec­ London, Nov. 19. — Saturday ’ s fog ouch a concern ao mine, la at what affected by her confinement and a native of New York. He crossed which was general throughout the that have been made ot the purpose ond trial, to which the inventor is en­ the dlepoeal of all. Hero It lai the plains to Oreogn with an ox bard fare, but she expresses herself ot the negotiations it has been possi­ titled, tomorrow morning. “Work hard, deal honeatly, bo as still confident of ultimate release. team and settled in the district where United Kingdom, was responsible for ble by use ot the text ot the first enterprlelng, exerclao careful many accidents and fatalities. The treaty to construct one similar in A letter to Mr. Dickinson, diplomat­ he died. City Ledger* Mining. ludgment. advertlao tmh but ic agent of the United States at Sofia, ludlcloualy. ” Sir Thomae Lip­ Gold worth 50 cents was taken driver ot a London omnibus was general terms to the new conven­ Chicago, Nov. 18.—The finance com­ replying to his proposals concerning j from the craw of a duck raised at found dead in his box, while the ve- tion. ton, In Saturday Evening Poet. mittee of the City Connell has dis­ a ransom, says the brigands will hold Scotts Mills. Tbe principal point of difference be­ hide was still running. He was a out for a figure very much above the tween the new and the failed treaty is covered that the city’s ledgers cover­ victim of cold fog. sum at Mr. Dickinson’s command. The withdrawal oi Great Untaiu nom ing its accounts from 1876 to J884 are Thieves broke into a Eugene store Several collisions occurred in the tne The transport Hancock is ashore in brigands interpret Mr. Dickinson’s and stole a number of small articles thè joint guarantee of the neutrality missing. This was discovered in an Mersey. The Dominion liner Roman, Japanese waters. note having fixed on the sum he is of little value. from Portland, November 9, ran of the canal, thus leaving the United investigation of the sinking fund ac­ willing to pay, and on a time limit, as States the sole guarantor. The ex­ counts in which a discrepancy of more More shipwrecks are reported on being indicative that he can get more A recevier has been appointed for down and sank the British steamer cision ot the old provision respecting than $2,100,000 was recently an­ the English coast. Sapphire, of the Dundee Gen Line. money. They also demand immunity the Columbia Logging Company, tfie right to fortify the canal leaves nounced. It 1 b claimed ttiat previous There was no loss of life. A mounted force of Cape Dutch sur­ from prosecution. But it is impossi­ that right by inference optional with administrations have borrowed from near St. Helens. A Norwegian brigantine has been rendered to the Boers. ble for the diplomatic agent of the the United States. All commerce of this fund for other corporate purposes seen drifting helplessly oft Hull, and Superintendent Brown, of tbe Falls Twenty persons were killed by the United States to have power to bind whatever nationality passing through and no return has been made of the it is feared that several persons have the governments of Bulgaria and Tur­ River fish hatchery, says the outlook earthquakes in Erzroum. the canal will fare alike; there will be amounts so diverted. There is no ree- been drowned. no discrimination in rates in favor of ord, according to the City Controller, The President’s Thanksgiving proc­ key. This point, however, is not likely there is very favorable. to be a serious obstacle in the way of united States shipping. lamation was cabled to Manila. to show to what purposes these loans Paris, Nov. 19. — During the greater Practically all the hops about negotiations. Otherwise the new treaty is in were applied during the eight years. Merit and not political influence will part of today, Paris and its suburbs Dallas have been shipped, Prices scope similar to last year’s treaty. It Reason to Be Hopeful. be recognized in army promotions. were from 8% to 10 cents per pound, were shrouded in a dense fog, which replaces technically the Clayton-Bul- Mortality In Concentration Camp*. seriously interfered with railway Washington, Nov. 20.—Another ca­ Ways and means committeemen are wer treaty, concluded on April 19, Senator Mitchell has an London, Nov. 18.—The War Office nounced transportation and vehicular traffic, divided on the subject of reducing war blegram received from United States I860. By the terms of that old con­ Consul-General Dickinson at Sofia, that he will endeavor to have a new and caused a number of minor acci­ vention the United States and Great has Issued a 400-page blue book of the taxes. indicates that, while Miss Stone federal court district established in dents. The fog was so thick along Britain agreed that neither should j j official reports from medical nad o-her Aguinaldo declines the offer of an today the Seine that the steamboats were seek any advantages in rights of tran­ j officers on the condition of the .’0»- has not been ransomed, there is Eastern Oregon. American lawyer to work tor his re- reason to yet feel compelled to suspend service. assured as to her fu­ sit across the Isthmus. By the new i I centration camps in South Afrim. The lease. Roseburg's city council has let the ture. The dispatch furnished evi­ convention, Great Britain yields her general drift ot the reports «tributes contract of grading and surfacing State of Oregon will make a sur­ dence that Mr. Dickinson remains in BIG DIAMOND ROBBERY. right in favor of the United States, the high mortality in these camps to vey of arid lands in eastern part of direct communication with the bri­ with cru“hed rock about 10 blocks of which is thus at liberty to construct ■ the dirty habits of the Boers, their state. the principal streets. gands or their agents. ignorance and prejudices, tboir re­ A New York Merchant Was Robbed of $10,000 a canal. Insane man killed an officer at Cos­ Nothing more remains to be done course to quackery and their suspi­ Thirty dw-elling houses have been Worth at the Portland Hotel. MINER RELEASED. mopolis, Wash., shot a friend, and was as far as this treaty is concerned be­ cious avoidance of the British hospi­ built in Dallas since January 1. seriously wounded himself. Portland, Ore., Nov. 18.—Diamonds fore the Senate meets, or, indeed, un­ tals and doctor*. Every dwelling and business house in valued at $10,UUO and about $90 in til the treaty shall have been ratified, Tom Considine broke down while Work of Removing Debris at the Baby the town is occupied. money were stolen last night from a rejected or amended. If it should be Schley Court Work* ^)vwtime. testifying in behalf of his brother, on Mine Continnes. Nine carloads of wool left Harris­ room in the Portland Hotel, occu­ ratified, the State Department will trial for murder at Seattle. Washington, Nov. 15<.—TlnaSchley Pocahontas, Va., Nov. 20.—The burg the other day for the East. The pied by A. F. Lowenthal, of New York proceed immediately to negotiate the Fire in Boston destroyed property work of removing fallen slate and deb­ shipment weighs 103,000 pounds and City, and the audacious thief manag­ treaties with Costa Rica and Nicara­ court of inquiry began today «^Jiold The afternajfi ’ valued at $100,000. ris from the Baby mine continues. is one of the largest individual sales ed to escape with his booty and get gua for which it already has arranged sessions twice daily. session will be from 2 to 5$,o’«bck. safely away. in protocols pending before the Sen ­ This morning Fritz Moulton was ever made in that valley. The secretary of the interior has Mr. Lowenthal is a dealer in pre­ ate, which will permit the canal to This change was made in the interest found entombed in a room on the created a bureau of forestry. The Indian war veterans of Lane cious stones, and he is at present on be constructed and prescribetheterms of more rapid progress in the work b*z west side. He was living, but a few President Roosevelt has pledged hours more would, no doubt, have county met at the court house in tne Pacific Coast on a business trip. upon which the consent of Nicaragua fore the court, for it is the genej'al Last Saturday night he arrived at and Costa Rica is given. It was in an­ desire to have the findings presented the Lewis and Clark Centennnial his brought death, For six hours phy- Albany and began arrangements to­ the Portland Hotel, and was ticipation of this action, it is presum­ at the earliest possible date. sicians worked with him before he ward securing legislation by the next hearty support. was restored to consciousness. He is congress granting pensions to all assigned to a room on the ground ed, that the Nicaraguan Government floor facing Yamhill street, being the only recently denounced the treaty of Fire destroyed every mercantile yet feeble, but will likely recover. veterans entitled to them. The Revolt in Venzuela. third window from the northeast cor­ trade and commerce with the United and several fine houses in Puowash, There was great rejoicing when the New York, Nov. 18.—According to States. This treaty contained sec ­ ner of Seventh and Yamhill streets. news spread that he had been recov­ N. S. L om , $50,000. Portland Markets. His traveling trunk, containing the tions conveying rights as to canal con- ’ th* Port of Spain correspondent of the ered alive. Moulton says all within Herald, th* revolution is daily gaining Latest advices from Miss Stone's the mine Thursday night commented Wheat —Walla Walla, 57; blue- greater part of his diamonds he used struetion which are to be replaced by ! ground in Venezuela. General Pietrie, in trade, and a portion of his money, more modern provisions. place of confinement state that her on the heaviness of the atmosphere, I stem, 58c; Valley, 56@57c. Attorney General Crespo’s chief staff was placed in his room. There are imprisonment is affecting her reason. and that a number of the men left Flour—Best grades, $2.65@3.50 two keys to this room, one used by officer, has again succeeded in mak- their work ahead of him. He soon WORSE THAN DISEASE. h s «scape, and is in the mountainous Burglars blew open the safe of the found that danger was imminent, and, per * barrel; the guest and placed in the office — graham, - — $2.50. - - Oats—Nominal 95@$ 1 00 pr cental. when it is not in use, and the other district around Valencia. He is en­ bank of Chatham, II)., and secured along with several others, started Barley—Feed, $15.50@16; brewing, usually in charge of the Janitor in Children Given Anti toxine for Diphtheria Were deavoring to reach Guarico. $1,500. The burglars escaped on a running from the drilft. A heavy re­ charge of all the rooms on that cor- Taken With Tetanus and Soon Died. port that shook the mountain was $16@16.75 per ton. handcar. Bloodshed at Beyrout. Millstuffs—Bran, $15.SO® 17 ; mid­ ridor. heard, and an instant later a huge St. Louis, Nov. 20.—Coroner Funk­ Three persons were killed ami 25 cloud of smoke and flame was seen filing, $19@ 20.50; shorts, 16@17.50; Constantinople, Nov. 19.—Conflicts houser today rendered a verdict find ­ others injured in a mining accident coming. He lost sight of his compan­ chop, $15@ 16.50. Buried Under Red Hot Slag. ing the St. Louis Health Department resulting in much bloodshed ar« re­ at Stassure, Prussia. Thirteen are ions, but he turned into a side room Homestead, Nov. 18.—One man negligent in the preparation of the ported to have occurred between Hay—Timothy. $11 _ @12; . clover, as quickly as possible, and wns shut $7@7.5O; Oregon wild hay, $5@6 per was killed and two seriously burned diphtheria anti toxine that caused the Mussulmans and Christians at Bey- still entombed. Probably two ton. as the result of a party of workmen deaths by lockjaw (tetanus) of seven rout Similar reports have been re­ The owners of the petroleum works off by falling slate. days passed before he succumbed to Butter—Fancy creamery,25@26 V*c; being burled under a mass ot molten children to whom it was recently ad- ceived from Scutari and Albania. The in Gallicia, Austro-Hungary, have the foul air. slag at the Howard Axle Works to­ niinisteed for'diphtheria. military commander in Albania has dairy, 18@22c; store, 12^@14c per day. decided to form a trust to end the The accident occurred on the For some time the City Health De­ resigned on finding pacification lm- pound. reckless competition. Fournier Not Satisfied. cinder dump back of the company’s partment had been making an anti­ ! possible. Egg”—Storage, 20@22ls'; fresh, 28 plant. The victims were engaged in toxine for us* in diphtheria cases. A tlow of oil has been struck in a New York, Nov. 20.—Henry Four- A Fatal Blatt. @30c, Eastern 22@25c. collecting scrap when a party of This was distributed among practic­ well at Debeque, Colo., at a depth of nler, who on Saturday broke all auto­ Columbus, Ohio, Nov., 18.—Two 200 feet. A gushing oil field is ex­ mobile records, by going a mile tn 51 ’ Cheese—Full cream, twins, 13@ workmen at the top of the dump, ing physicians through the city free of about 20 feet above, dumped their charge, and used in the city institu­ men were killed and four Injured 4-5 seconds, on the Ocean Parkway, is 13t*o; Young America, 14@15c. pected to l>e developed. Poultry—Chickens, mixed, $2.50@ car over the edge, not knowing that tions quite generally. In many cases as the result of the premature ex­ far from being satisfied that the limit King Kdward has decided to have of automobile speed has been made. 3.50; hens, $-1.00; dressed. 10@llc the men were directly beneath it is said to have saved lives. The plosion of a blast at the Casparis the celebrated Koh-I-Noor diamond In fact, he says the gasoline machine per |x>und springs, $2.50@ 3.00, them. The car contained about eight serum was obtained from horses that stone quarry near Columbus today. mounted in the crown of Queen Alex­ has Just begun to demonstrate its per dozen; ducks, $3 for old $3.00@ tons of slag, a greater part of which are said to have contracted tetanus, The two men killed were working andra for the coronation. power, and declares next year he will 4.00 for young; geese. $6@7 per doz­ was red-hot, and much of it in a mol­ and to have imparted it to the anti- under a ledge and were buried under ten state. tons of rock. toxine drawn from their bodies. The president* of Taoloban, Leyte, 1 make a mile in 32 seconds. en ; turkeys, live, ll@12c; dressed. ha* been arrested for treason. 12@14c per pound. Mexico Importing Wheat. Forger Committed lor Trial. Exchange of Prisoners. Not An Iceberg. Mutton—Lambs, 314 c gross; dressed Count von Hatzfeldt, German am­ City of Mexico, Nov.19.—From all New York. Nov. 20.—O. B. Wheeler, Port Townsend. Nov. 20.—Arrivals 6@6l4C per pound; sheep,$3.25gross; part* New York, Nov. 18.—Negotiations of the Western United States, bassador to England has retired. Jr., charged with forging the names from the north on the steamship Sena­ dressed, 6@6lsc per pound. wheat is being sent into Mexico In of a number of prominent business are under way for the first time to ex­ Wind, rain and snow are playing tor report that the steam ship Topeka amounts never before equalled. It is men of Chicago to a sheaf of notes change prisoners, ’*aya th* Panama Hogs—Gross, heavy,$6@6.25; light. havoc with the shipping of the Brit­ struck a rock In Taku Inlet instead of estimated by buyers and railroad aggregating on their faces $103.000, correspondent of the Herald. General $4 75@5; dressed, 7@7 l *c per pound. an iceberg as previously reported. A ish isle*. Veal—Small, 8@8 t,c; large, 7@7 t»'c men In this city that by the end of was committed for trial today. It de­ Domingo Diaz, chief of ths revolu­ passenger on the Senator was on the December more than 1500 cars will veloped from the testimony taken that tionary party in the Department of Topeka when the accident occurred per pound. Plague Death« in OdetM. Beef—Gros* top steers. $3 50@4.00; have been delivered into the republic. there had been no attempt at imita­ Panama, sent a committee to see Geis­ and was on deck. A blinding snow­ Odessa, Nov.lJ.—Two deaths were storm prevailed at the time of the ac­ cow» and heifer*. $3.OO@3.5O; dressed And even this great amount will not tion of the names, but that all had end the Importation, so long at the been written off-hand in the same er al Alban and to give him * letter. recently certified to In Odessa as due cident and the Topeka struck square l